
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter-32 Mole 2

At night in the center of a dense ancient forest near the Sanctum of Blood, there was an SUV parked a few hundred meters away from its imposing cathedral, the air was thick with the scent of pine and decay, and the moonlight barely penetrated the canopy, casting eerie shadows.

Amidst the scent of pine and decay, inside the SUV Daemon's heightened senses caught every rustle of leaves, every ominous creak of branches swaying in the night breeze... His muscles tensed suspicion and curiosity was warring within him.

Danger lurks in every shadow...

Inside the SUV, Daemon's sharp, enhanced vision tracked a shadowy figure moving stealthily from tree to tree, heading deeper into the forest. His eyes, attuned to the slightest movements in the dark, caught every flicker of the figure's swift movements.

'Who is this mole?' Daemon wondered.

If he is indeed the mole, then what other secrets does he harbor? Maybe I can gain some?

When the figure stopped jumping and started walking, Daemon used his enhanced vision to immediately recognized the person he'd recently spoken with them during the shipment. Deciding to approach with caution, he stepped forward, the figure tensed, his eyes narrowing as Daemon came closer.

Daemon asked coldly, 'Jaden. I need to ask you something.' Their last encounter had been tense, with veiled threats and unspoken suspicions hanging in the air. Tonight, Daemon needed answers to secure his position and unravel the tangled web of deceit surrounding the Blood Bankers.

Jaden's body stiffened, but he kept his composure. "Mortis. What brings you here?" he responded

Daemon took a step closer, his eyes never leaving Jaden's... "Are you a mole?" he went straight to the point.

Jaden blinked, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He recovered quickly, his eyes scanning Daemon's face for clues. "Why would you ask me that?" His voice was measured, but Daemon noticed the slight tremor in his hands.

Daemon gaze hardened, "Don't play dumb. I know you're a vampire." he replied

A tense silence filled the air. Jaden's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and calculation as he assessed Daemon's intent.

"Fine," Jaden sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I am a vampire. But I'm not just a mole. I'm a double agent."

Daemon raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "A double agent?"

Jaden nodded, his jaw tightening. "Yes. I'm working to take control of the Blood Bankers from the inside while providing information to the organization in return for help." his is words were chosen carefully, as if weighing the risks of each revelation.

Daemon considered this, his fingers drumming lightly against his thigh. If I tread carefully, perhaps unraveling the secrets of the Blood Bankers could prove invaluable.

"Interesting. This could work to my advantage," Daemon mused aloud. He leaned in slightly,.. his voice low and menacing. "I won't expose you, Jaden, but in return, you'll give me information on the cartel and the Blood Bankers."

Jaden's revelation rattles me, A vampire, a double agent words cloaked in layers of deceit and half-truths. Can I afford to trust him, or does his allegiance lie elsewhere, waiting to ensnare me in a trap of his making?

Jaden's eyes widened briefly before he masked his surprise. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his fingers twitching nervously. "Alright. What do you need to know?"

Daemon's gaze intensified. "I've heard rumors about the recent awakening of an evil. Does it have anything to do with the Blood Bankers?" he asked.

Jaden nodded, his expression grave. "Yes, it does. But even I don't have all the details. The elders are keeping it tightly under wraps. There's a power they're trying to harness, something ancient and evil."

Daemon's eyes narrowed further. "That's not enough. I need specifics."

Jaden's frustration showed in the tightening of his lips. "I'm giving you all I have. The clan is on edge. Whatever this evil is, it's powerful enough to cause a stir among the highest ranks."

Daemon calculated his next move, his eyes never leaving Jaden's face. "Fine. Keep digging. I need to know exactly what we're dealing with." he said

Jaden's expression turned serious. "Understood. But remember, this information puts me at great risk. If the council finds out I've been leaking intel, they'll kill me."

Daemon's curiosity piqued. "What council?"

"The Crimson Council. They are the ruling body of the Blood Bankers, and they don't tolerate betrayal."

Jaden explained that The Blood Bankers controlled the black market for supernatural artifacts and forbidden knowledge... Their influence helps across cities , their hierarchy shrouded in secrecy, with the Crimson Council at its apex...Each member of the council wielded ancient powers and guarded secrets that could alter the course of history.

If the Crimson Council truly wields such ancient powers, what secrets do they guard? Are they the architects of the darkness that threatens to consume us all, or are they unwitting pawns in a larger, more evil game?

"Then make sure they don't find out," Daemon said, his voice icy. "And ensure the information is accurate. If you try to deceive me, I'll make sure the cartel knows exactly who you are."

Jaden nodded, swallowing hard. "I understand. I'll do my part. But be careful, Mortis. This evil... it's unlike anything we've faced before."

Daemon turned to leave, his steps deliberate and measured. "I'll be careful. Just make sure you keep your end of the bargain."

Can I afford to trust Jaden's information, or does every word he utters conceal a deeper, more insidious motive?

As Daemon walked away, he felt Jaden's eyes on him, a mix of fear and curiosity evident. Jaden knew the stakes were high, and the alliance he had just formed with Mortis could either be his salvation or his doom.

After Daemon entered his SUV, he was just about to drive off when he heard the sudden sound of a car driving up from behind him. He couldn't see who was inside the car because of the tinted windows. It was only when the car slowly approached his side that he saw through the slightly lowered window.

Daemon's SUV roared to life just as another car's headlights pierced through the trees, closing in fast, his pulse quickened when he recognized the other car did the same. The trees blurred past as he swerved, his heart pounding with each close call. 'Not now,' he muttered, navigating the narrow forest path. 'Why is she here? How does she know I'm here?' he thought in panic.

Though Daemon was a skilled driver, he needed to escape. He began swerving between trees, glancing back to see the other car matching his maneuvers perfectly. Detective Adriana had been hunting Daemon ever since he escaped from her custody a week ago now she suspecting him of being involved in the recent surge of vampire-related crimes... Their encounters were always fraught with tension, a deadly game of cat and mouse.

"Not today, maddog. Everything has been going perfectly. I don't need you to ruin it too," Daemon muttered.

After a few moments of the chase, Detective Adriana was slowly catching up, already at his side.

"You won't escape me this time, I swear," she said through gritted teeth.

Detective Adriana started turning heavily, ramming her car into Daemon's SUV repeatedly. 'What the hell? She doesn't care about how rough the path is... we could flip,' Daemon thought.

"Your immortality is very different from other vampires, so when I catch you, dying won't save you," Adriana muttered to herself, her eyes narrowing.

As they drove, their cars began dragging against each other, creating a cacophony of screeching metal. Suddenly, both heard the ominous sound of rushing water growing louder. They were approaching a cliff edge.

Daemon instantly stepped on the brakes, trying to stop. 'Why isn't she stopping? Does she want to kill me?' he thought.

When Daemon tried to open the car door to get out, Adriana's car slammed into his SUV with even more force. The impact shook his vehicle violently, making it impossible for him to open the door. Realizing the severity of the situation, he saw through the window that they were already airborne, having driven off the cliff.

Then he saw in front of him was the vast, dark expanse of a ocean, at the same time his SUV and Adriana's car hurtled towards the water, locked together in a deadly plunge. They both hit the ocean's surface with a tremendous splash, and everything went blank for Daemon...