

Eve's pov:

He's so pure. He told me that he can't fulfill my wishes but the thing he's doing is beyond the world. God is making him suffer, who is this good. How could he even work outside in this hot wheather. He doesn't even work in Ac office. I should have a talk to dad, maybe he can give him some job. I just want to do something for him.


Evelyn talked to her dad for Jack. where he feels that his daughter is changing, she came to him for Jack not for herself. But he knows Jack will not accept his job offer. Eve finally thought that Jack will be happy and they can have a happy life. But things went wrong! She is unaware that Jack doesn't like these things at all. 


"Why?? Why did you do that Eve??" "Jack I just... I just want...-" "What do you want? TELL ME?? DO YOU THINK WHAT YOU DID WILL HURT MY SELF ESTEEM TODAY, who told you to talk to your dad? I don't want that, cause people will tell that I got married to you just because of your dad's money. Do you think it'll be so good to hear? You wanna again proof that I can't do anything. Can't make you happy. What do you want more? AC, FRIDGE, EXPENSIVE CLOTHES OR WHAT-" "JACK, LISTEN TO ME FIRST" "What is left to hear??" "I did all those things because of you, for you, I want you to work in a secure place. You work so hard & feel so exhausted everyday. I couldn't see you like that, that's why I talked to dad. I didn't mean to insult you or hurt your self respect. I swear." "You're still immature Eve, stay out of my professional life. I'm leaving now" "Jack breakfastt-" 

He didn't even eat breakfast I made, he just walked out for his job. I don't even know where does he work? I want him to eat his lunch in-front of me. I know he has starved these days, I can say it just by looking at him. Should I call his friend Josh? I met him on our wedding day, he may know where does Jack work.

                            -ON CALL-

"Hello Josh?" 

                                                            "Hello Evelyn, what's up?"

"I need to ask you something about Jack.." 


"Listen to me.." 

                                                                     "Yes tell"

"Do you know in which store does Jack work?" 

                                                                "Uhh. He works at..." 

"Thank you so much.. Thank you.."

                                                             "Is there any problem?                                                                  Anything serious                                                                    between you two?" 

"No, it's just that he forgot his lunch at home" 

                                                         "Thank god he just forgot his                                                               lunch, someday he'll                                                               forget himself in house"                                                                 he laughed at it..

"I'm hanging up. Bye" 

                                 -Call ends-


Evelyn pov:

I'm standing in-front of his book shop. Should i get in? I'm feeling a bit nervous to face him. His angry face is still flashing in my mind, it's making me more nervous now..! Oh god!!


Before entering the shop, she gulped down and took a deep breath. She was greeted by a familiar voice.. 

"Welcome to our sho-" he paused looking at her, his smile dropped. Looks like he didn't expect her to be here. "Why are you here?" "Um.. I... I actually came for this" as she showed him the lunch box, she bought for him. "You don't need to do this.." "Please eat this, I know you're skipping your meals. You became skinny.. You should eat on time.." "Do you really care for me??" "I.. I..-" "HEY! CALL YOUR BOSS!.." "What happened sir?" he asked calmly, but the man's behaviour was too rude. "DO YOU KNOW, I'M BUYING THIS BOOK FOR THE 2ND TIME AND IT STILL HAS THE SAME PRINTING MISTAKE!!!" "But sir, it's not fair. Maybe the publisher printed it wrong. You need to calm down. We'll talk to the publisher.." "YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU & YOUR BOOKSTORE & THE PUBLISHER" saying this, he threw the book on Jack's face.. 

"HOW DARE YOU THROW THAT BOOK AT HIS FACE!!?" "Eve? It's..-" "You shut-up. I'm not talking to you Jack.. AND YOU!! HOW DARE YOU? HUH? TELL ME! HOW DARE YOU SHOUT ON HIM? IF IT'S THE BOOK;S PROBLEM THEN WHAT'S HIS FAULT? WHY ARE YOU LETTING YOUR FRUSTATION ON HIM!?" she grabbed his collar tightly, "Do you even know who I'm? I'm Evelyn Ro- Mrs. Adams! His wife and I'll file a case on you! You dared to lay hand on him!?" ""Eve? Stop" by the time, the shop got crowded a little & everyone was looking at them. "Jack.. Why are you stopping me?" "I told you to stop that's it! He's the customer.." "But still, he has no right to say those things to yo-" "It's none of your business, so stay out of this.." "It's my business Of-course! He can't say those things to you.." "I told you to stop this RIGHT HERE! AND GET OUT OF HERE!!" "Jack!!?" "LEAVE EVe.. Leav-" "WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE..!?" "BOSS, it's.. it's nothing.. it's just.." "So you're the owner huh? Your employee & his wife just insulted me in-front of everybody. Is this how you attend your customers?" "We're absolutely sorry for that-" "Excuse me, you can't say sorry to him without knowing what exactly happened.." "Who are you.?" "She's my wife! Don't mind her sir.. she's just childish.. I'm sorry.. I'll apologize" "NO.. Jack why will you apologize? Don't do that.. He need to apologize to yo-" "Shut EVELYN.. I'm sorry sir.." "We're sorry sir" 

The man left angrily from the store, where Eve is feeling angry from deep down.. Why Jack didn't say anything to the customer? Why he didn't fight for the right thing? I thought he never compromised with injustice but he didn't even take a stand for himself now and told me to leave! 


They were walking along the streets when Eve looked down as tears left her eyes continuously. "Why are you crying now?" "What do you want me to do? Laugh!? You lost your job Jack!" she said looking into his eyes, continuing "I didn't know that they'd fire you. If i knew it, I'd never do that.. TRUST ME.. I was just angry by the way he was talking to you.." "Why do you care if someone is talking to me like this? You also talked to me like that.!" "I.. You're right.. I'm the worst person ever.. isn't it? A rich spoiled brat who just spent her dad's earnings.. who never valued anything, not even people's emotions, feelings. Didn't knew how it feels when you're emotionally attached to someone. No one ever taught me that, you know..? No one.. No oon told me what's right what's wrong! How to deal everything with love! I don't even know what it is, how it feels! I never blend with any kind of emotional relationship before but all I can say now, that it makes people weak, too weak.." she sobbed.


Jack's pov:

I never knew that this angry, jolly, bubbly, childish girl can have these kind of emotions inside her heart.! I never thought she is in this pain! Seeing her crying I feel so numb from heart. What should I do to calm her down?


He hugged her softly when she paused for a moment before clenching her hand onto his shirt. She sobbed even more making him weak. She's right, emotions make us weak. He held her a little tight, until she stopped her sobs. "I'm feeling better now, you can leave me.." "Hmm" "Still hate me? I know I did wrong to you! After I entered in you life, your life ruined. I know everything. And today you lost your job because of me.. but the way he was talking was wrong!" "You never deal with this kind of people but you know I dealt with different people everyday. I met some bad people like him & some good people like your dad. Our bonding grew inside those 4 walls of bookstore, talking about a lot of books. He always talked about you & expressed his sadness.." "I know, I always hurt him, I'm the worst daughter of the world who wanted his money, not even his love. When he told me to sit beside him, have a conversation I always made excuses. I never thought about him. Never!! Such a worst person I'm! I never did anything good except hurting good people!" "Realization is the most important part of our life. Now you realized what you did, so you have a chance to be nice person." "I'll try to be nice person but you need to stay beside me!" "I can't. I think you should get back to your dad. He'll take good care of you! He just wanted you to be a nice person & I also realized that I'm too poor to make you happy and not jobless too..! You should better leave m-" "No..!" she hugged him tightly, "Don't leave me again, I can't leave, not possible. I can't leave you in this situation.. I can't" "Why can't you?" she pulled out from the hug when he saw her glossy eyes, "Tell me, Eve, why can't you?" "Cause I.. I'm the reason for this.. Because of me, you're jobless, so I can't"


Eve's pov:

I lied to him cause I don't have the courage to tell him that I've started liking you. I really like you a-lot. I know I was bad to him at first but as long as I'm knowing him, as long as I'm spending time with you I feel so comfortable. I never felt this way for anyone except you!.. It's something new for me. The way you did things for me, bought me chocolates, ice-cream. You may not buy me expensive things but you did everything what you can afford. Your honesty & personality attracts me the most! I tried to hate you, I tried to stay away from you but I ended up losing at the end. And now I'm emotionally attached to you. I don't know if it's love or not, but I'm sure I like you a lot. You changed me into a better person & I want to be like a new Evelyn who's good for you.. I'll be the Evelyn you want. Just like the ideal person you dreamt off. I'll be like this. I promise. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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