
Revenge of the Shattered

Two world powers fought over to be the strongest. The Kingdom of Avalon, world power for as long as people could remember, with strong military force, expanding over more than half of the world. A newly risen world power, The Kingdom of Sycamore, a neutral body, whose royals and nobles are known to be divine celestial mages. The story takes place after the war, Sycamore was defeated and completely devastated, while Avalon was under critical condition. Nothing remained of the Sycamorian royal family except two princesses who barely managed to escape.

Moonstone_Opal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Who are you?" enquired Moonstone as she stood on the biggest of the few stones which were floating in mid-air.

Suddenly a huge shadow towered behind her. She swung back to see what it was and she was spell bounded. A being which was enormous with its crowned head held high above gently hovered behind her. Its legs were silver scaly and they were majestic and slender. From behind it emerged a huge tail which was the size of the dragon's skeleton. Starting with huge bones like a backbone, it ended with a smooth bone shaped like a scorpion's barb. Its thin torso broadened as it turned into a wide chest which was covered with white fur till its shoulders and its nape. A long fluttering cape flowed from under the fur which veiled all its back and its shoulders. Its head had three horns from its forehead, two small and one big in the middle, making a grand crown which rested upon it.

Its facial features weren't to be seen because its face was all pitch black and only his calm ad thin white eyes shone through the darkness. It's raised its silver arm with dignity and reached to Moonstone's forehead and tapped its first finger in the middle.

"His'kiyl iti y'khֹlet"( Give my power) its voice echoed all around.

When it uttered that, white spirals on Moonstone's body started glowing brighter and strands of light flowed out of the spirals and started circling on Moonstone's head. All the light finally took a shape of the crown on that being's head.

Then it spoke again "l'hit'napetz",(Shatter)

The moment it uttered those words, all the white around them shattered and colors started returning again. Moonstone soon realized that she was still laying on the ground and the men were just taking Amethyst away. Moonstone stood up and with every step of her, a crash sounded. The men looked back in surprise and their faces fell in utter shock. In front of them stood the same girl but something peculiar stood out in her. Her whole body had swirls shining bright, Her eyes which were turquoise now were shining white with no pupil. Her white hairs grew long till her feet. She closed her legs and her whole body started hovering in mid-air.

"W-Who are Y-yOu??!! And what the hell happened?!!!!" The men shouted.

White swirls of pure miasma twirled around her whole body. It seemed as if she had been infused with the being.

"I am Sechocris, And I am the guardian being of the Fortress of criostalan deàrrsach(Shining Diamonds)" spoke Moonstone in hymn with the voice of a man.

"What the heck?!!" One of them shouted.

She glared at them with burning eyes. It seemed as if Moonstone wasn't even there and only her resentment and desire to eradicate them was controlling her body. She took in a breath and then she touched the ground with her hand.

She breathed out "Yatsa (Come out)".

Suddenly loud rumbling sounds started to come from underground, it gave violent shakes and in split second, the ground tore open and out came huge roots which circled behind her back. Everything remained still for a moment. The roots were hovering there silently as if they were intently waiting for an order. The men fell on the ground as they looked in fear at the overgrown roots which looked like twisted snakes. They stood up and started to run and threw Amethyst aside. Moonstone hovered silently and her face pictured a calm portrait. She raised her hand and pointed at the men running.

" Hem hakl(Those all)..... l'sabekh(Entangle)" She ordered.

The vines shot towards them at the speed of light and entangled them tightly and held them in the air. They started shouting and yelling for help.

" Tsamah gavoah'( Grow Higher) " She uttered as she raised her hand high in the sky.

The roots grew higher and higher in the sky with those yelling men and grew into an evergreen tree.

"Macha( Crush.)...."

She was about to say something when the swirls in her body vanished and she fell to the ground. Her body slowly started to return back. She weakly stood up and staggered towards Amethyst. She pulled her over her back and started to walk away. She limped into the darkness of the forest as she left those men hanging in the tree, high in the sky, shouting. She walked for a while in a random direction, Her mind was all fuzzy and her breathing heavy. She gasped for breath and took one step at a time. Soon enough she reached a roaring river that was gushing with a lot of speed. She was about to turn back when her foot slipped and she with Amethyst fell into the river.


His'kiyl iti y'khֹlet (Hebrew): Give my power

l'hit'napetz (Hebrew): Shatter

Criostalan deàrrsach (Scottish Gaelic): Shining Diamonds

Yatsa (Hebrew): Come out

Hem Hakl (Hebrew): Those all

I'sabekh (Hebrew): Entangle

Tsamah Gavoah (Hebrew): Grow Higher

Machatz (Hebrew): Crush. (Though Moonstone is only able to say a bit of it)