
Chapter 2504 Shaking the world

Across the entire Eastern Sea,

Cracks began appearing,

The entire region was engulfed in a massive tornado, lightning coursed throughout the edges, following the path of the wind as literal islands were torn into oblivion, dragged by the wind currents.

Volumetric amounts of waters was being sucked up by the tornado, so much so that the entire Eastern Sea water level decreased by 10%!

And it was still going down!

Underwater volcanoes were erupting and forming new land masses, bringing forth underground Gu Material to the surface.

The Eastern Sea was always an abundant region, but few knew that the true treasures of the Eastern Sea were hidden far beneath the crust and underwater trenches of the Sea.

Though these opportunities were now brought up to the surface, not a single person dared claim them.

Every force in the entire Eastern Sea had either vacated the region, or sought shelter with the Merman in their underwater cities, as they were relatively unaffected by the changes to the surface.

Those who could not afford either option, perished.

At the center of the storm, a lone figure stood calmly.

Being at the eye of the storm mean that there was no wind currents, and one had a surreal view of the destruction and mayhem happening around.

This person was none other than Fang Yuan!

His eyes were closed, and he appeared to be meditating.

"Not yet…" he whispered.

Meanwhile, the other Venerables all noticed the chaotic disaster that was the Eastern Sea,

"What is Fang Yuan doing?" the members of Heavenly Court launched an emergency meeting.

"From the looks of it, he's unleashing the power of the elements but what for?" Red Lotus scratched his beard.

Genesis Lotus on the other hand was concerned at the level of strength Fang Yuan was displaying, "If he had unleashed this kind of power then I fear there wouldn't have been a Central Continent remaining."

"At least he isn't using the power of Chaos this time," Earth chimed in, after Heaven and Spectral Soul retreated she decided not to use her trump card as well, "This is him using the Dao of Elements to stir up an entire regions Dao Marks, but for what purposes remains to be seen."

Star Constellation closed her eyes and calculated, "The Immortal Essence expenditure must be exorbitant, it's clear Fang Yuan must possess a Gu that can help supplement his Immortal Essence and that can only be 1 Gu-"

"Imperial Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus," Genesis Lotus finished Star Constellation's sentence, he was most familiar with this Gu, it was the reason he had the greatest stockpile of Immortal Essence, "And judging by how wantonly he uses Immortal Essence it must be at Rank 9."


The revelation revealed many flaws in their plans, as well as, explained a lot of their defeat.

"We were working under the wrong assumption, he had never been desperate for Immortal Essence, we weren't the ones trying to wear him down, he was trying to wear us down!" Red Lotus exclaimed.

Star Constellation bit her lips in shame, "It's outside our ability to deal with, we can only hope that he is forced to ascend once he aquires Fire Gu."

"Right now the only thing we can do is find Earth Gu and ensure it never falls into his hands, forever preventing him from having a perfected Dao."

In the Northern Plains,

"This is…" Giant Sun stood in awe at the sheer might Fang Yuan was displaying, "It is already beyond the level of what our Dao level Killer Moves could accomplish, I dare say that it could almost break the world!"

Giant Sun saw the hairs on his arms standing, he was feeling fear from the strength of Fang Yuan!

"I didn't even feel this much fear when I stoo before the almost perfect Limitless Demon Venerable, now, I feel Fang Yuan has surpassed him in power, but the direction he's going will also lead to a deadend." Giant Sun shook his head, feeling it a pity.

One can seemingly either obtain great power, but be forever bound to the Dao or try to break free from the dao and end up broken instead.

"You may be ahead for now Fang Yuan but just you wait! Your Dao has a hard ceiling, you've traded potential for power and you will come to regret it. Those two are waiting for you…"

A burly figure was in the midst of a strength training routine when an old righteous looking man approached,

"It's almost time." the old man said.

"Ha!" with a loud shout the burly man punched through the punchind bag that he was practicisng on, a mountain of similarly torn bags were piling up.

"I don't know why you bother training your muscles," the old man shook, "Your strength no longers flow from the physical but by the very law you embody, you would gain a lot more strength if you-"

"Mediatated day and night." the burly man finished the sentence, "Ya see Primoridal, this is the way I meditate!" he exclaimed with a satisfied grin.

The 2 were none other than Primordial Origin and Reckless Savagae!

Primordial shook his head, "This whole mess was partly due to you so I hope you make recompense and fix it."

"Don't worry," Reckless said as he put up another punching bag, "I have it all under control."

"Do you?" Primordial raised his eyebrows, "Because it seems like you did not have a failsafe in mind in the event that you-"

"Lose? Hahaha," Reckless laughed as he began another round with the punching bags, "I won't lose!"

"How can you be so sure!" Primordial was incensed, "You don't even know how strong he is because, and I quote, you said: 'I want it to be a surprise.'"

"Hehehe," Reckless laughed to himself, "Based on the amount of times you've come in search for me, I'd take it he's reach an incredible height!"

Reckless was in utter delight, where as Primordial was deeply frustrated.

Primordial could only shake his head, 1 hand massaging his temples.

"If you can't handle it I will intervene this is my warning to you, balance must be maintained if humanity is to thrive."

"Yea yea you fossil," Reckless shooed Primordial away, something no one else in the entire world would dare to do, "But how do you expect Humanity to grow stronger without setbacks?"

Primordial sighed, "We've had this discussion in the past, and we never come to a consensus, can we let it go for today."

Reckless just shrugged, "Fine by me."

He resumed punching.

In the void,

Outside time and space,

Within the endless Chaos,

A pair of eyes slowly opened,

"Finally…my suffering can end at last…just a little more…"

The eyes closed once again, seemingly disappearing from existence.

Back in Spectral Heaven,

"What is he up to this time!" Spectral Soul peered down at the torrent of elemental energy that was decimating the Eastern Sea.

"He's gone too far!" Heaven was incensed, he had already concluded that victory was inevitable and that he would one day reclaim the entire Gu World, having ⅕ of the world in ruins was not part of that plan.

But neither Heaven nor Spectral Soul could stop the tirade of Elemental influx,

"Maybe if we charge straight at him it could disrupt the move?" Spectral Soul pointed at stationary Fang Yuan.

"When has he ever made it that easy?" Heaven retorted, "In any case the momentum has started and will continue to build up even without him acting, the only thing attacking him now would do is cause that mess of elements to barrage down onto the rest of the Gu World."

The storm of elements that was taking place was only happening within the confines of the Eastern Sea.

Heaven could sense that it was due to Fang Yuan's control.

"But still," Heaven thought to himself, "How is this suppose to help him fight against us?"

At that moment,

Fang Yuan's eyes snapped open,


Instantly, the spot where Fang Yuan was seated was covered by a helmet of pure metal, but the helmet was easily the size of a small island!

The eye slits of the helmet lit up black and white respectively, and then,


The entire Gu World began to shake!

As the metal helmet head began to rise higher and higher,

Only those a far distance away could see how the head was truly rising,

Underneath it was a colossal body made of pure earth!

Inlaid within the armor were lines of magma that were pulsating and flowing throughout the body,

Instantly the surrounding winds gathered up around where the arms for the colossal should be, forming arms of tyrant vortaxes of winds, with chunks of earth within them as the only indication of the outline of the arms.

The oceans of the Eastern Sea began converging upon the bottom-half of the torso, taking the place of the legs, forming a giant water spout that continued to bring the colossal titan of elements higher and higher, soon its head pierced through Spectral Heaven!