
Pair of Brothers

2 days later, exactly at 4:30 AM, a young boy with black curly hair tied up in a ponytail, and deep brown eyes was outside of his house with a suitcase as is waiting for someone or something, of course that boy was no one else than Rex

"damn when are this guys gonna come? i didn't know at what time they were going to come so i wake up earlier and been here waiting for 2 hours already, are they gonna come late? well whatever I'll be counting cars for the time being," said Rex

After an hour of waiting finally a limousine came and stop in front of Rex's house, and start beeping, after Rex saw that the limousine stop in front of his house he didn't thought that that was actually his transport but then he saw how the driver got off the car and start talking

"morning Mr.Donovan, seeing that Mr.Donovan is here outside, means that you have accept enrolling in Pugna Vivere highschool, then that means i'll be your driver until we get in the helicopter and the pilot takes you to your new school, so will Mr.Donovan please get inside the limousine please? I'll put your luggage in the trunk so Mr.Donovan just needs to get inside and enjoy the drive" said the driver as he put Rex's luggage on the trunk

"O--Okey" said Rex shocked as he didn't expected that he was going to be transported in a limousine, after all it was his first time being in a luxurious car, more importantly a fucking goddamn limousine, something that he thought only Hollywood stars can have

after Rex went inside the limousine he was more shocked than before as he saw how luxurious a limousine was, the enormous space it has, the champagne, the lights, the food, everything seemed too expensive, after calming down a little he started asking questions to the driver

"so am I the only one going from here? because this limousine seems too big for me" Rex said

"oh you got sharp eyes, your right there actually 2 other persons coming from this district so in total there are 3 persons of this district who got invited to Pugna Vivere Highschool, but even if it was only Mr.Donovan the one coming, it will still be a limousine the one picking you up, as money isn't an issue for the people in charge of Pugna Vivere" said the driver

"ohh so that's how it is" said Rex as he went to see outside of the window again and didn't ask nohing else

"well seems like we found the other two persons" said the driver as he stopped in front of a house and open the door to two boys with similar features, as both of them had brown hair and brown eyes, and seemed to be brothers, except one was taller than the other and look more mature

"well seems like everyone is in here already, I guess is time to go to the helicopter, y'all should know each other and get well each other, as having friends is something beneficial in your new school" said the driver as he start driving fast

"Rex" said Rex as he pointed himself and introduced himself



said the pair of brothers as they introduced themselves, after that the 3 of the of them just nod each other and didn't talk each other anymore all the way to their stop

"seems like we arrived, gentlemen, would you do me the favor of getting off please?" said the driver as he stopped the car on the top floor of a building where a helicopter was parked, after that he went to talk to the pilot of the helicopter, while Rex and the brothers got off the car and started walking where the driver was

"so this are the recruits of this district huh? very good, you have finished your mission, I'll take it from here" said the pilot to the driver as the driver nod and said goodbye to all of them and left with the limousine

"now then, you guys better get on and take a nap or something as this will be a long trip of 12 hours" said the pilot as he started the engine and Rex, Grant, and Mika got on the helicopter, put the seatbelts and started watching outside, just to see how they moved farther and farther from the ground until they could not see anything but clouds and the great ocean

"so are you guys brothers? I'm asking because you aren't twins but have same features, and is weird because this letters said that the school is inviting only freshmans so I don't get how can y'all be going at the same time" said Rex as he tried to start a conversation and this was going to be a long trip so he didn't want to get bored

"Mika is really smart so they let him skip a grade so even tho he is a year younger than us he is still in the same grade of us" said Grant

"oh so he is the smart type huh? and I guess your the type who thinks with his fists?" said Rex

"well Mika does knows a little of fighting but he's not that strong, he is as you said the smart type and as for me, hehe of course I'm the one who first attack then thinks" said Grant

"oh so you must be pretty strong don't you? I wish we were in the ground so we can have a spar and see who is stronger" said Rex as he started thinking how good will be to have a fight with Grant

"yeah a pity, seems like you are strong too, I wish we were able to have a spar" said Grant

"haha don't worry you will be able to have a spar in your new highschool as fighting is permit in there, but well that's something you will learn when we arrive" said the pilot as he started laughing making Rex and the brothers feel a little weird about what he said

well ehmmm sup guys

EdwinTrcreators' thoughts