
Reverend insanity: Heaven devouring demon venerable

Born in the wild and boundless eastern sea, A man unshackled, like a bird soaring free. He spares who he will, and he slays who he must, On a path of destiny, driven by unwavering trust. He seeks to surpass even Ren Zu’s might, Relentless in pursuit, from day into night. So I ask you, “Who could this figure be?” None other than Ning Zu, bold and free. Guardian of the great Spectral Soul, Granted a second chance to reach his goal. Will he win or will he loose? Not even the heavens know. ———— I am writing in my phone, so if you see any mistake, please do inform me to fix it. join the discord: https://discord.gg/Q79Bf4Vf where me and other Ri fan fic writers chill.

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31 Chs

Chapter 4: Memories regained 

In a small corner of the southern border, was mountain full of greenery and life, it was known as: Qing Mao Mountain .

Qing Mao Mountain was controlled by three clans, and at the foot of the mountain resides the Xiong clan.

Xiong Er, an elder of the Xiong clan, paced nervously beside his home, a sight unbecoming of a respected rank 3 elder.

"Zi Rui, are you ready, my boy?"

When the door opened, Xiong Er saw her son, Xiong Zi Rui, a boy with brown eyes and long black hair that partially concealed his forehead. His appearance was unremarkable, though his demeanor radiated an anxious confidence.

"Yes, Mother. I will make sure not to disappoint." Zi Rui's voice held a note of determination, masking his inner fear. Today's ceremony would determine his future.

He put on a brave front, not wanting to add to his mother's worry.

"Remember, no matter what your talent is, you will always be my son," Xiong Er said reassuringly.

"Mother, there's no need to worry. I won't let you down."

With a heavy sigh, Xiong Zi replied, "Alright, your father and I will be waiting for you at the ceremony."

"Are you bringing that ball of wood with you again mother?"

"Yes, now stop complaining and go, you can't be late."

His father had already gone ahead to maintain good relations with the other elders.

After saying goodbye to his mother, Zi Rui made his way to the pavilion where the ceremony would be held.

'I don't want to disappoint them. They both have B-grade talent and are esteemed elders of the clan.'

Though he hid it well, Zi Rui was deeply apprehensive about the possibility of having low talent. His parents had once had C-grade talent but had a fortunate encounter that elevated it to B-grade.

Zi Rui knew that there were ways to enhance one's talent, as demonstrated by his parents. However, he was intelligent enough to understand that such opportunities were rare and unlikely for him.

'I just want to make them proud.'

As he walked, whispers about him and his family reached his ears.

"Look, it's the son of those fortunate elders!" someone said with envy.

"Honestly, that inheritance should have gone to someone more deserving," another voice sneered.

"Even with that inheritance, all they managed was B-grade talent," a third voice mocked.

"They claimed their talent improved suddenly without their will," another person sneered .

Zi Rui overheard these remarks, which only fueled his anxiety, though he maintained a facade of indifference.

Arriving at the clan pavilion, he saw hundreds of fifteen-year-olds gathered, some excited, others anxious. Today, their futures would be decided.

The pavilion was heavily guarded, as it housed the shrine of the Xiong ancestors and served as the center of clan authority. It was where the clan leaders and elders convened.

"Good, it seems everyone is here on time. Today is the Awakening Ceremony, the turning point of your lives. Without further ado, follow me."

The ceremony was overseen by the academy elder, the oldest man in the village, with a beard and hair as white as morning clouds.

He led the youths into the pavilion, not up but down into an underground cave. The youths gasped as they entered a dazzling cave, illuminated by rainbow-colored lights. An underground river awaited them, its surface dotted with tiny lights known as Hope Gu.

The clan elders were seated on a platform not far from the river, with the clan leader in the center. Zi Rui's parents were seated at the far end, while the most influential clan members were closer to the clan leader.

The academy elder amplified his voice with a Gu before addressing the youths.

"Alright, you probably know how this works, but I'll repeat it for clarity. Walk into the river as far as you can. The farther you walk, the brighter your future. Less than 10 steps indicate no talent. 10-20 steps indicate D-grade talent. 20-30 steps signify C-grade talent. 30-40 steps represent B-grade talent. 40-50 steps show A-grade talent."

The youths listened intently, fear and anticipation evident. Zi Rui, though outwardly calm, felt the pressure intensely.

"Xiong Mer, you go first."

A boy with bruised hands from farming stepped into the river, but after two steps, he couldn't walk any further.

"Xiong Mer, no talent to become a Gu master! Xiong Fei, your turn."

Xiong Mer returned to his place, his hands clenched and eyes holding back tears. Without talent, he would face a life of insignificance within the clan.

Typically, 5 out of 10 youths would awaken an aperture, but in the Xiong clan, only 3 out of 10 usually did.

The academy elder sighed internally. This problem dated back to when demonic Gu masters were invited to the clan decades ago, which had diluted the Xiong bloodline and led to this catastrophe.

'I can't blame the elders of the past for their choice, the Gu Yu clan had a rank 5 gu master at that time with multiple rank 4 elders!' Though the academy elder internally.

As the hours passed, many youths showed no talent, some had D-grade talent, and only a few had C-grade talent. 

The elders were concerned, seeing that this year's results where no better than those of previous years. 

But their concerns shifted when the clan leader's grandson, Xiong Mo, was called.

"Next, Xiong Mo!"

Xiong Mo, small and frail, with the typical brown hair and eyes of the Xiong clan, he approached the river without any fear in his eyes. Xiong Zi Rui, curious, watched closely. The clan leader's son had the highest chance of showcasing impressive talent.

As Xiong Mo walked into the river, Xiong Zi Rui approached the river to get a better view, but he felt an odd sensation when he got close to the river. Fragments of unfamiliar memories began surfacing in his mind.

He saw himself born on an isolated island in the sea, a sight that choked him because it was contrast to his familiar mountainous terrain.

But nobody seemed to notice him, as everyone's attention was on Xiong Mo.

As Xiong Mo walked, little lights surrounded him, marking a remarkable display of talent.

Xiong Mo continued to walk, despite the increasing pressure. He stopped after 38 steps.

"I can't walk anymore," Xiong Mo said, exhausted.

Cheers erupted among the crowd.

"Our clan is saved!"

"The clan leader's bloodline has once again proven its worth."

"I'll make myself useful to follow him even if I only have D-grade talent."

The elders shared in the joy.

"It seems we have a genius among us," the academy elder said, beaming with happiness.

"Hahaha, that's expected from my bloodline," the clan leader exclaimed, his earlier anxiety forgotten.

"Congratulations, clan leader," an elder praised, boot liking the clan leader immediately.

"I'll do my best to help him reach his full potential," the academy elder promised, his face full of resolve.

"I will be happy to put him on your watch, academy elder."

The clan leader trusted him, having learned from him in the past.

The academy elder, an old man nearing the end of his time, wished to repay the clan by guiding the next generation.

"Having someone like the clan leader's grandson in our clan is a blessing," one elder said, casting a smirk at his rival, Xiong Ning, whose grandson only achieved C-grade talent.

"We'll see how your grandson fares, Xiong Wei. Isn't he next?" Xiong Ning asked, though jealousy tinged his voice.

The academy elder confirmed, "Yes, Xiong Wei Xu is next!"

"Right away." 

Xiong Wei Xu, grinning, eager to prove himself to his grandfather and the elders approached the river. But then, he noticed someone had already entered the river.

"Hey! Zi Rui! It's not your turn yet!" Xiong Wei Xu shouted.

"You little shit, return right now or face the consequences!"

But Zi Rui was oblivious to the commotion. His mind was consumed by a barrage of memories.

A searing pain struck his head as more memories surfaced. The river sparkled with lights as he walked further.

7 steps… 8 steps… 9 steps…

He saw himself performing good deeds, saving lives and helping others, watching there reactions and trying to understand them, all of this to comprehend his human path.

17 steps… 18 steps… 19 steps…

He hit a wall eventually, no matter how much good he did to the people his attainment didn't improve at all, so he changed his ways, he killed , stole, tortured everyone even those he once helped, watching them and comprehending the human path.

He got banished from the eastern sea at the end, being hunted by righteous clans in all over the continent, he ran to the southern border where he almost gave up on the human path, until…

27 steps… 28 steps… 29 steps…

Xiong Wei Xu tried to stop him, but he after he took his 28 step, he couldn't move anymore, signifying his C grade talent.

Xiong Zi Rui didn't even notice his existence, for he now was starting to understand who he really was.

He remembered, when he almost gave up on cultivating the human path, he met a someone who was the definition of a maniac, he was someone who killed even if it didn't make sense, he did it anyway.

He fought with that person more than he can count, they almost killed each other multiple times.

He laughed with him, ate with him, drank wine with him till they passed out protected people from him, he even gave him his life's research.

He watched him become the strongest existence in the word, begged him to not kill every living being in this word, and finally watched him die while laughing like a maniac.

His attainment grew with every moment they spent together, whether it was spent being at each other's throats or traveling the word together, until the moment he saw him die.

He thought of him as brother.

34 steps… 35 steps… 36 steps…

He explored the word on his own after his friend's death, he talked to multiple people who influenced the word at that time, debated with the wills of countless immortals, know and unknown, he fell in love, found a gift left for him by his friend, got betrayed, and died at last, only his soul escaping.

43 steps… 44 steps… 45 steps…

All his life he tried to understand others, and now alone in his own word  inside a legendary tree, he tried to understand himself. Day after day, month after month, year after year, century after century, he was born alone and died alone.

After all his years of waiting, he was at last, reborn.

48 steps… 49 steps… 50 steps!

Finally, he found himself on the brink of enlightenment, having lived through countless experiences. He now stood alone, ready for a new beginning.

The river's surface blazed with intense light, blinding everyone momentarily. In that moment, the ball made of branches that Xiong Er always kept in her pocket opened, letting out a Gu that flied to his forehead entering it, leaving a mystical blue lotus tattoo on Xiong Zi Rui's forehead.

The academy elder, now fully attentive, was astonished by what he saw.

Xiong Zi Rui, or rather Ning Zu, turned, his eyes clear as water and deep as sea. He recited a poem with serene conviction.

"Finally, a chance to start anew, to live without disdain.

With determination and hope,

My heart will never bare despair.

I will embrace each new day,

With fervor and courage in every way.

I will work harder than ever before,

With strength and focus, never to bore.

My regrets and sorrows are now past,

I will live life to the fullest, at last.

No more hesitations, no more regrets,

I will face each predicament without any fear,

For my soul will always endure in this world,

Awaiting another day."

Xiong Zi Rui… No, Ning Zu, smiled hole heartedly, everybody wishes for a second live again, it's human after all, and Ning Zu did it, tricking the heavens once again.

life’s sucks man, I lost half of the chapter and had to do it again. it’s no problem though, for hope will always be in my heart.Anyway enough yapping, I hope you guys liked the chapter, any feed back is welcomed , and of course go support the author of original the original novel : Reverend insanity.See ya later friends

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