
Revenge of the Fallen (en)

After humanity almost destroyed its own planet, Earth, people decided that it may be better to let her recover and move somewhere else. Scientists had already found new planets where living could be possible so they flew there. They've built first cities as they settled down there and limited living only to the cities so the new planets wouldn't get destroyed as the old one. Rayne lost her family, not knowing why, although she probably deep down suspected that something bad had happened as her grandmother really never told her about their family. One day, her brother found her and together they are trying to find the people because of whom they didn't know each other until now and didn't have family.

Rolllie_0412 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Jasper, the crazy one

After opening a door, I got into a small flat where I lived with my grandma, my only family who was still alive and whom I knew. Grandma was sitting in an old armchair and tried hard to focus on the words her in book lying in her hands. I sighed and after I changed into my slippers I went to the kitchen counter from where I took her glasses which I handed to her.

"Thanks, Ryan," she said with a little smile the name of my late father, her son. Sometimes I just didn't have the strength to remind her of me not being her beloved son. Or my mother. She called me by her name sometimes too. But they weren't here for so long already, I couldn't even remember them.

I took out some eggs from the bag I just brought and some vegetables from a small fridge and put everything on the kitchen counter. Then I started to make a lunch - just something easy because it eas just two of us, after all. And when I finished, I opened a cabinet and took out two plates on which I put the food. One plate I brought to grandma and with the other one I sat down on a small couch.

"I´ll go out with some friends. Will you be okay here?" I asked as I almost finished the lunch.

Grandma looked at me and then stood up and went to the kitchen. I only rised my eyebrows in a confusion. She could just say that she didnn´t want me to go out if she didn't want to be alone in here. But after a while, she took out something from a bag and went back to the living room part of this room.

"Okay, but you have to give these to your frineds," she told me as she handed me a box with some sweets. Still with confusion I nodded. Sometimes I didn´t know what to think. In times she was totally normal and even cooked and another time she couldn´t do almost anything by herself. Or she was very childish.

When I finally finished my lunch I took my bag and put the box in there. After a few minutes of walking through the not so small building where our flat was, I finally went out. It was so sunny outside even though it was rainy season.

On my way to friends I thought to myself that it was already few days since that bet with Jesper and he still didn´t ask for anything. I was hoping that he had maybe forgotten about it so I could sleep without worries. Otherwise I wasn´t very safe. He could think about the biggest bullshit possible. Of course I could disagree but... where would be the fun?


I rolled my eyes when I met that blond-head by the ladder. Looking at him with a silent question in my eyes I hoped... for him to say nothing and climb up while staying quiet until the end of his life. But that wouldn´t be Jasper I knew. Or he must be sick to think as a normal sane person. And so he gave me his happy smile. Grinning he reminded of that stupuid bet: "Remember? You owe me something."

Then he turned around and climbed the ladder up. At first I didn´t understand why didn´t he tell me it out there but, when both of us got through the window inside the building and Jesper took out a pistol, I understood. But not really. In astonishment I asked: "What in the hell you wanna do with that?"

"You´ll go sell it to someone," he said as he shrugged like it was the most normal thing to do. I frowned:

"Jasper, what is this? You got some problems with money? Or people?"

But he just tossed his hand as an answer like it was nothing and continued: "Here´s address. You have to go among the rich. Let me know if anything happens."

He then sent me adress with that pistol and went to the couch. I stood still thinking about what part of this I liked least. If it was the fact that I had to sell somethnig ilegally instead of my friend who´s in who knows what kind of business. Or the fact that I had to go somewhere where that annoying people lived and had to risk so much.

However, on the second fact was something odd. Why would anyone from there want to buy a weapon ilegally from people like us when they had the money to buy it in some shop. Or why even. I thought they had safe enviroment around. They didn´t have to risk like this.

With a sigh I went to table where I put the back and left only with comunicator with address and the pistol which I put into my inner pocket. And money since I had to get somehow in there but they were kind of in one hand with the comunicator as people ages ago thoight it would be better to just have money in electronic version. After that I said bye and left the same way I came but with much more worse feelings.

I was still walking through the streets I knew until I ended up in front of a few stairs which led to a train stop. Train was always going a level higher. So it was more safe I guess or maybe so people could get a better view. The train was on its way so I put my communicator to a ticket machine so I wouldn´t go illegally even more.

Looking around I pulled my hood a little more over my face. That hood was my comfort zone. And what was more comforting were the pockets of this coat - the best thing ever to be made. It was rare for me to go around without having my hands deep down in my pockets. So I always wore something with them.

When the train finally came and the door opened I got in along with some other people. I had some luck at that moment because there wasn´t many of them and I got to sit down at a free seat from where I could watch the buildings around.

In a few minutes we got into the very centre of this city but a little lower than where I had to go. Actually I have never been there this way since I didn´t have any reasons to and didn´t even know the exact way. So the first time in there was that drive with Yuki.

When the train stopped I went a little further so the bunch of people wouldn´t take me with them. And then I looked around. I was still at the same level I lived but it looked so much better in here. Obviously. We were at the centre, after all.

I needed to get into the sky part so I looked for a oportunity. And in that moment I started to want to go there even less and less. It wasn´t very good idea to climb in there even if I succeeded - somebody could see me and report my actions. But still it was quite impossible. That way. These buildings had almost nowhere to stay from the outside. Just smooth almost only glass walls.

And then I got an idea. My eyes were locked on a lift made of glass which went up from the outside of very tall building to who knows where. Probably even to the Sora where I had to go. So with a deep sigh I made my legs to go there. I stopped in front of the lift. Only front wall of it was almost pure glass, rest was steel or something. I looked around. In fact I was looking for some paying machine worried this trip might ruin me financially. In that case I would make Jesper to regret all of this for the rest of his life.

Pressing the only button I could see, I waited for lift to come down which was quite quick. Then I got in and pressed the last button with a floor name that said everything - "Sky floor". I shook my head and flinched with startle. That lift got kinda fast into its movement.

And it wasn´t very long until I could see that fancy road we were driving on a few days ago in front of the lift door. And I was among the richest people in the city. So I got off and looked around worried that maybe someone who could report me to "keepers of the peace" would saw me. But I couldn´t see any possible danger so I look at the chat on my communicator with that adress. These words said nothing to me. Of course.

However, I could look around these unknown streets when I was already up here, at least. Looking for someone I didn´t even know and for a place I didn´t know either. I had to have something from that too, after all. And who knows if I´ll ever have a change to go up in here again. Even though I was here after such a sort while which was kind of surprasing, I think.

I must say I was quite lucky because I saw familiar name and number on the near building. Quickly, I took out the paper and looked again at the adress. Same. I almost started dancing around from the happiness. Nah, just kidding. I just gave a look to an aisle next to that building and then I went there.

I looked to the very end but no one was in here. So I just took a look around. This aisle was nothing like those I knew. Clean. Looking kinda safe. But still so quiet and not so bright because of the tall buildings around. With a sigh I leaned on one of these walls waiting for anybody to come. I didn´t know the exact time, but if Jasper sent me just a while ago I suppose it might be the time sooner or later.

And to my surprise, it was sooner. I heard some steps near me so I looked up. That guy - no, it was boy - could be around my age and didn´t seem like someone who would buy a gun. In some almost abadoned aisle. He looked more like someone who has his parents behind his ass all the time and... kind of nice.

When he came closer I reached out an hand. I couldn´t be sure if he was the one I was waiting for. But if he was going to give me the money I couldn´t care less. It was Jasper´s problem that he sent me. He shook his head to which he lifted his hand and clicked on his communicator which he then reached to my head. Code with money. I scanned it and after checking it I took out the pistol from the pocket and handed it to him. He was looking at it for a few seconds and then I just nodded my head instead of saying "Goodbye" while taking my leave.