
Revenge for Lost World

In a world ravaged by a devastating virus, Ethan, shattered by loss, seeks vengeance against Dr. Alexander, the scientist behind the catastrophe. Alongside resilient leader Cassandra and a group of survivors, Ethan's pursuit of retribution transforms into a quest for redemption. As they uncover secrets and remnants of hope, their mission evolves into finding a cure—a chance to heal a shattered world and inspire renewal amidst chaos.

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11 Chs

Uncovering Truths

Ethan's days in Cassandra's group were marked by a newfound determination, fueled by an insatiable hunger for closure. In whispered conversations around campfires, he learned of rumors—whispers that pointed to a man named Dr. Alexander, a renowned scientist believed to be behind the devastating virus.

Haunted by the memories of his lost family and friends, Ethan's thoughts revolved around this elusive figure. He couldn't shake off the gnawing feeling that Dr. Alexander held the key to understanding the catastrophic events that shattered their world.

With a heart heavy with unresolved grief and a burning desire for retribution, Ethan confided in Cassandra. Together, they decided to venture beyond their sanctuary's safety, risking the dangers of the outside world in pursuit of justice.

Their journey led them through the remnants of the city's ruins, where desolation and danger lurked around every corner. They encountered other survivor factions—some desperate, others ruthless—who viewed strangers with suspicion and hostility. But Ethan's resolve remained unshaken.

Through whispers and clandestine meetings with other survivors, they pieced together fragments of information leading to Dr. Alexander's hidden laboratory. With each step closer, Ethan's determination grew, his quest for revenge transforming into a crusade for justice.

Guided by Cassandra's strategic prowess and Ethan's unwavering resolve, they navigated through treacherous territories, braving dangers and betrayals. The closer they got to the truth, the more apparent it became that their pursuit was not just about vengeance—it was about uncovering the truth behind the apocalypse that robbed them of everything.

As they approached the laboratory's supposed location, a brewing storm of emotions consumed Ethan. Anger, sorrow, and a thirst for answers surged within him, propelling him forward toward the long-awaited confrontation with the man responsible for the cataclysm that had shattered their world.