
Chapter 2343

The last bit of Truthful Floating Ice that Fang Yuan had; contained some of the true meaning of Eternal life.

Finally, after over 500 years of life, Fang Yuan was one step closer to his lifelong goal.

Fang Yuan did not give up his hope for eternal life like Not Immortal and the others in Crazed Demon Cave, he held onto his hope.

So, what if Limitless failed after a million years of research? So, what if his method failed, who said there is only one way towards immortality, if anything I should be thankful that he failed.

His research will pave the way for my path towards eternity!

Fang Yuan then proceeded to digest the results from the Last Bit of Truthful Floating Ice.

"So, Rank 10 is possible! Limitless was probably the closes being across all of history to attaining Rank 10!" Fang Yuan was enlightened.

Back when Limitless first started cultivating he always pondered to himself what would being eternal mean? To never die of old age? To be undefeatable? What would be the benchmark for eternity?

How would one know they are truly eternal?

Limitless pondered this question until he became a Venerable himself and saw beyond the world. For the first time, he could sense the Chaos that lay beyond the world.

It was endless.

To be able to traverse through that Chaos freely unhindered, that was Limitless's benchmark for Eternal Life. If a being could survive in that Chaos indefinitely that would be what defined an Immortal.

With a benchmark in mind, Limitless then began to ask the crucial question, how.

As he roamed the world, he realized that if Fate Existed it would be impossible for him to fulfill even the criteria of staying alive indefinitely much less become Immortal.

Fate Gu had dictated that all living beings would travel from the Doors of Life into the Doors of Death.

So Limitless started a Million-year ploy to destroy Fate and it all culminated in Fang Yuan.

All the Venerables had an inclination that the Fate Wars would begin because of Red Lotus Demon Venerable. After all, since Fate dictates all events, it wasn't hard to peer into future events.

You see Fate could not completely ensnare everything as it violates the free will of every living being, instead Fate confined the branches of possibilities into more linear options.

In simple terms, Fate Gu's existence prevented certain events from transpiring, let's say a Gu master had to pick between the countless myriad options in life spawning countless possible outcomes, Fate decided to limit the options of the Gu masters making 1 in a Million possibilities to more like 1 in a thousand different possibilities.

This option was Fate building a wall around itself and reality, preventing randomness and luck to be a factor, rather everything was decided by Fate itself.

But no matter what Fate tried to do it could not prevent the creation of Red Lotus Demon Venerable. He was the culmination of repressed freedom.

Fate was a product of Heaven and therefore had to obey Heavenly Rules, it exchanged surpluses with calamities and calamities with surpluses, balanced as all things should be. But it also had to remain fair, there was always a path out of the calamity.

Thus, even when it built its wall around infinity, it had to leave a way out, and Red Lotus found that way.

Through countless lifetimes and persistence, he found the world's only hope in breaking through Fate, Fang Yuan!

The other venerables before Red Lotus had no clue who Fang Yuan was but only that he was the one Red Lotus was waiting for, and the venerables after Red Lotus were informed of him through Red Lotus's islands and wills.

Thus, one man's Fated encounter with Fate spawned the very man that would burn it all down.

Allowing the myriad life forms to chase after immortality.

After Fate Gu was destroyed and refined into every living being in the world, allowing them to take charge of their own Fate, Limitless enacted his plan to conclude his million-year research.

He felt that now was his best chance at attaining immortality.

He cultivated Rule Path primarily and Heaven Path as his specialty. His goal was to emulate the Heavens, he realized like Spectral Soul did that the closest thing to an immortal being was Heaven itself.

Heaven was ageless and had been around since Ren Zu! For 3 million years Heaven had withstood the test of time, and Heaven also passed Limitless's other test, Chaos!

Who created the World Boundary that can withstand the Chaos for these 3 million years? Heaven!

Thus, Limitless used a Million Years to research Heaven and its ways, to emulate them for himself; he could be said to be the number 1 Heaven Path cultivator in history.

Yet he still failed.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan's Truthful Floating Ice only contained that bit of Limitless's results it had no mention of how to achieve Rank 10, all it had was that Rank 10 was real and the true end goal for Gu masters.

"If my piece contained only that I wonder what the other pieces contained? Will they hold the method Limitless used to achieve Pseudo Rank 10?" Fang Yuan wondered.

Meanwhile, above the skies of Northern Plains Giant Sun was busy searching for his son Light Emperor.

Using both Blood Path and Luck Path Giant Sun was able to quickly locate his son.

"Hmm, so it was the 2-brother immemorial desolate beast You Tian Guang and, Zuo Ye Hui." Giant Sun stared coldly at the 2 immemorial desolate beasts.

There were few in the world who could measure up to the might of 2 immemorial desolate beasts much less the brother pair You Tian Guang and Zuo Ye Hui.

With their paths of Light and Dark their closeness as brothers, they had many powerful combinations moves and worked together flawlessly. Even pseudo-venerables would be wary around these 2 brothers.

But what was pseudo-venerable to Giant Sun, he could swat them away like flies with his hands much less these 2 brothers.

"Giant Sun stay back, or I'll make sure your son joins us in hell!" Zuo Ye Hui shouted at the venerable, though his legs were constantly rattling.

"Hmph, I revived him once I can do it again if you kill him, I will make sure to flail the skins of your back and use it as my rug, then I'll revive you every time the rug gets dirty so that I can flail you again!" Giant Sun's divine might brought the 2 beasts to their knees without much resistance.

The beasts knew that Giant Sun was not lying and dared not face against him.

Out of nowhere a blindly light burst out from the Light Emperor!

At that moment Rank 9 Gu was finally refined.

"Father, now with Rank 9 Gu I can truly shine in this world." Light Emperor said as he looked at his father who was floating high above.

"Well done my son you have made me proud, and I have found the perfect opportunity to test your powers or rather 2 opportunities." Giant Sun's smile was akin to an executioner taking pleasure in delivering the kill.

The 2 beasts were frightened: "Please have mercy Lord Giant Sun we are willing to be your slaves just spare us!"

"Silence! Take this opportunity to prove yourself, if you somehow manage to survive against my son then I'll let you both go without pursuit." Giant Sun then erected a barrier around the 3 to prevent the immemorial beasts from leaving, not that could in front of Giant Sun, but he wanted Light Emperor to have battle experience.

The 2 brothers looked at each other: "There is no point in us showing tricks in front of Giant Sun in order to make it out alive we need to overpower his son but not kill him." Zuo Ye Hui whispered to his brother.

"Agreed, since he's a light path cultivator let me block and intercept his attacks while you strike him with dark path." You Tian Guang and his brother planned to use their manpower to their advantage.

As they finished planning Light emperor acted first,

Immortal Killer move -------- Light Body

Light Emperor's body began to shine like the Sun, with Rank 9 Light Gu as his vital Gu he could be said to be the number 1 Light path Cultivator, his might was close to the minimum requirements of becoming a venerable.

The killer move boosted his speed, attack, and defense considerably, and he charged straight at the brother pair.

"Shit" You Tian Guang quickly activated his killer move.

Immortal Killer move -------- Light Speed

To dodge and keep up with the speed boosted Light emperor.

But as Light emperor possessed the Rank 9 Light Gu he could practically use all the benefits of Light path with little drawbacks as Light Gu was the foundation of Light path!

However, most Light path cultivators had to rely on compromises and thus, relied on using the various aspects of Light path like every other path, they used Light's main strength speed when needed, Light's ability to do quick high penetrative attacks, etc.…

You Tian Guang was barely tying him in speed and losing in every other department!

Immortal Killer move --------- Shadow Seal

Chains constructed from shadows burst out from Zuo Ye Hui to pin down Light Emperor, but as soon as the chains touched him, they dissolved.

"Shit! His light path is too strong my attacks are weakened by him."

How Dark and Light paths interacted was unique, while most paths had a path that they were stronger than and a path they were weaker than, for example, Fire Path would dominate Earth Path, but would be crushed by Water path.

But in the case of Light and Dark, it depended solely on who had more Dao marks, if there were more Dark Path Dao marks, they would drown out the light, and if there were more Light Path Dao marks, they would illuminate and break the darkness.

Because Light emperor already had pseudo-venerable might, he was basically the natural enemy of Dark path. Now that he had Rank 9 Light Gu no Dark Path Cultivator could win against him.

"Brother, we have no choice my Light pales against his and your Darkness gets shredded by his Light we need to use our Trump Card." You Tian Guang ran towards his brother with his arm forward, his brother grabbed it and they turned on Light Emperor.

Combined Immortal Killer Move ---------- Yin And Yang Are One

This move allowed You Tian Guang and Zuo Ye Hui to merge into one beast with four arms and two heads.

But in this state their Dao marks coincided together in harmony and did not conflict, Light could be used as Dark and Dark as Light. This move showed the basis of the Yin-Yang path!

Combined the two beasts were finally able to keep up and even slightly push back Light Emperor!

While Light Emperor would block one Killer move, another would hit, while Light Emperor attacked, one would block his attack and the other would launch a counterattack.

If not for the move Light body, Light Emperor would have found it hard-pressed to keep up!

"If I want to shine bright in this world, I need to up my game, this is an era with 4 Venerables! How else can I shine if I don't push forward?" Light Emperor stood still.

You Tian Guang and Zuo Ye Hui felt a dangerous aura emanating from Light emperor.

"Quick he's up to something stop him" they both yelled in their heads.

Immortal killer move --------- Yin-Yang Reversal

The move would turn the Dao marks of the Gu Master it hit into its opposite! Light would become Dark, Fire into Water, Lighting into Earth, and so forth.

Although the move wasn't strong enough to affect the Gu master's entire body, nor were the effect permeant, but if timed right it could severely throw of a Gu master and cause him to suffer a backlash.

Especially in this case since Light Emperor's moves and path were pure Light it was easy to throw him off when his opposite Dark would injury him immediately.

The brothers were grinning as they believed they had just won.

But at that moment Giant Sun was smiling.

Rank 9 Immortal Killer Move ------------ It's My Time To Shine!!

The light that erupted was blindly White its power was so strong that the other venerables detected its existence and cast their gaze towards Northern Plains, but were blocked by Giant Sun.

"Giant Sun must have finally refined Light Gu, though I wonder why the move's strength is so weak?" Spectral Soul could monitor everything from Spectral Heaven, although he couldn't see who used the move, he could measure its strength.

Meanwhile, Star constellation was calculating what had happened based on the variables she knew: "Maybe this has something to do with Luck Path? Or maybe it's because Giant Sun doesn't specialize in Light path? Or perhaps he did something to imbue his son with a last-ditch killer move should his life be in danger?"

Fang Yuan was the only one who thought of the least likely but most scary outcome; what if Light Emperor is becoming a Venerable!

The more I write these chapters the more impressed I am with the original author, his chapters are roughly 2800 words and mine are well, let's not talk about that, but 2800 across 2334 that's 6,255,200 words!!! for 6 completed volumes and part of the 7th one. For context, Harry Potter contains 1,084,170 words over a 10 year period. Reverend Insanity came out around 2012. So in the same amount of time RI has written 6x more words than Harry Potter. Now, I'm not saying that the quantity of words is all it takes to make a story, cos even though I love RI to death I cannot say that it is literaturly better than Harry Potter, in fact, I love both genres. But I just wanted to provide context to the sheer number of words this guy has written so that we can all properly appreciate it and honestly I'm quite daunted at the task at hand but I will keep persevering for hope and immortality!

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