
Knowing the truth

Wen Qiang run towards the forest while being super excited. When he was growing up, his mother Eu Lin only allow him to play near by their house. His mother live far from the town and there's no neighbor around them.

There for Wen Qiang is usually bored and the only time his Eu Lin allow him to go to town is when she needed to buy supplies from the town. So Wen Qiang could only train his body with martial art skill he learned from his previous world.

Wen Qiang also do not know much about his guardian Eu Lin. He tried asking her why did she seclude herself way before she adopted him. But all she replied was, your too young to understand and you shouldn't be concern about it, just know that currently you are my son and i love you a lot.

Wen Qiang tried questioning her about other abnormal things about her but she just avoided the question whenever he ask her. He has decided that he will definitely figure out about her history and what happen to her in the past which lead her to her current circumstances.

After a few minutes of running in the forest, he found a wild boar.

"God's Eye". Wen Qiang activated the skill

Character Overview:

Name: Wild Boar

Race: Animal

HP 500

MP: 250

Weakness: Hitting in-between it's eye will stunt him for a moment, it can charge forward really fast but it is slow when it turns and it have to slow down to stop or else it will stumble if it try to stop immediately.

Skill: Charge - charge forward an enemy which deal damage. Cost 5MP

Description: A normal wild boar that lives in "Star Dew Forest".

"Hmm let's play around with this wild boar". Wen Qiang jump out of from the bush catching the wild boar's attention". The wild boar immediately used charge after he saw Wen Qiang.

Wen Qiang took a leap when the boar was about to hit him, he landed at the location the boar previously was. He took a stone and started aiming for the wild boar weakness.

When the wild boar turn around, it used charge again. This time Wen Qiang aim towards the wild boar's weakness. When the wild boar was near Wen Qiang, he throw the stone with full force hitting in-between it's eyes.

"PAK", the wild boar stumbled.

Wild Boar: - 50HP, Critical Hit

HP remaining - 450hp

"Ohhh nice, seems like this so called god's eye skill is really useful. Let's equip the katana Agatha".

After equiping "Agatha", the wild boar used charge again and this time it is even faster as the wild boar is piss off.

"Now than let's see how the wild boar will size up against Agatha".

The moment the wild boar was nearing Wen Qiang again, he swayed his body to the left and immediately with the katana on his right hand, he stab the wild boar body, followed by two slashing at it's body forming a X afterimage.

Wild Boar (Normal): - 237hp

HP remaining - 213

Wen Qiang chased after the wild boar that was slowing down. When he's nearing the wild boar, he took a leap and afterwards did a spinning slash towards the back of the wild boar and sited on the wild boar. Afterwards he thrust his katana right down the boar's head coming out below it's jaw.

The boar instantly died


Wild Boar (Normal): Dead

Drops: Wild Boar skin, Wild Boar tusk, Wild Boar meat x3, Skill Book: Charging Slash

Coins: 3

"Ohh a skill book". Wen Qiang immediately collected all of it's drops. He open his inventory and tap on the skillbook.

A notification appeared

"Horizontal Cut"

Cost: 5mp

Description: This skill can be used on weapons that are not too heavy and slow. This skill allows you to do a horizontal cut towards your enemy.

Do you want to learn it?


Wen Qiang immediately replied "yes".

"Open Stats", Wen Qiang mumbled afterwards.

Name: Fang Wen Qiang

Class: Civilian

Race: Human


Title: A reborn person

A reborn person - it does not increase or change anything, it's just a title that prove you is a person that was reborn.

Fame: 0

HP: 70

MP: 130

Stat point:

STR: 53

DEX: 37

INT: 524

LUK: 10000

"So i can use it 26 consecutive times, afterwards i have to let my mp recover".

Afterwards Wen Qiang rush back to his home. "Mom i am home, i met a wild boar and i killed it and carve out it's meat so we could eat it tonight".

Eu Lin hearing it, almost had a heart attack and rush towards Wen Qiang. "WEN QIANG! I thought i told you that you can only go near the forest and not go too deep. Are you hurt"?

Wen Qiang replied, "No i am not. Instead i killed it without much problem at all, i know you told me not to go into the forest because you are worried about me, but you are over protective and too controlling. Not to mention, you have never told me why are you living so far from the town, so you can't really blame me for disobeying you".

Eu Lin replied, " You!!.. hais, son how can you say that... Fine than, if you really want to know why than i will tell you if you promise not to go into the forest".

Wen Qiang frown. "No way. I want to have my freedom and not only that if you are always so protective and controlling towards me, i will sooner or later leave this house and not care about whatever rules you set for me. In fact if you do not tell me your history, than how can i even trust you anymore, mom. If you really love and treat me as your child.. at least tell me something about it".

For Wen Qiang, even so he love Eu Lin as a mother, but he treasures his freedom a lot and he doesn't have a good temper either. He is also self-contained as he had retain his memory of when he was in his previous world.

Eu Lin was shock.. "hais your so stubborn.. Fine i will tell you. But you have to at least promise me that if you decide to venture forth into the forest at least let me know".

"Un, i promise".

"Okay... The reason why your mom is living away from the town is because a long time ago, your mom was once part of the Fang Family. The Fang family is one of the powerhouse of this Star Dew region.

There are six powerhouses in this Star Dew Empire each owns a territory of the Star Dew Empire. The fang clan owns this territory which is called the Starry City. The town that is closest to our house is actually the border of the Starry City so it isn't fully in control of the Fang Family.

Your mom, when she was part of the Fang Family, She had insulted and killed one of the elder of the fang family as the current head of the fang family was jealous of my father who married my mom. Therefore he had called that elder which i killed to secretly kill my parents after he became the head of the family. My father had let him become the head of the family because after i was born, he wanted to just enjoy a happy life with his family... with me and my mom.

But who would have thought, after he became the head of the family and had gain all control over the fang family, he would kill my parents out of jealously.

I manage to find out the truth after investigating on my own as the excuse they told me was full of flaws and i decided to re-investigate. But who would have thought it was them that made the excuse suspicious so that i would investigate it on my own and fall into their trap.

I went ahead to kill the elder after i found out it was him that had killed my parents through poisoning. After killing him in a few mere second the head of the fang family including all of the elders which were guys that supported him appeared.

The head of the family afterwards told me, "You have been caught red handed by me and almost every elder of the fang family. So don't even try to say any excuses".

Before i could even say anything the head of the fang family appeared in front of me and stuff a cloth in my mouth and whispered, "don't say anything at all and just surrender your body to us, Eu Lin :3". It is your punishment 'i' the head of the fang family give you for killing the elder.

Than all the elders of the fang family including the head of the fang family started stripping off my clothes and rape me one by one.."

Eu Lin started crying after she finished saying.

Wen Qiang after hearing and seeing his mother cry, killing intent appeared in his eyes, but he had forcefully resist emitting his blood lust.

He went ahead and hug Eu Lin and said, "Mom, your not alone, i am here too, i'm your son. Please believe in your son that i am not weak. I have proven to you i have the ability to kill the wild boar without any harm. So if possible don't worry about me okay i will definitely not get into serious trouble and i know my limit.

I hope you can allow me to become stronger because, those fuckers i want to massacre and torture everyone of them".

Eu Lin after hearing it was shock. She looked at Wen Qiang and saw killing intent in his eyes even so he tried his best to hide it. Eu Lin knew that he was serious and she wipe away her tears knowing he was very serious about what he said and he could not stop him even if she tried to. "Fine but promise me you won't get into serious trouble and injure yourself". Eu Lin had given up on thinking of trying to stop him and allow him to do what he wants as he is so stubborn that even if she want him to stay away from dangerous places, he would still go without her permission.

Wen Qiang replied, "i won't, don't worry and trust me okay".

Afterwards, Eu Lin went to make dinner for both of them. Right now while his mom is away, Wen Qiang blood lust started seeping out a little. "Those fuckers from the Fang family, i will destroy all those fucking elders and chop of their puny dick". He shouted it in his mind.

Hello, i have edited most of it already and as usual my grammatical error is probably still a lot, but i have tried my best to fix whatever errors i can find. So i hope you readers would enjoy this chapter better.

Kiifaacreators' thoughts