
Reverend Insanity - New History

Shai Yang reincarnates in the world of his favorite novel, Reverend Insanity, now he needs to become as strong as possible, because this world is dangerous, after all, it is the Gus World. This story is a Fanfic based on the 2334 chapters of Reverend Insanity, if you haven't read the original story it is highly recommended that you do, as many concepts explained there will be used here, and I don't intend to explain them here either. This story is just the translation of the Portuguese version, Reverend Insanity - Nova História.

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17 Chs

Chapter 15 - Serpent's Eye Gu

Chapter 15 - Serpent's Eye Gu

Beginning of September


"Now you must accompany me to choose your new Gu."

"Yes Elder."

Students responded to Shai Yu excitedly.

Shai Yang on the other hand didn't have that much excitement, he already had four Gu Worms, three of them Level 2, so getting a Level 1 Gu wasn't that exciting, but it was still very important.

'Although I have four Gus, the Gu of Inspirational Thought is used for support and the Gu of the Four Flavor Liquor Worm for cultivation.'

'As for the Gu of Vajra Thought is Attack and the Obstacle of Defense Wisdom, I still lack Gu of Movement and Investigation and Healing.'

When the students arrived at the academy's treasure trove, Shai Yu spoke.

"Those with Level 2 cultivation will be last, after all you already have more than one Gu, so let's give priority to those with only one."

All fifty students entered and chose their new Gu, with only Shai Yang and Shai Bo, the only ones with Level 2 cultivation, standing outside.

Shai Bo had advanced two weeks to Level 2, as Shai Yang, thanks to the Liquor Worm he was already in the Intermediate Stage of Level 2.

If it weren't for the academy and the guidance and practice that Shai Lao gave him on Gu's refinement, he would already be approaching the Upper Stage.

After Shai Bo left, Shai Yang entered and started walking in search of his new Gu.

He had already decided which one to choose, and this time he would not be a Gu of the Path of Wisdom.

Shai Yang stopped in front of the Gus section of the Path of Transformation and grabbed a Baby Finger Size Gu with a small sphere at one end, it was the Level 1 Serpent's Eye Gu.

"To use the Serpent's Eye Gu it is necessary to place it on the skin, where it remains hidden when not in use. When activated it will grow from the skin with the sphere detecting the heat and sending a visual image to the Gu Master."

"And with that my weakness in detection was greatly reduced."


At night


It was past midnight when Shai Yang finished refining the Serpent's Eye Gu.

"Huff... I was only able to finish the refinement so quickly because I used the aura of the Level 2 Gu to suppress the Level 1 to facilitate the Refinement. If there was a Two Rank difference then I would be able to refine it instantly. Well then let's go test it."

When Shai Yang sent his Primitive Essence to Gu on the back of his right hand, the Gu of the Serpent's Eye appeared at the same time that colored outlines appeared in his vision. In the warmer area the outline was red and orange and where it was cooler blue and green.

"With this Gu I can also see heat through objects, although the silhouette is more blurry than if there was nothing blocking my vision."

"This Gu feeds on snake meat, while the Level 2 Vajra Thought Gu feeds on Qi fruits. I get 30 Primitive Stones a month by refining Gu with Shai Lao, and 20 a week, 80 a month at the gym."

"Now I can sell Primitive Fruits from my yard, earning 8 Primitive Stones per month. I'm also no longer using Primitive Stones for cultivation, I'm in the Intermediate Stage of Level 2, but thanks to the Four Flavor Liquor worm my Essence Primitive is of the Upper Stage. So it takes 128 Primitive Stones to replenish all of my Primitive Essence."

"After receiving the strength of a Black Boar the Gu became useless, and I sold him for 320 Primitive Stones."

"Excluding this month's Gu food expenses, which are 44 Primitive Stones with the profits that are 118, adding to what I already had, I now have 697 Primitive Stones."

"The best I can do until the end of the year when I will receive my 19 Thousand Primitive Stones is to practice Gu refinement and focus on reaching the Higher Stage."