
Rich, Asshole and Tattooed

"I've always hated violence, but watching Alex as a menacing man, his muscles stiffened to give heavy blows to his opponent and his shoulder blades protruding from his mighty back, his skin glowing with drops of sweat ... not I've never seen anything more beautiful than two men hurting each other. ”- Clara.

EmaOqu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Chapter 5

"Therefore? - I start the interrogation as soon as we lock ourselves in the car, but she just shrugs casually at my words, as if she hasn't got anything to say to me.

"You and your brother have done something: he's good at hiding it, you aren't. Now, tell me!" - I urge her to speak with a severe tone to make her understand I'm serious as I've never been before.

"Yes, I admit, I hid something from you, but nothing important, really. "-she replies so calmly that I'm really about to believe her.

"Then why don't you tell me? »-I insist, while het gaze is projected out of the window.

"Because I know you would be angry. You get angry about everything. »- she snorts and I can imagine her rolling her eyes right now.

I squeeze the steering wheel, trying not to yell at her and calm down: she just hit me in the face of being a hysterical madman!

I am protective with her sometimes, but only because I feel responsible for her behavior and actions, especially now that she lives with me and Alex, without Clelia or Tom, the ones she thinks are her real parents... And Alex's.

Among other things, it's not easy: Juliet is Alex's daughter! He too should be worried about her all the time, and not just when it comes to the possible guys buzzing around her.

"I promise not to get angry. »-I calm down, trying to understand her too and using a low voice to convince her.

Only now do I realize that perhaps she is feeling suffocated by how much I'm intruding on her private life.

"I broke a plate. "-she says after few seconds, making a worried expression as soon as the words come out of her mouth.

I don't answer her.

Actually, her answer reassures me. I thought she was hiding something from me that had to do with Alex, but luckily he didn't do anything... Strangely.

"Just this? »- I give her a quick glance, while she just nods.

I sigh for the umpteenth time, parking in the usual place, which strangely I find free every time I come to take Juliet to school.

"Why did you get out of the car? Look, there is no need to accompany me to class every day. »- she takes me back with an annoyed tone.

"I need to talk to your teacher. »-the words escape from my mouth, so I try to correct myself-" He must give me a photocopy of the signed documents." - I spit out the first nonsense lie that comes to my mind, and fortunately she does not continue to be interested.

Actually Louis wanted to talk to me about something else, most likely Dukan will become a big deal.

Juliet is too young to have certain experiences, and I would not want her to grow up with certain ideas in her nine-year-old mind, instead of dreaming of being a princess waiting for the charming prince.

That's how I grew up, even though my charming prince turned out to be a man full of tattoos on his body, with a sweatshirt rather than a cape and with dark eyes instead of blue.

And certainly not a very romantic prince.

"I'll enter. »-Without waiting for my greeting, she enters the classroom, while I go to the teachers' lounge.

After looking for him, I find the door open with Louis and, most likely, his colleagues inside, talking about I don't know what.

I clear my throat, tapping lightly on the wood and attracting the attention of the people inside the room:

"Oh, Clara, I'm coming! »-he raises a hand, then greets his colleagues and approaches me, making me feel a little bit guilty for interrupting his conversation.

He greets me again with a kiss on my cheek, pinching me lightly with his pronounced beard.

He is a really handsome man, perhaps every girl's dream, especially for his blond hair and light-colored eyes, which are made of a gorgeous green.

"Did I disturb? »-I ask stupidly, in the end it was him that asked me to come here.

"On the contrary, if you have time, let's go to a bar nearby. »- he looks at me with his piercing eyes, while his smile never leaves his face.

I shrug, but actually I'm very worried: he looks very serious compared to the last time I talked to him and I don't know what he wants to say to me, but I would say nothing good judging from his face.

I follow him as we walk to our destination:

"Since when have you been doing this profession?" - I ask him, clearing my voice. The silence that has arisen is embarrassing.

"Since four years."- he says proud of himself, and then continues:" You, instead? What do you do?" - even his way of speaking attracts me.

He's very friendly, he almost seems interested in my job.

"I'm a general surgeon. I have also been so for four years. »-I smile at him.

"Is that why you moved here? "

"Yes. »-I nod, even if he cannot see me, having turned his back to me as soon as we get close to a bar next to the building of Juliet's school.

"Shall we sit here?" -he points to a table outside the bar, then I nod: I haven't breathed some fresh air for a while , so I take advantage of it, also because it is a really nice place, despite the fact that it overlooks the street. I hate being watched by people that pass by the street.

I let him go and take the orders, taking advantage of this silence to sort out my thoughts: today is Saturday and fortunately I don't have to work.

It's not that I wouldn't like it, but I never find some time for myself lately and a little rest is what I need.

"Here's your coffee! I brought it. The waiter would be here in a century, for how many people are in there. "-his voice makes me understand his arrival behind me, so I force a smile.

"Thanks. - I limit myself, but what interests me at the moment is to know what he has to tell me about Juliet.

Except that it would be rude to go straight to the point: it almost seems like I'm using him ...even though I'm actually using it.

But somehow I'll return the favor him.

"So, I told you we need to talk because Juliet has been acting weird lately."- He seems to have read my mind and starts talking suddenly.

"What do you mean? »- I feel my hands shaking at his words.

Why should she behave "strangely"? I don't think I've done something wrong with her.

"In the sense that she seems a bit lost. She gets distracted all the time. "-he explains with a worried tone.

"Have you ever tried to talk to her?" »-I ask again.

«Yes, but she didn't take it well. I don't know if that guy has anything to do with it, but there may be a more serious motivation.

It occurred to me that maybe she misses her parents, but I don't know ... "-he says, but at his words I start shaking again.

I sign deeply.

I didn't expect it.

I can't imagine what Alex would feel if he knew that his daughter wants to go back to whom she believes to be her real parents, Clelia and Tom.

I don't realize I'm staring at the ground until Louis's hand lands on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll find a solution. I will try to make her more involved in the lessons, while you then stay a little closer to her. Maybe he needs it. "

If Juliet heard him at this moment, she would slap him: she would do anything to distance me a little from her life, even though I know she loves me more than I want her.

The news, however, makes me feel a weight on my stomach: I do not want to see my man suffer for a possible estrangement of Juliet: there can be no other reason, if she is down in the dumps, it is because she misses her villa, her parents.

What I do not understand is how I have escaped her feelings: at home she behaves normally, she seems to have not changed since the first day we arrived in Australia...