
Revenge Of The Magic Swordsman

In a world once plunged into darkness, the Leonidas family stood as legendary swordsmen, revered and feared. Among them, Declar Leonidas was destined to inherit their legacy. Yet, as fate would have it, he became the family's greatest disappointment. In the aftermath of a victorious war that restored peace, a sinister plot brewed in the shadows. The "Valor Guardians" made of all powerful forces of the continent, once allies, turned against the Leonidas family, orchestrating a tragic demise that left Declar the sole survivor. At death's doorstep, salvation arrived in the form of a mysterious old man who uttered cryptic words, "Your journey isn't over, my boy." With newfound purpose, Declar embarked on a quest for vengeance, fueled by his late-blooming swordsmanship skills and the magical powers coursing through his bloodline. Overflowing with an intense fury born of betrayal, he set his sights on the Valor Guardians and all who conspired against his family. As the course for retribution unraves, Declar Leonidas becomes an unstoppable force, destined to reclaim his family's honor and rewrite the dark tale that has plagued his bloodline.

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150 years ago, the Legion of Doom made their first appearance to the World.

Catastrophe, chaotic storm of disasters, and wars wreaked havoc as countless deaths ensued.

Life became grim, and the people started to lose hope…

Then one day, as death and destruction seemed relentless, showing no end, the powerful forces of the empire, one that dominated the Lukar continent came together and formed the Valor Guardians.

The Valor Guardians were divided into six forces.

The virtuous family, a family raised by the Tyrant dragon which represented martial art- the great Dragonheart family who only believes in training their body to the peak.

The magic vanguard, a group with high affinity to mana which has led the world of magic over centuries, the magic tower.

The information gathering group, which specialized in unlocking ancient secrets from witthin the shadows, the Eagle Questers ministry, their senses honed to the peak as no information on the Lukar continent was hidden to them.

The forces that are made of partisans and priests that worship countless gods across the continent, the

Reformist Confederation.

The Elixir Seekers, a group of healers and alchemists that blend science and transmutation, pursuing to achieve

the elixir of life.

And the Blade fortress, a famous clan of sword masters, born strong bodies and exceptional talent.

The prestigious sword family that led the world of Blade fortress, and the world of swordsmanship, was my family, the Leonidas clan.

The Valor Guardians kept the Legion of Doom at bay over the century, not until 30 years ago when the war

between the two parties intensified, and our family became the forefront that won the war.

However, all great victories must come at a cost, and the cost for this battle was the sacrifice of the Leonidas clan, leaving only my father, my mother and I.

At the end of war, my father Nikos Leonidas, the 4th and current master of the Blade fortress, weak from the

aftermath of war, rested and recovered in seclusion.

I, Declar Leonidas, was an 11 year old boy during the time of war, and I understood the weight the name Leonidas


I started training my swordsmanship at a very young age, knowing the Leonidas clan might rest on my shoulders one day.

The Leonidas family has always been talented in swordsmanship, so I believed in few years, there would only be success and glory in my future.

Under the guidance of my uncle, Axel Evandros, the head of the second ranked family in the Blade fortress, after the Leonidas family, I trained tirelessly everyday to surpass my limits.

However, after 5 years of training, I discovered I had no talent in swordsmanship, and as such, became the disgrace of the Leonidas clan.

This was my story. "A dishonor to the clan," The disgrace of Nikos Leonidas," These were the names I was called

behind my back, because I fell below the average of the Leonidas family.

Regardless, I swung my sword till my hands bled, swinging thousands of times, training until I passed out.

Despite the disapproval of many, I was loved by my parents, especially by my mother, Elektra Leonidas, a woman with an enchanting beauty, who emanated a loving aura around her. I was never a disgrace in my mother's eyes.

My mother wasn't from any of the powerful family, but from the heavenly lily sect, who were more akin to arts and music.

Unwaveringly my mother supported my pipe dreams of becoming the strongest swordsman like my father. 

She shielded me from negativity, providing love and guidance.

That alone was enough for me to keep going.