

Sebastian immediately walked over to greet Zack.

Unexpectedly, Zack didn't even pay attention to him. Instead, he walked straight towards Gerald, his expression serious and respectful. In his haste, he even pushed Jane and others aside.

"Are you Gerald?" Zack asked politely.

Gerald, taken aback by Zack's direct approach, nodded. "Yes, I'm Gerald."

"So you know Jessica?" Zack continued, his tone hinting at something important.

"She's my sister!" Gerald answered immediately, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Zack bowed in front of Gerald to show respect. "Hello, Mr. Crawford. I'm Zack!"

Gerald was stunned. He had never been addressed with such deference before. "Nice to meet you, Zack," he replied, unsure of how to proceed.

Zack straightened up and smiled warmly. "Mr. Crawford, it's an honor to meet you. Your sister, Jessica, speaks very highly of you. She's been instrumental in some of our recent projects, and I've heard about the incredible work you both have been doing."

Gerald felt a swell of pride. Jessica had always been hardworking and dedicated, and it was gratifying to hear her efforts being recognized. "Thank you, Zack. We both believe in putting our best foot forward."

Sebastian, who had been watching the exchange with growing unease, finally found his voice. "Excuse me, but what exactly is going on here? Why are you treating him with such respect?"

Zack turned to Sebastian, his smile never wavering. "Mr. Lewis, Gerald is not just anyone. He and his sister have been key partners in several high-profile projects that have greatly benefited our company. Their reputation precedes them."

Sebastian's face reddened with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. He had always thought of Gerald as a nobody, someone unworthy of his attention. But seeing Zack, a prominent figure, treating Gerald with such reverence made him realize how wrong he had been.

Meanwhile, Jane, who had also been pushed aside, watched the scene unfold with wide eyes. She had known Gerald for a long time, but she had never seen this side of him. The respect Zack showed Gerald changed her perception entirely.

"Mr. Crawford," Zack continued, "I'd like to discuss a potential collaboration with you and Jessica. Your innovative approaches and dedication to quality align perfectly with our vision. Could we schedule a meeting to explore this further?"

Gerald nodded, still processing the unexpected turn of events. "Of course, Zack. I'd be happy to discuss any potential collaboration. Jessica and I are always open to new opportunities."

As Zack and Gerald continued their conversation, the atmosphere in the room shifted. People began to realize that Gerald was not just an ordinary person; he was someone of significance and influence.

Sebastian, feeling increasingly out of place, quietly stepped back. He realized he had underestimated Gerald and that his own arrogance had blinded him to the true value of the people around him. He made a silent vow to change his attitude and approach.

Jane, on the other hand, felt a newfound respect for Gerald. She approached him after Zack had left. "Gerald, I had no idea you were so accomplished. I'm sorry if I've ever underestimated you."

Gerald smiled kindly. "It's okay, Jane. Sometimes we all make assumptions, but what matters is that we learn and grow from them."

The encounter with Zack marked a turning point for Gerald. It not only boosted his confidence but also opened up new avenues for growth and collaboration. With Jessica by his side, he knew they could achieve great things.

As he left the reception that evening, Gerald felt a sense of pride and determination. He and Jessica were on the brink of something big, and he was ready to embrace whatever the future held.

And as for Zack, he knew that partnering with the Crawford siblings was one of the best decisions he could make. Together, they would work towards a brighter, more successful future, making a positive impact on the world around them.