

'You really want me to leave you..?' 'Yess please' he didn't look at her eyes. 'Fine, I'll do whatever you want! But I think everyone needs a chance in their life to change, never mind I hope you'll be happy if I leave'


That evening, Jack came home and searched for Eve..

'Evelyn? Are you upstairs? Come down then.. I need to talk.. Eve?' no response came when his eyes fall om the paper kept on the table.. what's that? Grabbing the paper, he read it. She left, he felt angry over himself.


Dear Jack,

I know, I hurt you badly hut I swear I didn't mean to insult you last time. I was just worried for you because all those past days you came home late and didn't even eat your dinner. I was just worried and angry. I can understand your situation. If I was at your place, I'd kick myself out of my life a long time ago. You bear a lot. Thanks for those days you tolatared me. I hope you'll be happy that I'm finally leaving your life & now no one will distrub you & insult you. I hope you'll find someone who will know your worth. Don't ask my ad where I'm cause he'll not gonna know, I'm going somewhere else, not in my dad's house. I know you won't be worried about me but still I'm telling you don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Take Care..

I know this sweet words don't suit me, but still take care of yourself.. 





"If she isn't at her house then where did she go? What if she gets into trouble? What if something happens to her? No I can't sit here peacefully. It's already dark outside, I need to find her. What if she falls into trouble? I can say she didn't leave a long time ago cause the letter has drops on it.. She might have not went too far.. Run Jack Run..."



"She's all alone, look there.. Let's have some fun..!" "Yeah"