
Rewriting (Search:Rebirth of the strongest demon)

Re written New name: Rebirth of the strongest Demon

Dexter_SLED · Fantasi
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47 Chs

The witch

DLR - 5


The demon Lord retracted his wings and jumped on his dragon as the dragon flew back to the castle while it was carrying the body of the water dragon. Damien jumped back to the floor which he jumped from before and Rako returned into the summoning portal that it came from.

Nobody knew what Rako was going to do with the water dragon's body.

"My God, if he's this strong then...how is the prince going to defeat him" the guard said as he lost hope that the prince will rule and take this kingdom higher.

Meanwhile, Vernox got to a small village of lesser beings and decided to rest there. He paid a stable person to take care of his horse while he rented a room to stay for the night.

The currency that is used in this world is called 'Charol'. There are little magic stones which are mined from special places.

While in the room Vernox started hearing some noises outside.


"She's a human burn her"

Vernox saw a young girl with black hair and red eyes. He immediately recognized this girl and he ran out of the room.


Two demons dragged the girl the girl and tied her to a pillar that was erected. The people started gathering around so that they will burn her and that's when,....time froze.

Vernox walked pass the other people, his eyes glowing blue and the outer part glowed white.

He quickly untied the girl, carried her and went back to his room that he booked. But he also tied the girl's mouth and hands so that she wouldn't freak out.


His eyes turned back it it's normal form and time suddenly resumed. This was a skill of his eyes of dominion.

The girl opened her eyes and she saw Vernox standing by the window, looking at the people who seems to be confused as to why the witch suddenly vanished. She then noticed that she was tied up and she wanted to scream.

"I wouldn't advice that. The demons downstairs are all looking for you"

Hearing his words she calmed down. Vernox then walked towards her. She gazed at his horns and figured that he was a demon, but this demon didn't seem to have bad intentions.

"I'm going to untie you now. Don't make any noise or else those demons will come here... or do you want to die?"

She squirmed and shook her head, tears seems to want to come out of her eyes.

"Good" he untied her hands and mouth and walked back to the window.

"What made you come all the way here?" he asked as he didn't know that one. But in the game he played he met this lady.

"I was looking for a particular herbs for my experiment but... I was captured by those demons and brought here"

Her voice was slightly shaking as she was still afraid.

'I know who she is but let me still ask...to blend in'

"What's your name?"

"Minova...sir" she replied him.

"I'm offering you my help to leave this place"

He said as he took his gaze outside where the villagers has dispersed. Hearing what he said Minova looked hesitant, but after a while she agreed and nodded her head.

"Now you have two options. 1) I drop you off on the road to Camelot kingdom since I'm going towards there. 2) You join me in my quest, I could give you anything you want as a reward" he said like as if he was bargaining something, he has to recruit this girl by force. In the game after sometime she became a powerful sorcerer and went to the humans side.

'Not on my watch'

"Since you saved my life...I'll join you in your quest"

Vernox smiled widely as he heard her words.

"My name is Vernox... I'm the demon prince of Azure and soon to be demon Lord"

A demon...was she really going to join hands with the same thing she is running from.

"Don't worry about your safety" he reassured her.

'What choice do I have....it's not like people actually like me where I'm from anyway.'

She then bent her head.

She has always been treated like an outcast in her village as she was born with demonic energy. The people branded her as a witch because shortly after her birth her parents died, so everyone obviously accused her.

But it didn't stop her goals of finding a way to harness this demonic energy she was born with. Even as a human that was born with the element of darkness, she hasn't been able to use it, so she set off on a journey to find a way to harness her power.

Minova then stands up from the bed and walked towards Vernox till she was in front of him, she then kneeled before him.

"I pledge my loyalty to you...sir"

She thought that this would be a good opportunity as she can get resources from him. Maybe if she follows an actual demon then maybe she might be able to ask him of her problem.

"If I may ask...what are these goals you pursue?"

Vernox looked at the Moon that was a little yellowish. Inwardly ha was happy that he has gotten a worthy companion.

From the look on Minova's face, it was clear that she was hesitating to tell him her goals but after a few seconds she spoke up.

"My goal is to find a way to gain power. As a human...I was born with demonic energy and the element I possess is darkness."

'A human that has demonic energy, now this is interesting'

"We humans are enemies of darkness, so wherever I go I get ridiculed and people always turn their backs on me. That's why...I started a journey to find a way to control my power"

Vernox felt for her, after all the weak aren't recognised in this world. He didn't know why he was reincarnated with most of his powers intact.

The power he has now should be 40% of what he had in the game.

"Huh?" he turned and saw Minova still kneeling there.

"You can sleep on the bed. Now have some rest"

She looked at him in confusion and she bent her head down again.

"But it's your bed...I...I can't possibly..."

"Don't worry, I need to think about some things, so you go ahead and sleep on the bed" he smiled at her.

"The...thank you"

She slowly stood up and laid on the bed,. not before long she shut her eyes as she slept.

'This demon prince thing is going well. Thanks to all those demon movies and animes I watched I know how to act like a demon lord.'

Looking at Minova who was asleep he began thinking now that her situation is weird.

'Let me check her stats'

[Name: Minova grey

Title: The witch

Race: Human

Level: Soul specialist


Soul energy (Dark)- 150,000

Strength- 20

Speed- 12

Intelligence- 190

Agility- 9




Sciences expert- Due to her looking for a way to gain power she studied the various elements, plants and energies in this world.]

'Wow her intelligence stat is so high. The humans obviously don't have any way to tap into demonic energy meanwhile, for demons it's almost natural'

'Back when I played the game I got an artifact, a book that can help in controlling demonic energy. I don't know if humans can use it, but we'll find out. The only problem now is the location of the book'

While he was playing the game a portal to the underworld opened, it was like a dungeon and everyone that went in it have to reach the middle where the boss is to exit the dungeon.

'If I remember correctly, this said boss wielded that weird book. Even when I had it I didn't have any use for it'

He left the topic at that as he has to focus on retrieving the demon sword for now.

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