

The quest to find hope,dream and true love Accompany Xin to find answer to his question and find the path to become a god 2 chapters / days Cover not mine i will make cover later Grammar sometimes sucks but bear with it. Like vote to support me thx guys. http://bit.ly/XinXin10 https://www.p@treon.com/user?u=26285974

LittleApple · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs

Sparring Match 3

A shining light come from the hood cover Xin then after a 5 seconds the light disappear.

Inside of the smoke Garp can see a tall image then the remove they dumfolded on what they see.

Garp and Zephyr jaw drop in the ground while there mouth is wide open

Hina and Ain stun and eventually there face become hot in what they see

They see Xin grow in to a handsome and delicate man

They know it was Xin they can see his silver white hair drifting in the wind his red eye like gem chisel face standing in 5.9 feet with a lean body board shoulder,you can't say he was tin or big like garp body but they can see that his body is well proportion.

He was adorned with dark gold boots with black pants ,dark gold belt with cow like horn in the middle adorn with gold scale armor carved with dragon design in the middle and long red scarf in his neck.

In his head they can see headdress like ornament with 2 long Phoenix tail and gold den ball in the middle of it

Overall he was too handsome for his image.

Garp snap and walk in him he stare him from head to toes

"Good kid your overall body is good i can feel some pressure coming on your body...…"

Zephyr walk at them he touch his body to check in his change

Zephyr nod"Your body is well proportion we even though we cant see any visible muscle in you, i can feel that every fiber in your body is pact with power"

Garp laugh and he places his hand on his shoulder "Good kid this father of yours is like the image of you …. You don't know when im young im a lady killer to so handsome just like you"

Zephyr just can't take this old man shamelessness

Hina and Ain come in Xin to see his change

Hina ask"Xin is the form after you use your treasure?"

Xin genly smile at them "Yes this image of myself when I become 18 years old"

Hina and Ain blush when they see him smile at them

Hina though'His to handsome i thought that if he grow up he will like femine i don't know that he will look dashing and handsome"

Ain blush and though who knows that after he grows up he will become like this i imagine that Xin look like a girl with an apron while cooking in dorm "Atypical housewife'

Suddenly Hian and Ain meet up an invisible spark can see in the middle of them they know that both of them can see each other thinking.

They both know they will become rival in future.

In the distance they could hear hurried footsteps coming closer to them



????"Dont worry sister Tsuru Admiral Garp know that it was only a sparring match"

It was Sengoku, Vice Admiral Crane and Momousagi coming from afar.

They did not notice Xin whos tacking with Hina and Ains

Vice Admiral Crane angry said "Garp where is Xin if something happens to him i'm going to hunt you down!?"

Momousagi hurry said"Sister relax we just need to confirm if the Xin is in danger"

Garp just casual wave his hand"Don't worry to that kdi we just casual sparring"

Sengoku angry so much angry at him that they can see vein throbbing in his head

"Garp what trouble did you come again you oldman! ... and Teacher Zephyr why did you not stop this old man what would happen if something happens to the kids"

Zephyr sime at them"Don't worry i can stop them if that happen thats why im here"

When Sengoku here his reason his angry subded

Vice Admiral Crane" Garp where's my Grandson? Why I can't see him"

Garp suddenly laugh and point shin in distance.

Momousagi see where he pointed he can see the back of white haired man so he walked closer to and tap him and said"Hey sir did you se Xin here?" the man turn around

Momousagi suddenly feel the time slow down the sun shine in the face of that man he can see a gentle smile.

Xin smile and said"Sister Momousagi your here did you already finish your mission?"

Momousagi heart almost burst out in his chest he feel his face become hot become red until in his ears,he thought that he already see all kinds of man in the marine base but he never see more handsome and gentle as this one.

Seeing Momousagi is stan Xin can help but to tap his cheek and said "Are you alright?"


Momousagi faint Xin hurry catch him

Hina and Ain see all of it they feel envy to Momousagi they want to exchange in his place

Vice Admiral Crane come closer to him and said"So this is the battle form that you talking to me last time i can feel the pressure emitting on you ...… and i can see that you will grow up and become a handsome man"

Vice Admiral Crane smile and stare both of his friend

Hina and Ain can only blush in what they hear.

Garp said to them"Ok that enough we will test his power all of you go to the side"

Vice Admiral Crane take Momousagi who faint from love struck and walk in the bench

Hina and Ain follow Crane.

Sengoku said"Garp do it moderately don't damage the facility ...Teacher Zephyr can you become a referee for them stop them if you see if there life is endangered

Zephyr nod

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LittleApplecreators' thoughts