
Rhose: Backpacking in Another World

On his way to work, Ryo got hit by a truck and died a quick painless death. Mere moments later, he found himself in front of a beautiful goddess and told him that she would grant his wish. “I want to take more holidays and travel the world,” He said. The goddess granted his wish and transported him to the magical world of Rhose where magic exists and mythical beasts roam free. But when he found himself there, instead of trying to become a hero or a warrior, he chooses to explore the world and live as a humble traveller. A wholesome and laid-back tale of an adventurer and his servant, navigating a beautiful yet unfamiliar world. A story of backpacking in another world.

Hurdurr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


At last we finally arrived back in the Inn and as soon as we did, we went straight to our room. I put the dagger and the crossbow that I just purchased in the corner and then threw myself to the bed. I didn't expect our journey today to be this tiring.

"Ahh… feels nice to be back" I muttered.

"Indeed," Viola said as she put our bags on top of the table. She then closed the door and the bustling sound outside became muffled, delightful silence then filled the room.

"Did you have fun today, Viola?" I said finally.

"Mmm…." She nodded.

"I'm glad, alright we better get enough rest. I'm going to take a nap, are you going to sleep too Viola?"

"Uhm, no I think I'll be up for a while"

"Alright, then please wake me up when dinner is ready"

"Uhm… mister"

"Yes?" I said as I turned my head.

"I uh… I have not had the chance to thank you properly, so I want to say thank you for buying me new clothes and food to eat. So, uh… thank you very much mister" She said nervously, her hands fidgeting as she spoke but I could feel her earnest emotion as she spoke. I think my heart just stopped right then and there.

"Ah… it's okay Viola, I don't worry. I have fun doing uh… the day with you. Alright, I'm tired so I'll sleep now" I mumbled my words. I then flip myself towards the wall.

"Okay, have a good rest"

Geez, what was I thinking. That was so embarrassing, I want to slap myself right now. I think that was the first time Viola ever said anything first to me, I was totally caught off guard by what she just did. Ever since we met she was very reserved and would not speak until being asked first. To be honest, I was quite happy inside now that Viola seems to be more open and trusting to me. Sigh… Oh well, I'll have plenty of more chances to talk to her again after this. I closed my eyes and after forcing myself to forget about what just happened, I was finally able to sleep.


When I woke up, it was already dark outside. I lifted myself and there I saw Viola lying on her bed, she seemed to be sleeping. Her ears fidget occasionally to ward off mosquitoes that occasionally fly towards her.

How cute! I thought to myself.

"Cough, cough… Ehem… " My throat is dry, I should get down and get some water.

I then get up from bed and walk as quietly as I can. I noticed that there were two trays of food on the table. Viola seemed to have already eaten as one of the trays was empty, I must have slept like a rock huh... I went downstairs and there Miss Rose was busy with her book as usual.

"Did you just wake up mister Ryo?"

"Yeah, I slept like a rock"

She giggled "It certainly looks like it, can I get you anything?"

"Just water would be nice, my throat is very dry somehow" I said as I proceeded to sit on the chair in front of her.

"Alright," She then pour one glass of water "Here you go"

"Thank you" I said as I drank the water in one fell swoop.

"You seem to always stay up late, miss, do you get enough sleep at all?" I asked

"Oh, it's just a habit of mine. I only need to sleep for 3 or 4 hours a day so I always stay up late"

"Oh really? That's interesting, I have a friend who also is like that. I know that some people have this trait that they can sleep way less than regular people, I wouldn't expect you to be one"

"Yeah, I think it was weird at first but I get used to it eventually"

"Huh, good for you"

The room went silent again, she was still busy writing in her journal so I didn't want to distract her then. I looked around, the room was lit with candles and there was no sound excepts gentle hush of wind and dogs barking in the distance.

"So how's your day mister?" She asked suddenly as she closed her journal.

"Good, I went to the mage that you recommended and it went quite well. I paid 3 gold coins and he was able to appraise my skill and apparently, I have what it took to take up as the hunter class"

"Oh really? What does a hunter class do?"

"Well, hunting of course. Apparently I have good senses of smell and vision so I was very suitable to be a hunter. The mage actually said that I could also be an assassin or something but I declined immediately, sounds too dangerous for me... ahaha" I said while laughing.

She returned with a giggle "It does sounds very dangerous, but also you also don't look to be that type of person"

"Haha, yeah. But have you not heard about the hunter class before? "

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard that there's a hunter class. I'm not very familiar with the adventurer guild so I didn't really know much, none in my family works in the guild after all."

"Is see.."

"Speaking of" She said " I've been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to hear your opinion about this. While you were sleeping Viola actually has been helping me with work in the Inn. She's a hard worker and also very kind so I was thinking about hiring her as a maid here"

"Oh really? That's great. Then she would have a job and she didn't have to be a beggar again in the street"

"Yes, there's also an empty room that she can use if she were willing to work here. Do you think she will accept? "

"I'm sure she will, you too seem to be a kind person, Miss Rose. I think you will be a nice boss to have"

"Thanks, how about you mister? Are you interested in settling in this city?"

"Well, I was actually but now I'll continue my travels and explore the world. I didn't expect to come across Viola and I was prepared to stay and provide for her for a while but now that she can work here, I didn't need to worry about that anymore."

"I see, I wish you good luck in your journey then" She said with a smile.

"Thank you"


When I woke up the next day, the sun was barely out and the sky was divided into deep indigo in the west and bright orange in the east. I looked towards Viola, she seemed to be still asleep soundly on her bed. Alright, time to go.

I mounted the dagger to my hips and my crossbow to my back. I then gather all the coins in the drawer and put them in my pocket, after that. I picked the bags that contained my clothes inside and wore it on my right. I then pat myself to double check whether I have forgotten anything. It doesn't seem like it, these were the only things I have now so I think I'm ready to go. I looked towards Viola once again, even if the time we spend together is very short I would definitely miss her.

"Goodbye Viola, may the goddess bless you"

Those were the last words I said to her before leaving the room, I went downstairs and greeted Miss Rose who was cleaning the front window of the Inn.

"Excuse me miss Rose, I'll be checking out today"

She turned her head immediately "What? like right now?" She said surprised.

"Yes, right now"

"Ah, alright. Let me put these down first" She put the cloth in her hand down and walked fast towards the counter.

"I didn't expect you to be checking out this early mister, why don't you wait until breakfast first" She said as she flipped open her journal hastily.

"Thank you but I didn't know how long it would take for me to get into my next destination so I prefer to go as early as I can"

"Have you said your farewell to Viola?"

"Ah, she was still sleeping so I didn't want to wake her up. Please send my regards to her later"

"I see… Okay, since you stayed here for two nights that would be 20 silver, You have deposited 1 gold coin so your change will be 80 silver. Here you go..." She said as she put the coins on the counter.

"Wait, but what about Viola's meal that I ordered the other day?"

"Don't worry about that, that's on me" She said with a smile.

"I see, thank you very much, miss. It's been a pleasant experience staying in this Inn"

"Thank you, be careful in your journey"

"I will" I said as I opened the door and left the Inn. I found myself in the city street again, the morning sun greeted me with it's gentle warmth. The street was not as busy as usual, probably because it was so early in the morning.

"Kukkk...kukuuuuuuk…." As I walk I can hear chicken crows in the distance, that's not something that I hear often in my city life. It was a beautiful morning so I decided to take in the sights as this is the last chance I will get before leaving this city for good.

Before I realized I already found myself in the front gate of the city, this is it. My new life as a traveller will start now, I took a deep breath and tried to ward off all the doubts that came to mind.

"Here I go," I said as I took my steps.

"Mister..." suddenly I heard a voice from behind, it sounded familiar.

"Mister! " It became louder and with it was a hasty sounds of footsteps running towards me, before I had the chance to look around a fierce grip grabbed my hand.

"Mister… where are you going?" I turned around, there standing behind me was Viola, clutching my hand tightly as she trembled and seemingly out of breath.

"Viola? what are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"Mister, where are you going?" She asked again, but she didn't answer my question. She stares intently into my eye.

"I'm going to leave this city and continue my travel Viola"

"But, why?"

"Because it is my dream, I wanted to travel and explore the world"

"..." She didn't say anything, she let go of my hand and stared down to the ground.

She must be saddened by my decision, I cannot blame her. I then put my hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her.

"Viola, please don't be sad. I really enjoyed the times that I've spent with you and I will never forget about you. You will be alright here, you can work in the Inn with Miss Rose now and I'm sure she will take care of you. I'm sure you can do it, you are a kind girl after all… right? "

" But… but… " She grip my hand once again

"Let me be your servant and travel with you, mister!"

"What?" I said, taken aback by what she just said. Did I really hear her right?

"Let me be your servant and travel with you" She said again with pleading eyes.

"But… but, Viola are you sure? Please calm down and think about it, Miss Rose wants to hire you and then you will have a steady income and a place to stay. If you were to travel with me I cannot promise you that it will be easy or smooth all the time, are you really sure about this? "


"But why?"

"Well because, you are really kind mister and I feel really safe whenever I'm near you. I wanted to stay by your side because I uh…. I also enjoyed the times that I spent with you" She said shyly.

"Viola, I uh…."

I'm at a loss for words, her genuine words and feelings touched me. Cute! ah, this is not the right moment for that. I should think about this rationally, this city is not too bad to live in and the economy here is bustling. The Inn seems to have a healthy amount of guests regularly and Miss Rose also seems to be a good person, I'm sure she will take care of her employees. A good and stable job like that should not be ignored easily. That's what I would usually say but... who am I to say. I was able to get a good position in my previous job and get promoted at a young age, but in the end I didn't manage to explore my passion and achieve my dreams of traveling across Europe, even though I've planned it and everything but in the end I never had the time to.

Wait, even if I did…

Even if I was able to take a winter holiday this year and go to Europe,

Who would I go with…?

"Fine..." I said finally.

She lifts her head, she looks towards me with sparkly eyes.

"From now on you will be my servant and travel with me"

"Uuuhh...' She whimpered and squinted her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

"Ah, please don't cry… I thought you're supposed to be happy"

"I am, but for a moment I thought… I would never see you again" she said as she wiped her tears.

"Ahaha.." I laughed "Sorry, but I promise… I'll make sure to always be there for you"

This might be selfish of me to do and I hope I will not regret this decision in the future. Viola is now my servant and my responsibility so from here and on, I swear to protect her with everything I have in my body. No matter what we will encounter or come across in our journey, I will always be there for her.

"Alright, aren't you hungry? let's go back to the Inn and have breakfast" I said as I tried to cheer her up.

"Yes," She said with a smile.

We then walk our way back to the Inn, her grey hair shine beautifully under the morning sun. I think I need to wake up early more often.