
Power Scale

Power Ranking: Not everything will be correct as you can't exactly rank fairy tail characters since most of the time the main characters win fights through the "power of friendship and bullshit". This is just more of a way to rank where Ethan is at during the story. The ranking will change as I didn't put a lot of thought into this. I know I forget tons of characters but I couldn't rank all of them.

There are massive differences within the same ranking so just because one character is within the same rank as another character doesn't mean they are equal at all. The gap of power between A Rank and above is massive as you go higher on the list. For example an average S Rank Mage can one shot the average A Rank Mage.

D Rank: Canon Fodder

C Rank: Average Mage

B Rank: Good Mage

A Rank: Excellent Mage

S Rank: Top Tier Mage

SS Rank: Saint Rank (Regular)

SSS Rank: Three Gods of Ishgar

Spriggan Rank: Ajeel Raml, Brandish μ, Dimaria Yesta, Invel Yura, Jacob Lessio, Neinhart, Bloodman, God Serena, Larcade Dragneel, Wall Eehto, Gildarts, August, Irene (Regular),

Emperor Rank: Zeref (Regular), Natsu (100%), Irene Belserion (Dragon Form)

God Rank: All Five Dragon Gods, Prime Igneel, Acnologia, Zeref (Neo Eclipse)

ACNOLOGIA 100% ( TIme and Space Absorbed)

Natsu (With the power of friendship = no limit = solos your favorite verse)