
Reviving the Uchiha Clan: Starting with a Legacy of Many Descendants

**Friendly Reminder: This Story is Outrageous** Xia Yu transmigrates into the ninja world as a Uchiha clan member, waking up in a beautiful woman's bedroom. After a sleepless night, he returns to find the Uchiha clan annihilated, with only young Sasuke and himself surviving the infamous massacre night. Unexpectedly, a progeny proliferation system appears, offering Xia Yu powerful rewards for revitalizing the Uchiha clan by having more offspring. Reluctantly embracing his fate, Xia Yu embarks on a mission to rebuild the clan, navigate political treachery, and confront threats from Konohagakure and beyond. Through his journey, he discovers the true meaning of family, loyalty, and sacrifice. This is a translation: raw: 重振宇智波,從瘋狂產子嗣開始 -The cover is not mine. Please let me know if you want me to remove it.- 'Please remember to add this chapter to your library and follow for more updates. Support me, Betek, on Patreon for high-quality content and access to over 50+ additional chapters: patreon.com/Betek.

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100 Chs

Chapter 58: Unforeseen Events in the Hokage Building

The next morning, in the Uchiha compound, Uchiha Natushane awoke feeling invigorated despite his wedding night. He got dressed and began his morning routine with a confident smile, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

Just as he started brushing his teeth, the system chimed in with its daily reminder:

System Notification:

"Ding! Summary of yesterday's performance… Too many to count, here's the summary: You broke the record!"

Natushane chuckled, "Not bad at all."

He spit out the mouthwash, admiring his perfectly sculpted physique in the mirror, "Persistence combined with a bit of luck is indeed unbeatable!"

System: "Hehe... Kid, why are you up so early today? And why are you getting dressed? Wherever you go, you'll end up taking them off anyway."

Natushane laughed, "Running around naked isn't my style."

System: "You'll get used to it eventually. I'm just trying to help you save time."

System: "Besides, almost everyone in the compound has seen you naked by now, except for little Sasuke. What's there to be shy about?"

Natushane nodded thoughtfully, "You make a good point, but I have important matters to attend to today!"

Today marked Natushane's first official day on the job as one of Konoha's high-ranking advisors. Seizing this opportunity to infiltrate the inner circle of Konoha's leadership, he knew he had to make a significant impact.

With a determined look in his eyes, he declared, "Watch out, system, today I will double my record! The Hokage building, here I come!"

He put on a pair of sunglasses, adopting a confident swagger as he left the house.

At the Hokage building, it was already 9 AM, and everyone was settled into their work. Natushane entered the main hall and started his mission by systematically opening the doors of each office.

"Hello, is this the office of the village's high-ranking advisors?" he asked, stepping into the first office.

Inside, a group of young women, dressed in office attire, stared back at him in surprise.

After a brief pause, he apologized, "Oops, sorry, I must have the wrong room."

He exited and proceeded to the next office, repeating his inquiry. This time, the room was filled with men who looked equally bewildered.

"Sorry, wrong room again. Carry on," he said, slightly disappointed and moved to the next office.

As he continued his routine, a faint chorus of groans and complaints began emanating from the first office.

"My stomach hurts!"

"Mine too! This is strange..."

"Not just pain, I feel completely drained..."

Natushane sighed sympathetically, "Just endure for an hour. Once you start your maternity leave, you'll thank me."

Undeterred, he continued his rounds, each office yielding similar results, until he had almost covered the entire building.

Upon reaching the top floor, he opened another door and repeated, "Hello, is this the office of the village's high-ranking advisors?"

A sharp, elderly voice responded, "Yes, it is."

Startled, Natushane found himself face-to-face with Koharu Utatane, one of Konoha's senior advisors.

"Ah, it's you, Natushane. Come in," Koharu said, beckoning him inside with a stern expression.

"I've heard from Hiruzen that you'll be working alongside me. Although I don't understand his decision, we should talk."

Natushane felt a twinge of annoyance at her condescending tone. "This old woman..."

Deciding to play along for now, he hid his irritation and replied, "Yes, of course."

Just as he was about to engage in conversation, several figures burst into the office in a hurry.

"Koharu-sama, there's an emergency!"

Koharu frowned, "What's happening? Why are you all so frantic? Back in my day, ninjas knew how to keep their composure."

"Koharu-sama, the entire building's female staff is experiencing severe stomach pain and paralysis! It appears to be an orchestrated attack."

"All of them?" Koharu questioned, her expression turning grave.

"Yes, Koharu-sama. Even the cleaning staff are affected!"

Koharu instinctively touched her own stomach. "I'm a woman in this building, yet I feel nothing. Why?"

"Uh... well... we're still investigating."

Natushane inwardly smirked, knowing the chaos he had caused, but kept his expression neutral. The situation was spiraling into confusion, and he relished the power he held, hidden behind his calm façade.