
the pack members

Even their pack members knew about this and brought them some gifts to spice up the day.

The night was not left out since they had been talking about things they have even talked about before.

But it was always so sweet and perfect to talk about them over and over again since the memories were priceless.

Only for her to stand up and then everything changed in under a minute, she felt it would take her a lot of time to be comfortable again.

"Can you please wait, you're making me really nervous"

"Oh! Since when did you start being nervous when you talk to me"

"Since today"


"Lisa, please keep your voice lower a bit so Ella doesn't know we are arguing here again."

"Okay, Alpha Elisha"

Elisha bit his lips, he was hurt and the process was taking way too long for him to even get to her.

She was not always like this, the last time in fact that he saw her act all up this way was when she predicted something bad would happen.

His Lisa has witch blood inside of her and it was little wonder why she was terribly wise and knew what to do in almost all situations.

Sometimes she said she saw the future and everything she saw would happen, it was then that it clicked.

It just dawned on Elisha that she probably had seen what would happen to him if he went on that journey.

And she would definitely not react this way to him if all she was blissful bliss.

Well, what blissful bliss is there in war and rebellion, all he knew was that their plan was the best.

Not because it was all mapped out by his amicable twin brother, but also since he strongly believed that was all they could do.

It would work and he would come back home to live happily ever after with his family if only Lisa could bless him when he was going.


"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts"

"Yes, obviously, and that is unlike you."

"Don't make a big deal out of this, Lisa"

"Oh, just tell me why I shouldn't? Just why should I not, Elisha?"

"Yours re talking like you feel something bad is going to happen"

"Truth be told, not only do I feel, but I know and i believe it is obvious enough that something bad is about to happen with the way you are acting"

"Just how am I acting, Luna ma?"

"I have not seen you all this shaky in a long time and the terror under your voice is something else."

"It is actually because you are not calm enough with me."

"Alright, pardon me my love ", she stopped to hold his cold hands and then kissed it before she continued.

"Now, dearest, what exactly is the matter"

Elisha felt a little more calm to tell her what was going on and what would happen that night so he gathered courage.

Putting away his fear, he said in just a line "I would be leaving to an unknown destination"

He heard her heart sink in from where he was and he knew that she was not comfortable with it.

Actually, it was expected because no normal wife would let her husband go away just like that and they were even closer than most couples he knew.

This was why he tried as much as possible to prolong the matter and now he did not even know what to say.

"Why?" She said with her voice sounding as heartbroken as he knew her heart would be at that time.

"We have to go far from here for now to stay away from the Ava pack members as they would be coming for our heads soon"

"We? Are we all going together" her face lit up a bit as that gave her hope that at least they were going to all be together.

But another part of her knew that it would not be easy for them to leave their pack members and just go that way.

In fact it sounded like the most impossible thing anyone from the royal family could do.

It could only happen on rare occasions when they had to go for a long war and they needed more hands.

"No, just me and other elite men '', she heard the answer she feared she was going to hear and sighed in defeat.

"But I told you not to start something you could not finish, Elisha. Going against the Avas was a bad choice if you would ask me"

"I know all you told me, and trust me when I say you were very wise with all you said but the truth is that this is the only thing we could do."

"Who told you truce is the only option"

"Not truce now but being free for life. This is all my father would have ever wanted"

"I know, but you must also know that freedom must be ripe before one can be set free."

"This is our time, this is our chance."

If there was anything Elisha hated to do and even feared doing, it was arguing with his very wise wife.

It made him feel not only less of himself and his ideas, but it always made him want to change his mind immediately.

Not just because of how intelligently she spoke to him but because most of what she said always came through.

It was as though she knew the mind of everyone of their adversaries and this made it easy for them to win their battles.

"Okay, you can do as you wish"

"But, darling, what do you really think about this?"

"This is not the time"


"Yes, we would be free but it is not in your hands to lead our fight for freedom, it will be after we are long gone.

The thought of that did not settle well with Elisha because no one obviously wanted to be bound for the over 200 years of staying on earth.