

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to harry potter the wonderful J.K. Rowling does. Also I can't promise this book will be the best but you know we out here tryin so don't be to harsh.





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Harry was sat on his cot in his room. Trying to heal himself from the birthday gift he had just received from his uncle. It was ten minutes till midnight, till he turned 16, and the next day he could escape from this house and the awful muggles he has to call family. Harry hissed as he bumped his recently healed and bandaged ribs. His uncle had come home that night from his job and was in a foul mood you could tell. He told Harry to make dinner and go back to his room, Harry looked at him and saw how suspiciously calm his uncle looked. Once his uncle came up to his room he understood that he wasn't calm he was just waiting, to give Harry his birthday "present". Which turned out to be being beaten within an inch of his life. He turned to look at the broken clock sitting on the broken box of a night stand, and saw it was midnight. He quietly wished himself a happy birthday like he's done for the past 15 years of his life. The moonlight shined through the small window on the far side of his cupboard. It's pathetic really, I'm a wizard and I can't even defend myself from the filthy muggles I'm forced to stay with Harry thought. While contemplating his uselessness there was a dull pain in the back of his head and it was growing increasingly painful by the minute. Soon he couldn't think, he couldn't move, all he could do was feel pain excruciating pain.

Harry's POV

It was worse than the cruciatus curse ten times over, making it hard to focus on not screaming and waking up Vernon. The pain kept getting worse, it got so bad I thought my head was going to explode, gradually the pain lessened then it stopped. I cautiously opened my eyes, I looked to the window and saw something coming towards it then everything went black.

When I woke I saw it was morning, I heard a hoot looked over and saw an official owl sitting next Hedwig. There was a burning in my throat by just thought I was just thirsty, I went to stand up but there was a weight on my back. I reached behind me and felt feathers, I turned and looked behind me and all I saw was black feathers.

"I have wings" I whispered quietly, I stood there for a few minutes then I heard an impatient hoot and remembered the random owl I approached, it stuck its leg out to me and I grab the letter from it and it flew off I looked at the envelope and realized the seal was from Gringotts.

"Wonder what Gringotts wants from me?"

Dear Mr. Potter

It has come to our attention that you have recently had an inheritance and have come of age. We would like to discuss with you coming of age in the wizarding world and all that entails and some minor vault discrepancies that we would like to rectify with you as well as some other information we would rather share with you in person. This letter is a portkey  tap your wand to the letter and say the word "Gold" and it will transport you to the front steps of Gringotts. Also attached to this letter is your birth certificate that we will go more in depth in once you arrive we have some very delicate matters to attend to.

Sincerely, Ragnok

Manager of Gringotts

I pulled out the other sheet of parchment from the envelope and was shocked by what I was reading it couldn't be true, could it?

Birth Name: Hadrian Regulus Black (Pureblood)

Father: Sirius Orion Black (Pureblood)

Mother: Carina Alya Black nee Yaxley (Pureblood)

God Father: Lucius Malfoy (Pureblood) and Severus Tobias Snape-Prince (Half-blood)

God Mother: Narcissa Malfoy (Pureblood) and Bellatrix Lestrange (Pureblood)

God Brother: Draconis Lucius Malfoy (Pureblood)

Adoptive Name: Harrison James Potter (Half-blood)

Adoptive Father: James Fleamont Potter (Pureblood) (deceased)

Adoptive Mother: Lillian Kate Potter nee Evans (Muggle-Born) (deceased)

Adoptive God Father: Sirius Black (Pureblood) and Remus Lupin (Half-blood)

Adoptive God Mother: Alice Longbottom (Pureblood//deemed insane) and Marlene McKinnon (Pureblood)

Adoptive God Brother: Neville Longbottom (also blood brother by ritual)

Magical Gaurdian: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Illegal)

Creature Inheritance: Dark Veela

*Mate - Unknown Dominant Veela

So that was what the wings were, realizing I hadn't even seen what I looked like now. Quietly I unlocked my door and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and realized I looked completely different, my hair was like liquid onyx when it moved and waist length, my skin was completely unblemished not a scar in sight except for my lightning bolt of course. My lips were fuller and blood red, I was no longer 5'3 I grew to about 5'7, I grew a little muscle but my body was still lithe. Also my body was more feminine. I was somewhat confused on that part but remembered I had more pressing matters to attend too. I grabbed all the stuff I would need, meaning my school stuff put it in my trunk with Hedwig's cage told her to fly ahead to the leaky cauldron where I would get a room till school starts back up. I got my wand put my shrunken trunk in my pocket, glamored myself, grabbed both papers, tapped my wand to the paper said Gold and felt the familiar pull at my navel.

When I landed I was on the front step of Gringotts, walking I went straight to the nearest open teller and handed them my letter " I have a meeting with Manager Ragnok"

"Right this way Mister Potter"

The goblin led me down a hallway to a large oak door with a gold plate that said Manager Ragnok. The goblin knocked on the door and walked in.

"Mister Potter is here to see you sir"

"Ah yes Mr. Potter come in and have a seat please. That is all Griphook thank you." Griphook bowed and walked out.

"So Mister Potter, as stated in the letter you have come into your inheritance. Also as I said there are some very delicate things to discuss so why don't we just start."

He laid two pieces of parchment and a blade on the desk "7 drops on both papers please Mister Potter." Ragnok said, I grabbed the knife and sliced my palm and let seven drops on each paper. When I was done my wound healed and the blood started to spread and words started to appear.  Ragnok picked up the papers and started reading.

The first Parchment was just my Birth Certificate again and the second I'm guessing was the delicate information he wanted to talk about.

Birth Name: Hadrian Regulus Black (Pureblood)

Father: Sirius Orion Black (Pureblood)

Mother: Carina Alya Black nee Yaxley (Pureblood)

God Father: Lucius Malfoy (Pureblood) and Severus Tobias Snape-Prince (Half-blood)

God Mother: Narcissa Malfoy (Pureblood) and Bellatrix Lestrange (Pureblood)

God Brother: Draconis Lucius Malfoy (Pureblood)

Adoptive Name: Harrison James Potter (Half-blood)

Adoptive Father: James Fleamont Potter (Pureblood) (deceased)

Adoptive Mother: Lillian Kate Potter nee Evans (Muggle-Born) (deceased)

Adoptive God Father: Sirius Black (Pureblood) and Remus Lupin (Half-blood)

Adoptive God Mother: Alice Longbottom (Pureblood//deemed insane) and Marlene McKinnon (Pureblood)

Adoptive God Brother: Neville Longbottom (also blood brother by ritual)

Magical Gaurdian: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Illegal)

Creature Inheritance: Dark Veela

*Mate - Unknown Dominant Veela

Blocks and Compulsions:

*All blocks and compulsions were administered by one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Parseltongue - 80% Blocked

Parselmagic - 100% Blocked

Wandless magic - 60% Blocked

Wordless magic - 100% Blocked

Animagus Form - 100% Blocked

Eidetic Memory - 95% Blocked

Metamorphmagus Abilities - 100% blocked

Core - Dark - 50% Blocked

Natural Occlumens and Legilimens - 100% blocked

Loyalty Compulsion - keyed to Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley, Ginerva Weasley, and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (administered by APWBD)

Hate Compulsion - keyed to Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Carina Black, and anything Slytherin or of dark nature (administered by APWBD)

Lord and Heirships:

Lord to The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of:




Lord to The Ancient and Most Ancestral Houses of:





Heir to The Ancient and Most Ancestral Houses of:

Slytherin by rite of conquest and Soulmate

LeFay by rite of conquest and Soulmate

Heir to The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of:

Gaunt by rite of conquest and Soulmate


Potter - Trust Vault, Main Vault, Potter Ancestral Vault, and School Vault

Black - Trust Vault, Main Vault, Black Ancestral Vault, and School Vault

Gryffindor - Main Vault and Trust Vault

Ravenclaw - Main Vault and Trust Vault

Peverell - Main Vault and Trust Vault

~Sub Vault of the Peverell's: The Master of Death Vault

Emrys - Trust Vault, Main Vault and School Vault

Prince - Trust Vault, Main Vault and School Vault

Slytherin - Main Vault and School Vault

LeFay - Main Vault


Potter - Potter Manor, Godrics Hollow Cottage

Black - 12 Grimmuald Place, Black Manor

Gryffindor - Gryffindor Castle, Gryffindor Manor, 1/4 of Hogwarts

Ravenclaw - Ravenclaw Castle, Eagles Point (manor) 1/4 of Hogwarts

Peverell - Peverell Manor, All of Godrics Hollow, Mort Manor

Emrys - Emrys Castle, Dragon Respite,

Prince - Prince Manor

Slytherin - Slytherin Castle, Slytherin Manor, Chamber of Secrets, 1/4 of Hogwarts

LeFay - LeFay Castle

I was in shock it only just registered to me that Sirius, my God Father was actually my father, and that I had living family. Then it hit me that my best friends or people who I thought were my best friends had betrayed me. It was such an intense anger that I was calm.

"I thought they were my best friends, I trusted them." Anger slowly then turned to hurt and betrayal then nothing. I felt numb I just couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Potter-Black I would also like to inform you that large sums of money have been transfered from your vault to many others."

"Who?" I asked quietly making sure to keep my voice even.

" One Albus Dumbledore, one Molly Weasley, her two Youngest Ronald and Ginerva Weasley, one Arthur Weasley, and one Hermione Granger, Mr. Potter-Black. There was also some galleons transferred over two years ago to Fred and George Weasley's vaults as well."

"First call me Hadrian it is my name after all, and second I want everything back from them with interest, except the twins I gave them that money and I know they wouldn't steal from me anyways."

"As you wish, I insist you also call me Ragnok, also is there anything else you would like to discuss while you're here Hadrian."

"Ok Ragnok and yes, a few things actually, first on my birth certificate it said that I am lord prince instead of Professor Snape why is that?"

"Mr. Snape-Prince's mother was disowned as well as she was because she married a muggle, it was stated that Mr. Snape-Prince would never be allowed to take up the mantel but his children would. Seeing as he cannot have children and you are his god son he made you his heir therefore making you Lord Prince."

"Ok, second again why does it say I'm Lord Black instead of my father, and that's another things it doesn't say that my father is dead but I saw him die, I saw him fall through the veil at the ministry."

"Gringotts never lies Hadrian so if the paper says he alive then it is so, and you are Lord Black because regardless of your father being innocent it clearly states that one can never become Lord of a house if they've been imprisoned in Azkaban."

"Oh. Well also I would like to have these blocks and compulsions removed, for a price of course."

"We have a ritual to remove these for 15 galleons, but seeing how you have so many Lord and Heirships if you just accept them the rings will cleanse you."

"How do I accept them?" I asked.

" Hold your right hand in the air and state your name and say that you accept the lordship of The Noble and Most Ancient house for each house except the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Emrys. You do the same thing for both Ancient and Ancestral heirships as well."

~time skip to after the acceptance brought to you by my left buttcheek~

That was a long process, but I feel better now like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I thought. I had all my lordship and heirship rings on a chain around my neck, except the Potter and Black rings I had those combined on my right ring finger. They rings on the chain were concealed to everyone but me and those whom I allow to see

"Ok last question and then I think I'll be off seeing as it is particularly late. If James isn't my father then how am I Lord Potter."

"It is somewhat similar to Mr. Snape-Prince, the Potters never had a child and you were blood adopted, and then they died before they had another child making you their sole heir."

"That does make sense. Thank you Manager Ragnok for all your help today it has been most appreciated. May your gold overflow."

"May your enemies perish at your feet. Good day Mr. Pot- Hadrian."

After leaving Gringotts realized how truly late it was, I left to the leaky cauldron rented a room, went upstairs and saw Hedwig sitting on the windowsill. I enlarged my trunk got her cage put it out walked over to the bed and knocked out. I reasoned I could get all the things I need tomorrow I needed to sleep. I hadn't even realized my wings had retracted into my back while I was on business in Gringotts.

(Harry will be known as Hadrian from now on)