
Revenge of the Witch

When the bubonic plague sweeps through the world and takes a little girls parents from her, she finds herself stuck growing up with her evil royal relatives. They abuse her and make her life absolutely miserable. What they don't realize is that she is the first born daughter to the most powerful witch in the world. When she meets an unlikely character who reveals her entire past that has been lost to her, she finally finds out the truth and starts on the path to learning how to tame her new powers so she can get sweet revenge on her terrible aunt and uncle. Through this journey she finds love in an interesting way. ---- "She brought her ugly face close to mine and latched onto my hair, yanking my head back further. Her putrid breath blew over me as she spoke in a voice full of venom. "It is too late for tea now.” I cringed, waiting for the inevitable blow that was coming. Instead, she took the teapot of near-boiling water, dumping it down the side of my body. I screamed as my skin started to blister and burn off. The queen laughed evilly"

MysticalSarah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

My Savior

Running out of the front doors to the palace, Mary and I witnessed a line of men with trumpets held high in the air blowing their fanfare loudly. "This is exciting! Mother said I might meet my prince tonight and he would sweep me away from this terrible place." She said, fake swooning. Laughing at her, I imagined myself being swept away. I would be stuck here until hell froze over since I was rarely allowed out of my room for any reason other than to serve the king and queen so it was pointless to even think about it. It was ingrained in my brain that I was not good enough for anyone outside these palace walls. Mary grabbed my hand and drug me into the ballroom. I kept my head down as we walked around the room together, avoiding meeting anyone's eyes. I could not help but notice the scuff marks and dirt on the floor I had just cleaned earlier. I grimaced as I realized I would have to clean all of that again later. "Stop being so negative and just enjoy yourself for the night." Mary chastised me, breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled at her and tried to push the bad thoughts away. We walked over to the tables along the side of the room. They had been stocked with all kinds of food. Mary knew that food was always the way to my heart and the way to lighten any bad mood I found myself in. I gasped in excitement as I grabbed a fancy plate and loaded it with all kinds of rich, decadent food. Mary chuckled at me and did the same. She knew I very rarely had this much access to food so she gave me space while I stuffed my face and filled my stomach full. I ate for a long time until I felt fit to burst. If any man wanted to dance with me, they would have to roll me around the dancefloor like a ball. The room was slowly filling with people dressed in exquisite ballgowns. I loved being able to see all the unique designs and ways they wore their hair. People were laughing and joking with each other, somewhere in the back of the room a harpsichordist was playing a slow melody. I grinned from ear to ear and closed my eyes, taking everything in. For once I was happy, with no strings attached. No beating to be taken later for enjoying myself, no extra chores. It was exhilarating being around so many people at once when I was used to enjoying my own company. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and spun around in defense. A young man was standing behind me with a shocked look on his face. "I wanted to ask if you would have this dance with me?" He said bowing and presenting his hand to me. I looked over at Mary and she giggled and nodded for me to go with him. Nervously, I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. He was broad-shouldered with raven black hair that was cut at chin length. He sported an unshaven face, a bold move in times now when most men had their faces bald. He wore a dark-colored, tall hat with a feather sticking out of the top. His stockings were a dark green and his shirt was white cotton, puffy and simple. A dark green doublet with gold embroidered throughout the fabric was laced over the top of his shirt. "I cannot dance," I admitted to him. He chuckled at me, "It is surprising that such a pretty lady like yourself has not danced with a variety of men." I blushed and put my head down. "My name is John." He said kindly as he put his hand under my chin and pushed my head up to look at him. "You have such pretty eyes, just like your mother's." My blood ran cold and my heart thudded in my chest. "Y-you knew my mother?" I stuttered. "Yes, and I also know of you Clara. I know of your mother and father, that you are only nineteen years of age, and a lot more that you do not." He brightly said. "Tell me." I looked at him, desperation in my eyes. Suddenly a loud gasp rang out through the room and a loud thudding started in our direction.

The monster herself was barreling towards us at a furious pace. Her face contorted in rage aimed directly at me. John stepped in front of me, ready to take the full brunt of her anger. I had only met this man a few minutes ago and he was already going to bat for me. I was shocked. "Hello, Ethel. What a nice ball you have put together for our arrival." He courteously said. She stopped in her tracks, immediately changing her demeanor. "I am so glad you are enjoying yourself, dear prince." She smiled grossly at him, her yellow teeth shining. Ever so kind, he smiled back at her. "Did you happen across my daughter, Mary?" She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at him. "I did, she is a beautiful woman. But she did not catch my eye like Clara here did." He gestured to me, happily. "She looks lovely in a royal color." Ethel's face dropped and she narrowed her eyes at me, unspoken threats passing between us. She turned around grumbling angrily to herself and walked off in the king's direction. "I figure I should go dance with your cousin to spare you a little bit of pain tonight." He said, catching me off guard. "You know about that too?" I asked, puzzled. How did this stranger know all of this about me? "I know a lot about you, Clara. Stuff that not even you know about. I will be staying at the palace tonight and I will find my way to your room so that we can talk. You deserve to know what you do not." He bowed low and kissed my hand. He then strode away quickly in Mary's direction.

I danced until my feet ached and ate until my stomach hurt. I walked in the direction of my room happily, spinning around and dancing. Wine sloshing in my belly and my head was full of airy thoughts. I was so distracted that I did not notice the shadow along the wall next to the door of my room. Queen Ethel stepped out from the shadows with an evil glint in her eyes. "So, you think you're going to take my daughter's prince from her?" She asked slowly as she raised her hand to slap me. I cringed as it made collided with the side of my face, the sound echoing around us. "N-no my q-queen. He a-asked me to d-dance with him." I stuttered, fearful of what she would do to me after what had taken place earlier this morning. My tattered arm was proof of just how far she would take things. I shielded my head as she punched me, landing the hit on the forearm of my burned arm. Pain blanched throughout my arm as a bunch of the blisters burst open. I breathed heavily, trying to ignore the pain. "Nobody will ever love you, Clara. You are not worthy of anything, let alone love." She sneered at me, pushing me hard into the wall. "I think that is quite enough," A familiar male voice rang out from down the hallway. Footfalls echoed down the corridor as John stepped into view, the candlelight from the sconces illuminating him. "You are in my home, my palace. Who are you to tell me what to do?" She spat at him. He smiled politely. "I do not have jurisdiction to tell you what you can do in your domain. I do, however, have the authority to report the abuse of this girl who is supposed to be your daughter in the eyes of the kingdom. I do not think that will go over well if word gets out." He threatened. Ethel's face went sheet white. If he reported her for abuse, she would be stripped of her position as queen. Nobody wanted a queen who abused her power, let alone her family. I watched John with my mouth open in shock. I had never seen anyone stand up to her before. Ethel sputtered, opening and closing her mouth like a large, hairy fish. "If you lay another hand on this girl, I will personally make sure that the entire kingdom hears of the abuse that she has endured for years. It will come directly from my mouth." Ethel did not say another word as she turned on her heels and angrily made her way down the corridor. John turned to me and hugged me. "How are you doing?" He asked as he pulled away, concern lacing his voice. The wine I had consumed was making my head feel swimmy and it was hard to hold a coherent thought. I bowed my head once again, "I am not well." I said to the floor, honestly. He sighed and hoisted me into his arms, carrying me through the doorway of my room. Stopping abruptly, he growled. "You do not even have a proper bed?" He asked incredulously. "No. I do not know comfort." I dismally said. He hugged me closer to his body, placing a kiss on the top of my head. Setting me down on the floor gently, he sat down cross-legged next to me. He produced a few pieces of sucket candy out of the pocket of his coat and handed it to me. I cautiously took the small spiced orange peel from him and stuck it in my mouth quickly out of fear of it being taken away. I closed my eyes and savored the sweet, spicy citrus taste. He put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and sharing his warmth. It was chilly in the room around us, my fireplace having been gated off until winter by Ethel. "I am sorry you have had to live this way," he said to me after a few minutes of silence. "I am not good enough to live any other way. I do not deserve it. I am a waste of space." I spoke aloud the words my brain told me daily. He turned his head sharply towards me with a look of anger on his face. As I flinched at the sudden movement, his featured softened to understanding. "She told you that, did she not?" He demanded, trying to keep the anger from showing in his voice. I nodded, looking at my feet. "Do not worry, soon enough you will get your revenge on the king and queen." He vowed strongly. I looked up at him, confused. His soft brown eyes met mine with sincerity. "Tell me what you said I do not know." I narrowed my eyes at him. Taking a deep breath, he began his story. "My father and mother were one of your parent's closest friends. They were inseparable. You and I were born a year apart and destined to be betrothed." he started, watching for my reaction. I had none. "When your parents passed from the black death, my mother came looking for you to bring you to live with us. But you had already gone to live with your aunt and uncle. After going to your old house, my mother contracted the black death. She realized it as soon as her symptoms started and tied rocks to her feet, then dropped herself into the river. Father was torn up about it for years, but he knew he needed to protect me. When word came our way a few years ago from a cook who had been employed here that you were alive still, father was shocked. The cook told us stories of your abuse that he had witnessed himself. The thing that made father sure it was you was the cook describing your vivid green eyes, the same your mother had." I did not remember my mother's appearance at all. I could only remember how warm and comforting her hugs had been and how loud and jovial fathers laughs were. John continued after yet again not receiving a response. "We contacted the king to plan this ball so that I could meet you and he could see you with his own eyes, using politics as our scapegoat. Father told me everything he could about your family so that if he could not meet you himself, I could tell you in his place. You come from great power, Clara. Enough power that if you harness it well enough, you will more than achieve revenge against your horrid relatives." I finally snapped my head up, the thought of revenge bouncing around in my head. "Tell me how." I said, determined to learn all that I could. John grinned at me, "I shall oblige, my pretty lady."