
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasi
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36 Chs

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The days at the academy were rigorous, packed with a busy schedule designed to challenge and enhance the abilities of its students. The academy had a unique method of telling time, synchronized with the rhythm of the twin stars in the sky. These twin stars, perfectly balanced, ensured that the world's temperature remained just right, neither too hot nor too cold, preserving its delicate ecosystem.

Each day began early, with the first light of the smaller, pale blue star signaling the start of the morning. Students would wake up and prepare for the day ahead, gathering in the grand hall for breakfast. The meals were nutritious, aimed at providing the energy needed for their demanding routines.

Classes began with the rising of the second, larger star, its golden hue bathing the academy in a warm glow. The morning sessions were typically devoted to theoretical studies. Students attended lectures on ancient history, magical theory, and the sciences. The instructors were experienced and knowledgeable, often delving into complex topics that challenged even the most gifted students, the topics posed no challenge for Tobi.

Tobi also found these sessions intriguing. His background and the knowledge he had acquired from Naiara and the sanctuary gave him a unique perspective. He often engaged in deep discussions with his instructors and peers, his insights adding depth to the conversations. Ragard, while not as involved in the theoretical aspects, would occasionally sit in, absorbing the knowledge quietly and offering his own wisdom when relevant especially when it had to do with magical creatures.

As the larger star reached its zenith, signaling noon, the students would break for lunch. This was a time for socializing and relaxation, a brief respite before the physically demanding afternoon sessions. Tobi and Ragard often used this time to gather information amongst the nobles under the guise of bonding and socializing with the other nobles, sharing stories and learning about their diverse backgrounds.

Tobi made sure not to share too much information about where he was from or what was on his mind.

The afternoons were dedicated to practical training. Combat classes, magical duels, and physical conditioning sessions filled the hours. Tobi excelled in these areas, his previous training and natural talent shining through. He faced various opponents in the dueling arena, his skill and strategy earning him respect and admiration. Ragard, too, participated in these sessions, his strength and combat experience proving invaluable.

As the day progressed and the larger star began its descent, the academy grounds were bathed in the soft light of the twin stars' combined glow. Evening classes focused on meditation and magical refinement, helping students harness and control their powers with precision. These sessions were crucial for Tobi, as he sought to master his abilities and understand the deeper aspects of his magic, since he falls under the classification of variants.

Dinner was a communal affair, with students and instructors gathering in the grand hall once more. The evening meal was a time for reflection and camaraderie, a chance to unwind and share the day's experiences. Tobi and Ragard often found themselves at the center of these gatherings, their presence a source of inspiration for some and for many revolting.

The night was marked by the disappearance of the smaller star, leaving only the large five moons of different sizes and colors to cast their gentle light. This was the time for rest and introspection. Tobi would often retreat to his quarters, a small but comfortable room within the noble dormitory. He would reflect on the day's lessons, his thoughts drifting to the prophecy and the mysterious future that awaited him a future of uncertainty and destruction.

Ragard, ever watchful, would ensure Tobi's safety before settling into his own quarters. Despite the rigorous schedule, the bond between master and guardian grew stronger with each passing day.

The academy's schedule, though demanding, was designed to forge resilience, knowledge, and strength. For Tobi, each day was a step closer to understanding his destiny and the role he was to play in the unfolding prophecy. As the days turned into weeks, the academy became not just a place of learning, but a crucible where his true potential was being forged, it was starting to feel more like his old world to him, it felt like home.

In the following weeks, the academy buzzed with rumors of a new instructor. Whispers echoed through the hallways, filled with tales of her incredible prowess and heroic deeds. It was said that she had single-handedly defeated a horde of demons and rescued a very important noble of the empire, earning her the admiration and gratitude of many. Her reputation grew even more impressive with claims that she had the rare privilege of meeting with the Grand Pope whenever she pleased.

This new instructor's arrival was eagerly anticipated by the students and faculty alike. Speculation ran wild about her identity, her background, and what kind of training she would bring to the academy. Some students were excited, eager to learn from someone of such legendary status, while others were apprehensive, fearing the high standards she might set.

Tobi, too, was intrigued by the rumors. His curiosity was piqued not just by her reputed strength, but also by her apparent connection to the highest echelons of the empire. He wondered how her presence might impact his own journey and what he could learn from someone with such a formidable reputation.

One crisp morning, as the academy buzzed with anticipation, the new instructor finally made her entrance. The grand hall was filled with students, their eyes fixed on the large double doors at the far end. The air was thick with excitement and curiosity. When the doors swung open, a hush fell over the room.

A figure stepped through, clad in simple yet elegant robes that contrasted with the opulence of the academy. Her presence was commanding, with an aura of confidence and strength that radiated from her. She had sharp, piercing eyes that seemed to take in everything at once and a demeanor that suggested she had faced and overcome countless challenges.

As she walked down the hall, the students parted to let her pass, their eyes wide with awe and admiration. She moved with a grace and purpose that spoke of her experience and skill. When she reached the front of the hall, she turned to address the assembly.

"Greetings, brats of this holy academy," she began, her voice clear and strong. "I am Instructor Lucia. I have been invited here to share my knowledge and experience with you. Together, we will push the boundaries of what you believe is possible."