
The friends


In the reign of Royal Hill, the sun shines in a cloudless sky on another beautiful morning in the Rhodia River neighborhood. It's a housing district for working-class families but non-slum, well-presentable, mostly quiet, and decent residents. We have the main square called Praça da Granja, the church, tree-lined and paved streets, houses with minimal fences or walls, buses traveling, and finally, the main avenue. This one is busier, with small and varied shops and people traveling on the sidewalk. We have a facade of Cascais Bakery, Cor-de-Rosa Stationery Store, and Malthus Snack Bar.

Near the snack bar, Monica Silva, 19, light-brown, serious, and responsible, dressed socially in a woolen coat, walks hurriedly to the local.


Monica enters and takes a look. The cafeteria is in normal activity. It's a rectangular enclosure, with plastic tables, and a marble counter for cash and orders. Monica smiles, she likes the place. Aurélio Malthus, 42, is the owner of the business. Aurélio is cleaning the counter with a flannel. There's ambient music.

Monica goes anxiously to the owner, "Good morning, Seu Aurélio! Have we something new?"

Aurélio smiles at the customer, "Today, we have coxinha without catupiry. I always thought people liked the sauce."

Monica grimaces, she hates catupiry, "Of course not, it makes my mouth taste weird. I'll take two."

"They were fried just yesterday. Health inspectors are watching around if we are serving old savories."

Aurélio takes the savories.

Monica replies, "But you would never do that to us, your loyal customers. At least I think I deserve the good and the best."

Aurélio laughs, "Your friend has arrived and is making my day."

Monica looks at the tables with more attention. She sees Annie Lime, 19, a brunette and loving person, sitting at a corner table, devouring pastries with zero civility and a cane juice cup. Monica takes the coxinha and goes towards her. The two girls meet, and Monica sits. Annie reacts in surprise.

"Monica! You really came, it was taking too long. Do you want to starve me?"

Monica laughs, "You'll never die of hunger while at the Malthus Snack Bar. I don't know how he manages to keep the stock."

"You talk like I'm a heartless starving man."

"You're not like this."



Monica laughs louder. In the background, Aurélio holds a giggle.

Annie speaks back, "Oh, you're annoying! So, what are you going to do today?"

Monica takes a thick brown envelope from her purse. The sheets of paper taped on the computer are the reason for the thickness. Monica hands the contents over to Annie. She wipes her hands on napkins, takes the envelope, and looks at it. She leafs through it.

"It's your first book." She stresses the title, "'Love came later'. And why hasn't it arrived now?"

Monica explains, "It came later because the couple will take a while before they fall in love."

Annie turns interested, "Um... I understand... And then, do you think you can do it?"

"Oh, my dear, if I don't think I can, who will think it for me?"

"You're right, my friend. Positive thinking."

Monica looks at the wristwatch, "By the way, the hour is passing. Taking the bus here isn't easy. The neighborhood is growing, and new residents are coming, so this bus schedule must improve."

Annie is hoping, "So, you go on, Monica! Good luck, girl!"


Monica gets up and goes to the counter, "How much is it really, Seu Aurélio?"

Aurélio answered her kindly, "Pay me when you become the first famous writer at Rhodia River!"

Monica gets touched, "Oh, Seu Aurélio... Thank you very much for your support. See you. I promise I will pay!"

Monica hurriedly leaves. Aurélio remains with a smile. Other customers are approaching him, and he answers them.


Monica stands still. She is waiting for the bus transport. The wind shakes her hairdo cut at shoulder height. But with the wind, comes dust and bad smell, they are the issues of urbanization. Other passengers react with displeasure. Monica checks if the bad smell has not passed to her clothing.

From another angle, we see Célio das Graças, 19, and Cássio Lama, 19, both best friends, they chat animatedly. Célio is very tidy while Cássio remembers hip-hop or grunge style from the beginning of the decade. Célio sees Monica and greets her.

"Hello, Monica! Going to town?"

Monica shakes her purse, "I'm going to deliver my book."

Cássio scoffs, "Oh, come on, those sketches of love stories? Blergh! You're not taking it to the National Library, are you? It's still far from Cecilia Meirelles."

Monica answers him worthily, "For your information, you first have to take the book to a publisher, and that's where I'm going. Second, you have to wait if the publisher is going to like my book. Third, he has to see if my book is going to sell. Then I can think about having a copy of my best-seller at the National Library."

Cássio gets vexed. Célio and the passengers are admired with the knowledge of Monica.

"Wow!!" Célio says to Cássio "Go on, that's what you get when you mess with who knows the subject!"

Cássio disguises, "Hey, maybe Sandra wants to read it when it comes out."

"You better do your best to buy one copy for her as a Valentine's Day gift!"

Monica looks away behind them, "Boys, b I'm loving talking, but here comes the bus."

"Bye, Mo—"

As soon as Célio starts to speak, a thief appears out of nowhere and pulls Monica's purse, since she was distracted by the bus coming. Monica feels the pull and reacts with revolt.

"Hey! My purse!"

"What a bastard!" Célio says.

"Catch the thief!" Cássio yells.

Monica gets undecided. She wanna catch the thief, but her bus is approaching. Without the book, the bus is useless. She reacts in revolt...


Monica was mugged, just as the bus was approaching. She is both angry and indecisive. Célio makes up his mind and starts running. Cassio watches him. The bus stops.

Cássio asks the driver, "Hey, driver, my friend was mugged! Can you wait a little while?"

The driver nods negatively. Cassio laments to Monica with his hands.

Suddenly, a police siren is heard. The two friends follow the noise with their heads. A police car appears, running after the thief. Monica reacts hopefully.

Further on, Célio is overtaken by the vehicle. He stops running.

Further on, the thief tries to escape the police vehicle, but it's faster. As in an American action film, it overtakes the thief and then brakes sideways, blocking the passage and the street. The thief tries to run towards the back.

Two policemen each come out of a vehicle door and wield their weapons. Nearby residents react with fear.

Carlos Roldão, 27, authoritative and tough, orders, "Freeze, little funny! Makeup is not too expensive to steal ladies' purses!"

Passersby start to laugh. The thief stops for being more offended than for being cornered.

"Okay, you can drop the purse. But, slowly, we don't want anything to break!"

The thief carefully leaves the purse on the floor.

"Now let's have a little chat at our police station."

The second police officer goes to the bandit and handcuffs him, standard procedure. A crowd of passersby applauds the police action. Carlos is not vain, just thanks with a nod. He takes the purse.

Célio breathlessly returns to where Monica and Cássio are still. The bus didn't leave.

"I was almost reaching him..."

Carlos arrives next and extends the purse, "I believe it belongs to you."

Monica thanks emotionally, "Oh, Mr. Policeman, thank you very much! I didn't even have money in the purse; it was the draft of a book I'm taking along to the publisher."

"When it comes out, I'll buy a copy to help the writer in our neighborhood." To Célio, "And you, boy, be careful! The miscreant could be armed."

Carlos walks away.

Annie comes running out of the snack bar, "Guys, what happened? Monica, are you still here?"

"I just got mugged, but Officer Roldão, that's what was written in his pocket, recovered my purse."

Cassio scoffs, "Your responsibility is growing, Monica! Everyone is hopeful that this bullshit will be a success."

"Ah, don't make fun of my book, man!" She turns to Célio and talks softer, "Despite the scolding of the police, thank you for trying to help me, Célio!"

"Anytime, Monica. And good luck."

Monica gets on and the bus leaves.

"Everything to defend the beloved, huh?" Cassio continues to joke.

"Get out! If Monica's lover were like that, it would be this police officer Roldão."

Annie laughs, "I hope he doesn't pass you by and conquer Monica with the heroic act!"

Cássio joins Annie in laughter. Célio is embarrassed and shakes his head.


Annie returns. Aurélio gives her an inquiring look.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, Seu Aurélio. Am I or am I not your best customer?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid today I won't have the amount you want. Today I fried a few pastries."

"Didn't you know? Outside, those car sirens it was to stop a thief who stole Monica's purse!"

Aurélio reacts in shock, "What's that, Annie? Just her purse that had the book for the publisher?"

"If I were a crime novelist, I would say that someone very suspicious is trying to stop my best friend's success."

"Yeah, it would make sense, I just don't know if there are bad people for that. And then, choose something that won't miss me."

Annie looks on with pleasure at the counter options, "Let's go sweet now; I ate a lot of snacks. How about this cake?"

Annie points to a cake that had one slice less.

Ed appears at the entrance. He's 15 years old, a smart boy, wearing a school uniform and backpack on his back. He reacts with amazement to Annie's request.

"What exaggeration is this, girl? Do you want to become diabetic, huh?"

Annie turns to him, "Ed! Get closer!" She adds smartly, "Since you don't want to see me diabetic, then may you help me with this cake."

Ed sits at a table away from Annie, "Of course not. I don't eat that crap. It's bad."

Annie responds firmly, "You don't eat is nothing, and that is bad."

Ed makes a fool of himself and picks up the menu. Aurélio leaves behind the counter and goes to the customer.

"So, what will you want, son?"

"A glass of water is fine, Seu Aurélio."

Annie reacts in revolt and shakes her head.


Célio is walking to his house; he lives alone like his friends. When he passes in front of the house of his neighbor on the left, he is bothered by the LOUD SOUND of axé music. Célio covers his ears and feels his head hurt. He crosses and goes straight to his house when Fábio calls him.

"Not even to disguise it a little, huh? I don't complain when I hear your Tchaikovsky!"

Célio takes a deep breath, takes two steps back, and faces his neighbor. Fábio Dance. He is 20, blond, and with a slightly shaped body. He's in the living room window, at ease, shirtless. Looking and smirking, he likes to provoke Célio.

"First, what I hear is, yes, music. Second, I don't put it out loud for everyone to hear, even if it is a beautiful melody. Now you, with this thing of shaking I-don't-know-what, of rolling in the bottle... There are children in the neighborhood, do you know?"

"I bought this expensive little house, I left my parents' wing. I think I deserve a little freedom, don't you think?"

"Did you hear what I said about the kids? Turn that volume down at least because I had a busy morning. It's ten in the morning, for God's sake!"

Célio stomps away and enters. Fábio laughs and disappears inside the house. But the music IS STILL loud.