
Chapter 2564

Cold sweat broke out across the camp, with all the recent events, everyone was tired and just chose to rest.

Star Constellation especially. 

A tear in space opened above the sky of Mount Qing Mao, the ancestral home of the Gu Yue clan, of Fang Yaun.

A Giant fortress stood at its peak, with complex arrays and instruments protruding from its towers. 

They were of course Fang Yuan's subordinates. 

"They're back!" Wu Shuai shouted, all the available members of the Great Love alliance, and Fang Yuan's clones doubled their rate of work.

Each person was tasked to make particular changes to the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortress, the exterior had been stripped to the bare necessities of maintaining the Gu House's form, to create a monstrously sized cannon! 

The Cannon's sheen was metallic silver, its barrel easily the size of several houses, and the length was almost a Kilometer long.

A mortal with no understanding of Gu would tremble in fear before such a cannon, much less a Gu Immortal who could feel the aura of the Gu Worms used to make this monster. 

The hooded figure and Theseus landed gently on the top of the Fortress, where Wu Shaui was awaiting them. 

Wu Shuai bowed his head, "All the preparations are complete, we are ready when you are…Lord Fang Yuan." 


The hooded figure pulled back his hood to reveal, non-other than Fang Yuan! 

But his aura was unmistakably just a Rank 9! 

"Excellent work Wu Shuai, all our plans are coming along smoothly," if there were any doubt remaining they were quashed, the man in front of them was indeed Fang Yuan.

Thunder roared, and dark clouds gathered above the Qing Mao Mountain.

Fang Yuan snickered, "Didn't see this coming did you, Heavenly Dao!" 

A resounding crackle of thunder roared in response. 

"Hahaha," Fang Yuan roared with laughter, "I'm sure you're anxious to strike me, but you can't, because you have merged with Primordial and your attention can no longer be divided. Just like how Heaven and Earth can't use their divine powers once they've descended, neither can you freely act while in a host!"


Thunder roared with the intensity of a dragon! 

The sound alone killed every living being, that was not at least Rank 6, on Qing Mao Mountain, turning it into a death mountain.

Fang Yuan was unfazed, "Quit your yapping, it irritates me." 

The soundwave merely ruffled his hair, nothing more. 

"You're wondering how I evaded your detection? And how I am both fighting in the Ascension plains and here? Well…normally I'm not one to tell but we have some time before the Cannon is prepared." 

A sly grin spread across Fang Yuan's mouth, "It's quite simple really…I've known everything all along!" 


The Thunder took a pause, emphasizing the shock in the Heavenly Dao, and on cue, 

"You see, you should never underestimate the power of Love," Fang Yuan held his hands behind his back, in the background the final pieces of the Cannon were being assembled as he spoke.

"Throughout infinity, numerous versions of myself met their 'tragic' eternities, an empty world with no one in it, just a singular being, me." 

Workers began feeding tubes and wires into the Cannon.

"Without fail countless Fang Yuan's find the Spring Autumn Cicada and rewind time, trying again and again, perpetuating an infinite fated loop." 

Along the barrel of the cannon, were etched marks, and power lines for the cables to feed energy into, Wu Shuai gave a count, 

"10% charged!" 

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, satisfaction at his grand conclusion finally taking form, "But you discounted the notion that these Fang Yuan's would never notice what was going on…well 1 of us did, the one who fell in love, me." 

"25% Charged!" 

"I'm sure you know what I mean, across infinity I am an anomaly amongst Fang Yuan's, I fell in love."

"40%!" the thunder grew more agitated as the charge grew higher, but there was nothing it could do. 

"Of course, I knew love was nothing but a fleeting desire in the face of eternity, and I did what had to be done, even when in love, I am not blind."

Fang Yuan closed his eyes tightly as he recounted his memories, "You must have allowed Love Gu to interfere with my life in that timeline, allowing me to meet the only person I would ever fall in love with, under the only circumstances I would ever follow in Love, to see if my will would falter." 

Alas, "I never stopped charging forth to eternity!" 

Fang Yuan's eyes snapped open, and he pointed towards Heaven, "So plotted against me, in that timeline, influenced by love, I made it to Rank 9, as an Enslavement Path Venerable! I took control of the entire world! But you couldn't accept such a result so you interfered, you guided the love of my life to wage war against me!" 

The thunder went still, and silence remained, as rain fell.

"65% Charged." 

Fang Yuan turned his back and began walking toward the Cannon, "As that world burned, as time reset, as my love lay dead in my hands, I saw the truth, for a fraction of a moment I broke past Rank 9, the veil was lifted before my eyes, countless flying Cicadas, swimming up the River of Time." 

"85% charged." 

"And it was precisely at that moment, that all the blood from every human in the entire world condensed itself into 1 final page."

Fang Yuan's face turned serious, "The lost chapter of Ren Zhu!" 

Fang Yuan's hands touched the metallic surface of the barrel, caressing it until he reached its opening, "It told me the truth, about how even though Ren Zhu fought and eventually ended Fate, and yet his happy ending never came to pass, shortly after Fate died, tragedy befall each one of his 10 children, left with nothing he decided to gamble."

Fang Yuan reached into his robe pulled out a Gu worm that was delicate and glossy, and held it up for the heavens to see,

"He crafted the first ever Spring Autumn Cicada!" 

The mystery had finally come full circle, as Fang Yuan uttered this ancient truth, the past that had never been heard had now entered into the world, and every human in the entire world felt their blood boil. 

Desolate Beast held the methods of their cultivation locked inside their Blood, but Humanity held a truth inside theirs! 

Across the entire Gu world, the final chapter that had been missing before Ren Zhu's ending was revealed for all to see.

The Legends of Ren Zu Finale

Dusk had begun to fall upon the Immemorial Era, 

A battlefield with the shattered lives of the countless before it.

10 great warriors and their father, stood before the twisted one, known as Fate. 

"You dare!" the Gu, though small, hissed with great ferocity, "I have been spinning the end before you began, and you dare mess this all up!" 

"Do you have any idea what your actions have set into motion!" 

The man, known as the father of all man spoke, Ren Zhu, "No I do not, and neither should you, all should be free to chase their fate, not merely exist in it!" 

He swung his mighty arm upon the one called Fate.

"You'll be back, it always comes back. Like a cicada caught in my web, you'll never escape." the one called Fate cackled, and though its body became limp, its laughter still echoed in the halls.

"Father! Rejoice we have won!" the children rejoiced, each had gone through their tribulation to wind up here today and were proud to share in their father's happiness. 

As he turned to meet their eyes, horrific scenes played before him.

Dark Ice crumbled to dust, while Forest Samsara lay down to sleep, never to wake, his son Blazing Glory exploded in a violent burst while Verdan Great Sunsuccumbedb to drunkenness. Each of his children died a horrifying death.

Shaking his head, reality returned to normal as the 10 of them celebrated their victory, with the news spreading far and wide. 

Yet as the days passed, each of his visions came true. 

Dark Ice was hit by water from deep below the Blue Sea, returning her to the origin, and Samsara entered a forest only for it to be engulfed by Dream Realms. 

Blazing Glory was cultivating further, but an accident during cultivation caused his Aperture to burst, not even leaving a blessed land. 

One by one, his children met untimely and horrific demise.

"Stop. Make it StOP!" Ren Zhu screamed till an old friend visited him.

"Oh foolish Human." the voice instantly brought old memories forth. 

"Wisdom! You're here! Thank the heavens! You must know why this has happened, and a way to fix everything." 

"Oh foolish human, I indeed know the answer to both of your questions but I'm afraid you won't like it." Wisdom Gu shook its head. 

"Tell me!" 

Wisdom Gu sighed, "I told you to give up resisting fate, it is wiser for you to live out fate's plans and trust in what's to come in the life ahead rather than foolishly struggle for the now." 

"Who amongst you humans can add a day to their life by their own hands? You know not what comes tomorrow, yet insist you will be there for it, is it not foolish on your part?" 

"When Fate was around your past, present and future were assured, yet now there is Fate, so who to say today isn't your last?" 

"What else was I supposed to do?" Ren Zhu lamented, "Was I to quietly live out my life, forever at the mercy of Fate?" 

Wisdom shook its head, "You of little strength, want to dictate your own life? With what? Hope? If you do not possess the means to ensure your eternal existence, what good is having free will?" 

"Human, I shall only give you this Gu recipe and hope you make the right choice, swim back to the web that is Fate and end your foolish ways, this is your last chance before your time comes, and even I don't know when that may be." with that Wisdom Gu flew away. 

Staring at the Gu recipe in his hands, Ren Zhu clutched it tightly, 

"The strengthened to ensure one's own continued existence huh? I may not have it, but I can hope my descendants will!" 

And thus, Ren Zhu lay into motion his plan, spreading copies of the Spring Autumn Cicada Gu's recipe, across the world.

Though he did not know when he would die, he could always fight for today, living day by day.

"Don't worry human," the Hope in his heart spoke, "Though no one can say they will live to see tomorrow, with Hope we can dream of a future. It may be foolish, but it isn't futile." 

Eventually, the chapter of Ren Zhu leads back to the final known chapter, Ren Zhu sacrificing himself and his children into Derivation Gu, making two things come true. 

The continuation of the Human race, and the end of Gu Intelligence! (1) 


Almost everyone awoke at the same time from their stupor, they had just witnessed the true purpose of the human race. 

To find that 1 in a Billion who would succeed Ren Zhu, not to propagate their existence but to find a way to establish and affirm their own existence!

All humans cast their eyes toward the Qing Mao Mountain, hoping to witness the fulfilment of the 3 Billion-year-old gamble.

Even the members of Heavenly Court stared, with Heaven and Earth holding hands, on the same side for once, 

"Your fight to exist has inspired us eternals, we wish you the best, overcome the divine, and soar into the cosmos." 

At that word, Heaven and Earth returned to their places,

"You old fools!" Upon their return, the Heavenly greeted them with mocking, "You left everything to me and now you plan to oppose it all!?" 

The two spoke jointly, their hearts beating as one for the first time in a long time, "We wanted to give birth to something that could exceed us, while we believed it was us who had to transcend the boundaries, we were always opening to the idea of paving the way for creation to take its place." 

"You fools!" the Heavenly Dao screamed, but the two raised their hands to silence it, "We will not oppose your desire for existence as well, may the better between you two win." 

"You fools!" the Heavenly Dao screamed, but the two raised their hands to silence it, "We will not oppose your desire for existence as well, may the better between you two win." 

"You! You!" the Heavenly Dao held an accusatory finger at its technical parents, "I still don't understand! How did he slip through without your help? It's impossible!"

As if hearing the Heavenly Dao,

"I didn't return alone with the Spring Autumn Cicada, I returned with Xie Han Mo," Fang Yuan continued speaking after everyone awoke, "or in this timeline, you'd know her as Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable? Or perhaps Great Dream Immortal Venerable or," Fang Yuan smirked, "Feng Jin Huang?"

A peal of thunder and flash of lightning shook the heavens, as a ploy that not even the Heavenly Dao had foreseen was revealed before his eyes! 

"HOW!" the Heavenly Dao's roar manifested into the sound of thunder, and Fang Yuan was delighted to reveal the answer, "Perhaps you've seen the Madam? She's quite the anomaly wouldn't you say? Or are you so indifferent that it never even crosses your mind?" 

"Who am I kidding, of course, you're that indifferent." Fang Yuan rolled his eyes, "The Spring Autumn Cicada was only strong enough to bring 1 of us, by design, but with some help from the remnant power of Ren Zhu's final chapter we managed to alter an abandoned timeline whose Fang Yuan never even made it past the war of 3 Venerables!" 

"Originally, this doomed timeline had no Paradise Earth! And Great Dream certainly wasn't Feng Jin Huang in this one, though I can't say I remember the actual events this particular Timeline was supposed to go through." Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders, "Though once the energy of Ren Zhu began to run out she had to acquire Lust Gu to even stay anchored in a Timeline." 

"But that's right! This Timeline has been manufactured by us since the beginning!" Fang Yuan exclaimed! He lifted his middle finger toward the Heavens!

"Fully charged!" Wu Shuai shouted, and Fang Yaun slotted the Chaos Spear into the opening.



With a simple press of a button, the world went dark. 

Until a beam of darkness defiantly and paradoxically, illuminated the world! 

The sun turned dim, and the night turned bright, the world blazed, and reality crumbled, the only thing that made sense was seeing that Impossible spear pierce through the Heavens.

A hole to the ascension plains was opened! 

"I'm coming for you now Heavenly Dao!" the gauntlet on Fang Yuan's hand glowed as it encased him from Head to toe in its sinister glow.



Ok usually I would fit the full explanation of FY's ploy into the dialogue, but it became incredibly long and stilted, and we're reaching the end so just to summarise this insane 2 year 300k word journey into a concise-ish rant: 

In my version of events, the Gu World has 3 godlike beings, Heaven, Earth and the Heavenly Dao. 

Heaven and Earth have existed since before even Time and Space, feeling bored they began to imagine a world together, fast forward enough they managed to create such a world. 

Their goal was to produce something greater than them, for they could exist in perpetuity but not move or go anywhere, just exist. You could consider them half-step Reverends 

Anyways, they developed a rough outline system, merging their combined powers into one central source, the Heavenly Dao, they gave it instructions to manage the Gu World while they explored creating various new beings. 

To accomplish this goal of managing creation, the Heavenly Dao created Gu, they would live alongside Creation, assisting or leading them to destruction, whatever the Heavenly Dao saw fit. 

The central core of this control was Fate Gu. 

After a Billion years of testing various types of creation, the Heavenly Dao picks up an anomaly that Heaven and Earth carelessly made, a one-off that was made in the likeness of Heaven and Earth. 

This being, made in the likeness of Heaven and Earth, had a certain amount of free will that could resist Fate! 

The Heavenly Dao decided to probe, so just like all creation, it sent Tribulations to test if humans are even worthy of living, they pass obviously. 

Along the way, the Heavenly Dao gives more and more tests, but eventually, it leads to a point where humans try to take control of their fate. 

They make Wealth Gu, this a Gu that the Heavenly Dao had not manifested into reality and was only a concept, but they succeeded! 

Shocked! The Heavenly Dao uses Fate to interfere and take away Wealth Gu. 

This starts the whole revenge between Ren Zhu and the Heavenly Dao. 

As for the Great Dream and Fen Jin Huang being Xie Han Mo, I don't know if y'all could pick up on that being teased throughout the book but it has always been my intent. Essentially that whole plot point is why things are different from the original, it's sort of my way of justifying every retcon I've ever made. 

And I think that's every plot point that I've been building toward accomplished, now it's just a matter of how or if Fang Yuan gets eternity ;P