
Revenge for love

A story about two people who were brought together because of a nightmare. Hope Winsten and Laurance Lewis are two people living in two different worlds. But they still meet each other. And pushing away all the difference they fell in love. Even though the path wasn't easy at all, they still made it... Many misunderstanding, sorrows ..... They are faced but instead of growing weak.... Their love only grew stronger . Since her eighteen Hope used to have nightmare of someone's chasing her. After meeting Laurance in Romania , Hope became curious about him because of his secretiveness and slyness. She thought that he is the one who chased her in her dreams. But after being proved wrong she became sorry to him. And so she apologized to him. But he didn't accept her apology . So, she tried to prove her sincerity to him. And that's how their story began.

Blue_Ocean_4710 · Fantasi
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Hope -

A blue clock keeps ticking. A dense dark forest... Someone is chasing me with an axe in his hand, that axe had a big cross half on the handle and half on the head of the axe and I am running as fast as I can through the woods , everything is dark so is the sky. It's a time after midnight and before dawn. I'm running, running and running but suddenly I fell, I hurted my ankle. But I feel the person chasing me coming nearer..

Even though I was in pain but still I couldn't care less. I tried to get up with my hurting ankle and start running again... But this time no matter how hard I tried but I couldn't move and that person chasing after me kept getting nearer and as when he finally got me he stood in front of me, I was scared, I was very scared and due to fear my heart was beating very fast too.

And in that quiet surrounding, the sound of my heart beat felt so loud. Cause there was only two sounds one of my panting and other of my beating heart. The person standing infront of me had red shoes. Those shoes looked like as if they were soaked in blood. Then suddenly that person lean towards me and I was about to see his face. But before that someone screamed. Someone screamed very very very loud ---

Aaah.....my grandma screamed just like how she does everytime she sleeps. Maybe Hearing her I opened my eyes. Another Nightmare....!!! This same damn nightmare again!! Agh!! I've been having this nightmare almost every single night for couple of months. At first I used to be scared but after watching it again and again I became curious. I became curious about why am I running? who is the person chasing me??why is he chasing me ?? I'm curious about how does he look. And it's like a dream loop, cause everytime I see this dream.... I see all the same things happening over and over again and again while I'm having that dream.... I'll have the same fear.

At first I used be very very very scared, sometimes I would even scream out loud inside that dream. I didn't even dare to sleep for a few days after having that dream, no that nightmare continuously. And at that time whenever I would fall asleep I would have the same nightmare. It was the same for a month, no to be exact until I heard someone speaking that,

"The more you get scared the more fear will surround you. But if you show courage, fear will be scared. "

I don't know who said that, I just heard it like a whisper coming towards me. And so, I showed courage and he was right, cause after that I started having good dreams too, of course including the nightmare. But it deceased by time. Earlier I would have it everytime I sleep but now once in a day. Isn't it improvement??

Another day starts with the end of the nightmare. I woke up at 7 am from my cozy bed. I went to the washroom, finished my natural call and I took my brush and started brushing my teeth while coming downstairs. I played 1,2,3, with the stairs while coming down. And without rinsing off my mouth I hugged my mom, who was making breakfast in the kitchen.

My mom hugged me back and in her sweet voice she said, "Good morning, my sunshine," she held my face in her hands and kissed me on the forehead but after seeing that I hadn't rinse my mouth yet she added that, " Look at you!! Haven't cleaned your mouth yet!! Sweetheart what should I do with you? Go and clean your mouth." Hearing her I went to rinse my mouth cause I had to kiss her back. Actually this our morning routine.

From the bedroom of the left side of the house my dad came asking, "Where is our sweetheart?? Has she waken up yet?? " I had cleaned my mouth by then. So I quickly answered to him, "Dad, good morning. " and I went nearer to give him the morning hug. He gave me kiss too on my forehead. I kissed him back and went to kiss my mom. After giving my mom the morning kiss I went upstairs to get dressed up for my school.

While my dad and mom made breakfast I got ready for my school. My grandma also woke up in the meantime, I wished her good morning and gave her morning hug and kiss. My grandma has a little bit problem with walking since she is old now. So, I helped her getting down the stairs. And I made her sit in her seat in the table, where breakfast was already ready for us. Only milk was left in the kitchen so I helped my mom to bring it to the table.

Usually I bring the milk to the table cause my parents also goes to get ready after setting the table and making the breakfast. I bring the plates over to the table. But fortunately they had brought the plates over today. So, I could only bring the milk over to the table. I kept the milk infront of every plate. My grandma had brushed the teeth she were left with. And she were waiting for my parents. While waiting I saw the clock striking 8. I had to leave in half hour. Cause my first class starts at 8: 45 am.

My university is only 5 minutes away from home. But to reach my class I'll need almost 8 minutes, so I'll have to leave within 8:30. Soon my parents came and all of us had our breakfast together. After having my breakfast I kissed my parents and grandma goodbye and left for my class.

Guys I'm really sorry for changing the story like this, without any prior notice. But I really wanted to participate in the romance carnival contest. And that's why I had to do it. Here is the link of the story https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24866527006326805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4320048624. Please support me and cheer for me and vote for me. Love you guys.

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