
Chapter 42 Friendly Discussion

Stepping up to the stage, Xuanyuan watched as his opponent winked at him, waving at him shyly. Jia Yufei was extraordinarily pretty, a level similar to Tai Yin, Long Xi and Yu Zhong Er. Xuanyuan wasn't sure if it was natural or through the influence of some sort of Gu, but Jia Yufei possessed deep, almost crimson coloured hair. 

Her features were well developed, making her seem older that what her actual age suggested. If Xuanyuan was just a normal sixteen year old boy, he might have been smitten by her appearance, a tactic which worked on Fang Kai, causing him to lose his fight against her.

Jia Yufei was a Fire Path Gu Master, one with a combat style similar to his own. She didn't excel at martial arts or close quarters combat, instead opting to fight at range, with defenses created and managed by her Gu.

Excluding her Rank 2 Fire Fox Gu, Jia Yufei also possessed numerous Rank 1 Gu. From what Xuanyuan could see from her previous fights, she had a Rank 1 Fire Whip Gu, Rank 1 Dull Embers Gu, Rank 1 Flame Gathering Gu, Rank 1 Fire Snake Gu, and a Rank 1 Self Immolation Gu.

Using the combination of Self Immolation Gu to produce an effect similar to Fire Cloak Gu, Jia Yufei could cover her body in searing flames capable of producing a far stronger effect that Fire Cloak Gu, for a smaller primeval essence cost.

Self Immolation Gu damaged the Gu Master that used it, but produced extremely high temperature flames. Using Self Immolation Gu in tandem with Flame Gathering Gu and Dull Embers Gu allowing Jia Yufei to condense the flames created by Self Immolation Gu in a single point, before releasing it outward with Blue Embers Gu.

Dull Embers Gu almost did the opposite of Flame Gathering Gu and scattered nearby flames. It was actually a Gu more commonly used to repel Fire Path Gu, but Jia Yufei used it to send her flames outwards over a large area back towards her opponent.

She turned the weakness of Self Immolation Gu into a potent strength using a combination of different Gu. Just from this alone, it seemed as though her grasp on the Fire Path was young, but rooted within her mind.

Xuanyuan watched as she placed a hand on her hip and sighed, showing signs of exasperation.

"You'll talk to Tai Yin but not me is that right? Just because she is bigger up here, men go crazy for her. It doesn't seem like you're any better Little Yuan?".

Xuanyuan suppressed a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders.

"You are strong Jia Yufei, do not resort to tactics designed to waste time or stall. I don't want to give the others a chance to regain any primeval essence. Let us fight Jia Yufei, and see which one of us is stronger".

Xuanyuan's gaze was clear, unblemished by impure desire or malicious thoughts. His opponent just smiled, nodding, pleased with his response. Rumors and gossip about Xuanyuan which had circulated previously had quickly been dismissed after Elder Chang and the Sect Leader intervened. 

Xuanyuan was young, tall, handsome, and a strange mixture of aloof and charismatic. He seemed to attract other likeminded individuals, like Lu Guo, a member of the Burning Soul Hall and Yu Xiaolong, whose mother and father were Rank 3 Gu Masters living in Earth Soul City. 

Jia Yufei had also done some digging herself, and knew of his student-teacher relationship with Long Xi and Yu Zhong Er, both of whom were here today, and both of which, were equal in beauty to herself.

Nodding, she readied herself, raising her arms in a defensive posture, focusing solely on Xuanyuan. Her opponent did the same, nodding at the referee, who just raised their arm, swinging it down.


Jia Yufei didn't hold anything back, and immediately unleashed her Rank 2 Fire Fox Gu, sending bright blue coloured balls of fire towards Xuanyuan. The girl simultaneously retreated backwards on the platform, not bothering to reserve her primeval essence.

Xuanyuan let out a small tsk, before sprinting towards her, activating both his Thick Space Gu and Dense Shadow Blade Gu. Using two Rank 2 Gu at the same time drained his primeval essence dramatically, but the combination of the two Gu prevented the Fire Fox Gu from getting to close to him, allowing Xuanyuan to destroy them before they got too close.

Xuanyuan didn't consider using his sword, knowing that a mortal blade wouldn't stand up to the heat and destructive power of a Rank 2 Fire Path Gu. He understood that he had numerous deficiencies in terms of the Gu within his repertoire, but with how quick Xuanyuan cultivated, he would probably reach Rank 3 before he finished an entire set of Rank 2 Gu.

Even if his attainment exceeded that of all his peers, he was still limited by primeval essence stones.

It was partially why the title of Abyssal Child was so enticing to Xuanyuan.

Jia Yufei narrowed her eyes, and Xuanyuan could see flames suddenly expand outward from every corner of her body. Within the time it took to take a single breath, Jia Yufei was encased in a suit of searing flame. 

And yet... in the next moment, all the flames condensed into a single point before exploding outwards, covering almost half the entire platform, bathing it in a sea of falling flames.

Xuanyuan continued using Thick Space Gu in tandem with Push Gu. The combination of Space Path Gu allowed Xuanyuan to push away the flames that threatened to touch his upper body, continuing his sprint towards his opponent. 

Jia Yufei lifted her head, her deep crimson hair singed at the tips, and suppressed a grimace, seeing Xuanyuan within ten meters of her, scorpion stinger emerging from the base of his spine. 

The girl sighed before raising her hands, forcing the referee to step in.

"I surrender!", the girl said, watching as the referee immediate appeared beside her, causing Xuanyuan to stop his advance. The young man just halted his sprint, skidding slightly, before glancing at Jia Yufei, giving her a small smile.

The girl just shrugged her shoulders, tilting her head back to look up at Xuanyuan.

"You managed to block everything I sent at you without so much as hesitating. Have you planned for the others like you have planned for me?", she asked.

Xuanyuan didn't hide it nodding.

"Fang Kai is the most annoying. His Rank 2 Gu directly counters most of my Gu. Song Pei is too limited in this fight. The terrain isn't too advantageous for his crocodile beast. Tai Yang is a turtle shell, so just forcing him to use his Gu makes him weaker the longer the tournament goes on. Li Xiao Er... well, she is fast, but she is limited by her own perception. A Rank 1 perception type Gu cannot keep up with a Rank 2 movement type Gu".

Jia Yufei raised an eyebrow, smiling as they walked off the platform together.

"Is that how you countered Tai Yin's slash? I didn't know a Rank 2 Gu could be that strong to be honest. She must've been using numerous Rank 2 supportive type Gu in tandem with her Crescent Slash Gu".

Xuanyuan didn't reply, causing Jia Yufei to huff slightly, even as she sat down beside him. Yu Xiaolong and Lu Guo watched the pair from a couple rows above them, the former poking the latter as they watched the two chat unbothered by the stares and glares of the others around them.

Lu Guo just blinked, while Yu Xiaolong enviously gripped his friends arm.

"When we all go on missions together, we'll get Xuanyuan to bring some girls, right Guo?".

HIs friend just nodded, almost not catching his name being called by Elder Chang. The younger boy stood up, discarding any thoughts of how Xuanyuan easily chatted with Jia Yufei, thinking about chatting with the object of his own crush.

Jia Yufei asked all sorts of questions about Gu and Gu materials and beasts and different Paths to Xuanyuan. While her knowledge on the Fire Path exceeded his own by a wide margin, her grasp on other Paths lagged behind, even just the names and abilities of common Gu from other Paths.

Her mother was a Rank 2 Gu Master, but her father was just a mortal, that was about as much as Xuanyuan was willing to ask about her background before the expression on her face turned dark, forcing her to change the conversation.

"... So what do you like about the Shadow Path? I'm sure plenty have asked you that question before?".

Xuanyuan chuckled, nodding his head from side to side.

"No actually, most ask why I walk the Shadow Path instead of the Space Path or the Dark Path, or even the Light Path. The reason why is actually quite simple really, I personally think it is stronger than either the Light Path or the Dark Path. At least, in terms of its own specialty".

"How so?", she questioned.

Xuanyuan hummed for a second, glancing at her before shooting the question right back at her.

"I'll tell you if you tell my why you walk the Fire Path. The Fire Path is... well, overwhelmingly effective in terms of wide spread destruction, making it a great offensive Path, but, the Fire Path is... well, from my understanding, so much more than just destruction".

Jia Yufei nodded, understanding Xuanyuan's meaning. The girl showed a wistful expression, kicking her legs out somewhat before replying to Xuanyuan.

"My mother was born in the Western Desert, and when she was a little girl, she saw with her own two eyes, the Eclipsing Light Flameless Lake, a place recorded within the Legends Of Ren Zu. The Western Desert holds no ocean or sea, but without a word of a lie, she said that the Eclipsing Light Flameless Lake stretched beyond the horizon. It was an endless sea of burning crimson fire. One might think it was lava or magma from how hot it was, but dipping a hand into the lake, one could pluck a fish from it like it was nothing".

"Trees and flowers bloomed along the coast. Sandy beaches and bright blue skies could be seen everywhere, and all manner of birds, insects, fish and beasts lived within and around the lake, making it seem like a paradise in the endless dunes. She told me that in fire, all things existed in harmony. Fire birthed, fire nurtured, fire propagated, fire flourished. Even if fire did return all things to ash and dust, life would still return, nurtured by flame and warmth...".

She looked up at Xuanyuan, smiling.

"Do you feel the same way, Xuanyuan?".

The young man paused, feeling a tug at his heartstrings. There was a similarity between them that he couldn't ignore, but, suppressed those feelings, just nodding at her words.

"I can't say that I dream of fire, but the shadows speak to me in a way that other Paths do not. My comprehension on the Dark Path and Light Path in support of the Shadow Path lead me to believe that there a more to shadows that just hollow reflections that follow us around".

"Shadows are born with us, grow with us, love with us, hate with us and eventually, die with us. They experience everything we do, even if we don't think that they do. Your shadow knows everything about you Jia Yufei, it loves the things you like and hates the things you dislike. They are a perfect reflection, better than any mirror or Gu could ever be".

Jia Yufei nodded at Xuanyuan asking him a few more questions about Gu and the Shadow Path, and in turn, answering several more questions on the Fire Path and her understanding of the Eclipsing Light Flameless Lake.

A few others watched their interaction, trying to get closer and hear what they were saying, but after hearing them talk about the Fire Path and the Shadow Path, their interest waned. It wouldn't stop gossip and rumors from forming tomorrow, but for today, most were too tired, or too focused to think about a beautiful young girl, and a handsome young man chat with each other on their knowledge of Gu.

Tai Yang however, listened to their conversation intently, his eyebrows raising as the pair discussed the Fire Path.

A small seed was planted in his heart.