

There was a permanent blush mark on my face till I got home. The way he held my waist while dancing his lovely voice and enacting looks, what more could a girl want. To add it all up he was a gentleman.

"Ma'am" the driver called me, zoning me out of my thoughts. " We are here," he said, stepping out to open the door for me, while assisting me to get out.

"My purse." I said pointing at my purse in the car. He helped me get it while I walked into the house.

"Good evening ma'am, your keys" the maid said while she opened the door for me to come in.

"Thank you, prepare some food for me." I said, grabbing the keys. I walked up the marble stairs. I got into my room and jumped on my big bed, what a stressful day. I got my phone out and checked my notifications, I was being tagged all over Twitter, "urgh not today again." I said dropping my phone back to my reading table, I realized I have never felt this way for a guy. This was something totally strange to her.

I sat up pushing my shoes off my legs with my toes. Was he someone special that I would feel this way or is he the one meant for me. I got out of my ball dress and had a shower immediately, my plate of chicken salad was already served on my bed as I came out of the bathroom. I wear my PJs and number on my food. After my skincare routine, I laid down on bed and began my night's rest.

The bright sun filtered through my window, I woke up with this unknown strength and energy. The first thing I could think of right now was Raymond, I couldn't help but blush. How could a middle class man make me smile so well? The connection from last night and our genuine conversations made me so happy and left a good impression.

I laid in bed and reached for my phone, with the same excitement I sent a message to Raymond expressing my gratitude for last night.

Minutes turned into hours expecting a response from Raymond. The uncertainty of whether he felt the same way.

Don't overthink it, maybe he was busy, I thought. I stood up with a big stretch, I wore my slippers and did my morning routine's. I blow dried my hair and changed into a casual fit. After a long time my phone charmed with a message. My heart throbbed so bad as I rushed to my bed to grab my phone and check my notifications. It was from him, a bright smile slowly emerged on my face.

He replied expressing how much he also enjoyed last night and insisted on us meeting once again. I agreed and we decided to meet in a cafe for a date.

I quickly selected clothes for the date, the date was by 12 and it was basically 9. After eating breakfast I came back to my room and did some work till around 11, I had to get dressed, I took my time and dressed properly. I was done by 11:40 I looked. At myself one last time before leaving the room. Perfect! I smiled looking at myself in the mirror before leaving.

In no time she got to the luxurious coffee shop. It was extremely Comfy and coated with the smell of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee. As I arrived, I saw Raymond standing beside the entrance of the door with flowers, a warm smile spread through my lips. Today was gonna be a fluttering one.

He approached me and gave me a boutique of flowers in his hand.

"You look, you look so stunning." He said, looking at me.

"Thank you." I said admiring the boutique he gave me. He led me into the cafe while holding my other hand.

We sat at the corner table while we talked and flowed like we knew each other. It was like we had this unknown connection right from when I set my eyes on him during the ball and now this, was this a sign that this was her prince charming?

After our long talks we decided to take a stroll around the reserved estate. I couldn't help but smile at how romantic he was. Raymond made plans on meeting another time and exploring the city together, though I have been everywhere, it would be romantic since he newly moved here. I know I have met someone who is willing to grow with me and guide me why risk that and let anything come in between us.

I went to bed daydreaming about him one last time. I felt so much joy with him. I am eagerly anticipating our next meeting.

Few weeks passed after our meeting in the café and our bond grew more and more with every meeting. From him coming to my office and me going to the gym with him, everything seemed to go well. Today was another day for a beautiful outing, we were going to a very beautiful garden.

I told my mum about him. She was disappointed that he wasn't a rich guy, but I don't mind, it's my life not hers. I packed up the files on my desk and rushed back home to change into a more comfortable dress. The garden had a beautiful site of vibrant beautiful flowers and the sweet smell of flowers filled the air. We walked around the garden for a while till we decided to have a seat on an iron-bench under a large oak tree.

"Grace." He began holding both my hands to face him."These past few weeks have been the most beautiful weeks of my life, it's like we were meant to be."

I felt so happy, my heart throbbed with happiness. He felt the same way!!!!!!! I almost stood up and jumped, but I gotta act matured. "I get what you mean, having this type of bond is rare in a short period of time. I'm very fortunate to have you in my life."

"I feel the same way honestly, basically just been thinking about us, about the connection we have built, I really want you to know I'm falling for you."

"And I'm falling more and more every single day." My heart raced badly. I think he can hear it. Oh please don't overthink right now!!

"You alright?" Raymond said, touching my face. I nodded immediately.

Raymond moved closer putting his hands on my thighs, our bodies inching closer to each other. My eyes dropped to his lips. It was so tempting and inviting and I felt like devouring his lips once and for all.

Our lips met, soft and tentative at first. I felt a warm sensation rush through my body as the kiss deepened, Raymond's hands gently stroking my thighs as his other hand tracing my jaw line. I pulled closer, putting my hand on his shoulder as his hand went to my waist and pushed me closer. The kiss got more intense with every movement. The world around me seemed to stop while our tongues entwined .

Our lips parted and we looked at each other in silence, Raymond's hand traced down my spine making me crave more and I went in for another round. More intense and deepening, I could hear little moans from Raymond's lips while we both kissed.

Finally we pulled out of the kiss with our foreheads touching each other. I looked into Raymond's seductive eyes. It was a kiss that spoke volumes and declaration. My first kiss. I could feel my cheeks burn because of my thoughts.

"Don't blush that hard." He said removing his forehead from mine.

I chuckled still admiring him.