
Lets Make a Promise

Looking down at the sweet peach bun I gave her a smile and pulled her onto my lap, "You must be Snow White?" I asked her giving her a warm smile.

The young girl gave an even brighter smile and nodded her head, "That's right, I'm Princess Snow White. Everyone says that you are going to be my new mother. Is that true?" She asked looking at me intensely.

I let a small laugh and petted her head, "That is right after today I'll officially become your mother."

After hearing my words Snow looks at me but then a frown appears on her face and her eyes become downcast. Worried I gave her a serious look, "What's wrong? Do you not want a mother?" I asked in a calm voice.

Snow looked at me and shook her head, "I really want a mother. I miss mine every day, so when daddy told me I was getting a new mother I was super happy. My nanny told me some rumors and now I'm quite worried.

'Rumors? If I have to guess, all those rumors are about the future queen.' I thought while still listening to Snow.

"My nanny tells me that you are mean and will not love and care for me as my original mother. I told her that she is wrong, my daddy would only marry a kind lady, but everyone says that you are mean and scary. I just don't know what to believe and it makes me feel sad." Snow says while getting emotional.

I ponder what Snow says and try to find a way to calm her down, but I can't understand how the original host use to act, so denying her would be hard.

"Dear Snow, I don't know the rumors in the castle but how about we make a promise?" I say.

Looking at me Snow gives me a confused gaze, "A promise?"

"That's right. When I marry the king I'm making a vow to become your mother, as such, it will be a promise that I'll be a caring and loving mother to you. So how about you promise me to be a loving and kind daughter." I told her giving her a smile.

"A loving and caring mother. Really?" Snow asked.

I looked in her eyes, "Snow White, I can't replace your mother but I can promise to be the mother you need growing up. I'll protect you and care for you the best I can to my ability." With that said I place her on the floor and gave her a smile.

'I can't change the events that lead to the death flag but I can how the queen became wicked. If I become a kind queen who cares for Snow White it's possible to have a good ending.' I thought while still staring a Snow.

Snow and I continue to talk about different subjects when I noticed Marisol entering the room with a tray of tea. Marisol seeing the little princess, put down the tea tray and gave a bow to the Snow White.

"Little princess, what are you doing in here?" She asked.

Snow stood up and gave Marisol a smile, "I wanted to meet my new mother." She said then turned to me, "I should be going, I have to prepare for the wedding. I'll be seeing you soon, mother." She said with a blushing face and ran out of the room.

Giggling at her appearance I got up and walked toward the wardrobe, seeing that Marisol was still in shocked I turned and stared at her. "You know I have to become a beautiful bride, I'll need your help with the dress."

Waking out of her trance, Marisol followed me to the wardrobe to help me prepare. "My lady, I was shocked to see the little princess. I was even more shocked to see you two having a conversation." She said.

Looking at her in the mirror while she did my hair I asked, "Why? We will soon be mother and daughter, it's normal for us to get along."

Marisol laughed at my comment and I frowned, noticing it, "I'm sorry, my lady, it just from past events I believe you never wanted a daughter or any child." She said with caution.

I had a sad look as I watched myself in the mirror, "The past was the past. Today is today, and when the bell strikes noon I'll soon be queen. With this queendom comes a child and I'll do my best to be a mother to her, so remember these words. Snow White is my daughter and nothing will change that fact." I said with a serious look on my face.

Marisol was really shocked, she has served her lady for many years and believed to understand her personality. So after hearing her lady's words, she could tell that they were true and came from the heart. Happy at the change, Marisol made a silent vow to help her lady on this new journey and become an amazing queen.

I watched the changes on Marisol's face and let out a small laugh, 'Now that I prepared myself and I have Marisol on my side, it's time to tackle the king.' I thought as I wonder how the king would look and act, seeing that the original host has never really gotten close to him before the wedding.