
Revenge Marriage of Love

OmegaSunShy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Drama Queen_1

 " I am fine Pha. Why would my darling husband misbehave with me ?"Phana looks at Beam in disbelief. He is unable to understand this man. He didn't want to drag this matter further. He can't force Beam. He was already feeling guilty for putting Beam on the bet with Wayo. He was cursing himself because of his little negligence Forth took his Beam. Now the situation is he will help Beam no matter what. But for that he have to maintain his calm. He signed Kit." Let's go for breakfast." Kit dragged them to the dining hall.All were present there, Forth was sitting on the center and his team Park, Lam, Max and Tul sat on his right side leaving the first chair for Beam. Where Wayo and Ming sat on his left leaving a gap between them for Phana & Kit. The breakfast was going silent when Bbom entered with the love of his life Jin.Lam stopped eating when Jin greeted him with a bright smile, " Hey brother-in-law. Hie brother-in-law's boyfriend and his friend. Hie UD. Hey Wayo congratulations for engagement. Hie Ming." Then he moved to Tul and kissed him on the chick. " Hie T..... How are you ? Let's go shopping together after breakfast ?"" Jin baby stopped calling Forth UD. He is our boss. And I brought you here for help not for chit-chat with Tul." Bbom requested as he didn't dare to order Jin. As even if he ordered Jin was still going to avoid him so it's better not to." He is your boss, not mine. I will call him what I want. He is my cousin so just shut up." Jin glared at Bbom and pushed a chair to sit. " Marry, serve us breakfast."" As per my knowledge last time you refused to join an illegal wedding.And now you are here for help ??????" Forth snapped at Jin."Yeah, because that was marriage. And secondly I can't see my lover helping you in your illegal business so I just refused. But today it's my favorite cousin's reception party. Why would I avoid it ?" Jin retorted back." Your lover is not a child. He joined us willingly." Tough Lam is not supporting Forth but still he is boss so no one can insult him in front of them." Who is talking now the Manager of his firm or my brother-in-law?" Jin asked while stuffing his mouth with a chicken sandwich." How does it gonna affect you ?" Park asked." It must be the manager because my brother-in-law was against this marriage. Right Bom?" Jin asked Bbom with a loving gazed." Yes. But my your brother-in-law is a psycho so don't trust him." He answered and smirked while looking at Lam." You are a psycho who is even dating a mad man." Lam throws bread toward Bbom. Park hugged him and tried To calm him down." You called the person Mad who throws the food not vice versa." Bbom retorted Lam." Stop it or I will beat the shit out of you here, " Park said, supporting Lam." Hmmmm. Favored." Jin was not going easy on Lam." Shut up, you are the one who needs his boyfriend for a fight." Lam was not ready to accept his defeat." Geez Lam, I thought you liked Jin." Tul spoke between them." Shut up Tul. No need to take his side." Lam hissed on Tul." He is not taking side Lam. He is just expressing his views." Max explained." No need Max. You can see how angry Lam is still you .." Park." What do you mean by that....." Lam was angry at Park now." Baby just avoid him..." Max said." Max I can handle myself, you don't need to protect me." Tul said with a smile.Before Max could retort to Tul, Jin spoke between " Unless you think that Tul is not able to handle such a small matter on himself."" P' ?????" Tul looks at Max with questions." No Baby. Never. I know you can...." Max was again interrupted by Lam." Enough. I am going..." He went back to his room. Park followed him." Ohhh god, How childish can you guys be ? " Jin said." This is all because of you. 15 min. in a place and the entire house is bickering with each other. I still don't understand how Bbom tolerates you ?" Forth said while glaring at Jin." Don't blame me. They didn't understand that jokes are not my problem. Where is your husband by the way ? Don't you have manners to introduce your husband to his brother-in-law." Jin says back while Bbom is having his breakfast silently." Why now ? You can meet him even after a year ?" Forth answered sarcastically." I don't think he will survive an entire year with you, so introduce him. " Jin replied back.Forth sight there is no end of fight when you are debating with Jin. So he just said, " Beam, he is Jin. My older brother. His father is my real uncle."" Hie, I am your brother-in-law. How are you ?" Jin asked Beam excitedly.Beam, Phana & Kit who were witnessing their family drama have very confusing looks on their faces.( Are these guys really from the Mafia, How can they bicker on such small matters ?)Beam smiled lightly and replied, " I am fine P'. Thankyou for coming."Jin stood from his seat and went near Beam, Forth came forward to protect Beam, " Ohhhh wow, I thought you only looked like an angel, but your voice is also so pure. How can you love this beast ?"" HeHeHe..." Beam only laughed a little as he was scared of Forth this so-called brother. He didn't even realise that he was holding Forth's hand tightly." You really love him ha.... wow Forth can I...." Jin"NOO." Forth shout." But at least listen to me." Jin tried to explain." After that also my answer will be NO. So better don't explain." Forth put his second on Beams shoulder and patted him.Jin sulked on a chair and pleaded to Bbom." Baby, they just married two days ago. He must have been tired after their first and second night. Let him rest for a while." Bbom explained." But I...." Jin wants Beam badly." Why don't you take Tul, Wayo and Kit to go shopping. Go and enjoy. In the evening we have lots of guests to attend." Bbom gave him his card." Yes P' let's go. You haven't even brought me any engagement gift yet." Wayo retorted.Jin thought for a while then took the card from Bbom, " But who is Kit ?"" He is P'Kit P'Jin. My Kitkat." Ming answered shyly." Ohhh good. He is pretty Ming." Jin retorted." I am handsome P'" Kit answered back." No boy, you are handsomely pretty." Jin said with a smile. " Let's go guys."He left the venue with Wayo, Tul, Kit, Ming and Phana.After that Beam left his breath which he was holding as Jin was near him. Then he realised his hand intervened with Forth's. He released his grip and took a step back." Are you done with breakfast ?" Forth asked, on which Beam only nodded. " Go to our room and rest. I will come later." After that Beam left the dining hall.Park joined them as he was pissed off." Bom you really have to bring Jin here in the morning itself?" Forth asked." He was sulking, that you didn't call and just sent an invitation so I convinced him that you needed him and brought him here. Come on, I can't see him sad." Bbom explained himself." But look what he did ?" Park said while sulking." Park stop it. Lam is moody from marriage night. Go and ask him his main problem? Don't blame Jin." Bbom." He even took Tul with him." Max said this time." Tul is not child Max. He can make his decision." Bbom." But he scared Beam. What about that ?" Forth retorted." You know your brother Forth. He just liked Beam because he is handsome, nothing more. And if Jin is scaring him, in the evening there are a bunch of people who are more scary than Jin. What will you do ? And just think about yourself first, Max is tolerating their tantrums from starting so he is immune. How you gonna answer P'Kongpob & P'Mew. You better focus on that." Bbom answered.Forth's face turn pale, " Who invited P'Mew ? here." He glared at Max." What ? You said all family friends." Max was already shivering." He is not my friend." Forth." But he is among your family." Park answered for Max." Stop supporting your brother." Forth snapped at him." He is not." Bbom."Now you're supporting him for Lam." Forth again answered back." Idiot, why even I am with you guys. You want him to all and ignore P'Mew ? Just think, before the invitation card reached to others, P'Mew has blown your reception hall without a second thought. I personally invited him with Max. He was mad at you but because of this invitation he at least calmed himself down. Forth, just behave as Max does. They didn't like Max but he is still alive and safe with Tul. Give Beam a slight idea about guests and don't retort back to anyone in the party." Bbom explained Forth."P'Bom " ParkHe touched his forehead why he had to babysit them, when his father and uncle were returning home. " What Park ?"" Just help me with your brother also ?" Park" You handle him well, just go and love him." Bbom was pissed." He wants an apology from you on behalf of Jin." Park said in a very sweet tone.Bbom glared at him, still he was thinking why Park is sitting with them when Lam is mad at him. He stood up from his sit and went toward Park. Put his hand on Park's shoulder and said, " I am sorry for your break up. I will help you in forgiving my brother." Then he left" P'...." Park followed him behind.Max & Forth look at their figure and laugh." You talk with Beam. I will check the arrangement for reception." Max informed Forth and left.Forth entered his room, Beam was sitting on the sofa in front of bed." Are you OK love ?" He asked." Why are you asking with that worried look ?" Beam asked Forth while glaring at him." Obviously because I care about you." Beam Laugh hearing Forth's concern. " What's so funny about it ?"" That you are concerned about me. Isn't it funny ?" Beam said sarcastically." First you said you love me, Second you threatened me when I refused to love you back, Third you married me forcefully and trapped me with you for almost a lifetime. Now you want me to believe that you are concerned about me." Beam stood up and faced Forth directly." Believe it or not. It is what it is." Forth was not ready to back out. " Jin will help you in getting ready for the reception. Till then Rest."He was going out when Beam grabbed his arm and stopped him. Their bodies were touching each other. Beam cupped Forth's face and put his lips on Forth's. " Tell me what you want from me ?" He said. " Why are you doing this Forth ? I know you love me. But can't you see you are hurting me. It's not physical Forth, it's a mental torture."Forth can't resist the way he is using for the confrontation. He licks Beam's lips, after getting no reaction from Beam he starts sucking his lips. The small gentle kiss turned into a makeout session in no time. After a while Forth composed himself and said, " If you don't want to get hurt physically. You better stop seducing me, especially in broad daylight Beam. Reception is in the evening, You better get some rest. This is a long night." Forth throws Beam to bed and leaves the room." OK. Between this all he only focused on two words, Hurt and Physically.....Aahhhhhhhhhhhh." Beam whines. " Last night, He was actually concerned. OK last night I was also crying for real. Kit's reason might be lame, but he actually fooled me for a while. It took an entire hour to remind me that he was taekwondo champion from age 6. But now can Forth really differentiate between my acting and reality...." He thought for a while. " Shiyaaaaaa...Even Phana who knows me from childhood didn't catch my lies till date. Aaaaaaaaaaaa" He screamed in frustration then again sat on the bed sulking.Forth, who was standing outside the bedroom door, smirks on Beam's action," I really brought a Drama Queen at home."In Reception Hall at evening," P' do you remember our reception ?" Kongpob said holding Arthit's hand when they entered the hall." Yeah... I remember. But maybe you forget. Should I remind you of the Punch..... I gave when you kissed me forcefully grabbing my hand." He said while raising their hands up." That was Past P'. At that time also I loved you and still I love you. But the level of attraction is different at that time." Kongpob explains himself losing his grip a little on Arthit's hand." You mean the level of Lust... Because if you're gonna say I am less attractive now then you really gonna remember Forth's reception too." Arthit said while removing his hand's from Kongpob's." Actually I was just telling a lie, the level of attraction or Lust. Whatever you call it. Both are the same when it's about you. But the secret is.." He called Arthit near him by hand's movement. When Arthit's face was near his the fellow said, " It's raising its level by each passing day." Kongpob kissed Arthit on the cheek." Kongpob..." Arthit scolds him covering his kissed cheek and blushes when Kongpob pecks him in front of everyone." If you want we can arrange a bed for you P' " Park said while laughing while Max was just smiling at them." Ohhh please." Kongpob smiles, and Arthit grabs his hand and squeezes." P' Arthit I miss you." Jin came and hugged him." Jin... stopped it baby." Bbom was running after him." I miss you too, So how are you doing these days Jin ?" Arthit asked, patting his back." So why suddenly ?" Kongpob asked and Both Park & Max looked at each other." Yeahhh.... But it's better if first you guys think 100 times before acting." Arthit said glaring at them and moved to other place with Jin." Don't mind him. But he is not totally wrong. So I hope you guys are clear this time." He said while resting his on Park's and Max's shoulder at the same time. Then he follows his beloved P' with Bbom." Think Max, If P'Kongpob is giving us a warning. So what would happen if P'Mew or P'Sarawat knew about our night show?" Park asked Max, who is already pale, after hearing P'Mew and P'Sarawat's name.Forth came down after a short time and found his friends dazed. "Hey what happened ?" He asked." Nothing happened yet. But it's the start of unhappening events." Max said." What did he mean Park ?" Forth asked as he thinks Max is being unreasonable just because of his unwanted guests." I don't know. I am thinking about other matters." Park replied.Forth grabs Max's and Park's shoulder with his each hand. " Tell us what you are thinking about ?"" I was thinking when they are going to give me warning for my own love affair ?" Park looked at Max's & Forth's face. " They always care about your partners without knowing them. No one cares about my Lam."Max sight at his dumb cousin where Forth was in shock after hearing the warning news." What do you mean by warning ? Who gave you ? And what ?" He asked." P'Kongpob was asking, Forth." Max replied and told him the little conversation they had with Kongpob." Make sure no one knows about the night ?" Forth said and both his friends nodded." What night are you talking about ?" Three of them look at the owner of the voice with flushed faces.