
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Komik
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37 Chs


There are 4 different types of Classes

—Mage Class: uses cultivation for magic such as Healing or attacking.

—Warrior Class: uses cultivation for fighting (powerhouse)

—Alchemist class: uses cultivation for making medicinal medicine/ enhancement poisonous medicine ect.

—Forging class: uses cultivation for forging armour weapons.

Those who are born with talent and those who come from rich families have there future set and those with out are left out to rot.

"Hey Amy, when we get to this School. Do you think Master will live inside me the entire time.?" Michael asked while walking with Amy on their way to school.

"I don't know. His attached to your body so I guess he will always be there." She said pondering herself.

"so what will happen if I find a girl, do you think Master will peep on me? "He asked without thinking that Amy was still next to him. He looked to his side and see's Amy is not there. He then feels sudden danger behind his back.

" Big Brother why would you need to find another girl?" Amy said with her hair floating like Medusa`s snakes. Michael sweats and slowly turns his head

"ouch! Please stop! I don't know what I was saying! Please don't kill?" Michael screams and runs all the way to school.

At the School's entrance Kelly was standing with her mother and principal Lee. They were talking to each other and laughing together.

"hahaha.. Principal Lee please tell me about this Boy Michael. My daughters been talking about him for years and I just heard his your foster son." Mrs Page asked

"Mom what are you talking about?" Kelly said red in the face.

"oh please my dear child. Believe it or not you mother was a young girl once too." Mrs Paige said laughing at her daughter embarrassment.

"hahaha…don't worry Miss Kelly your still young. Once Michael and Amy win the tournament you'll have plenty of time with them." Principal Lee said and they began to laugh at Kelly's expense. She blushing evermore after that.

"shut up both of you!" Kelly shouts.

"by the way where is this young man? "Mrs Paige asked. They then heard a noise around them. I looked around but could not find out where this noise was come from. As it got louder they all looked up. Someone was falling from the sky and landed heavily on the ground in front of them. As the smoke clears they realize it's Michael lying om the ground. He quickly regains consciousness and see's principal Lee. He tries to reach for him and says

"please foster father help me. She going to kill me." Michael said as he struggles to survive.

"Michael what happened?" Kelly asks. She looks up and see's an evil female figure in the distance approaching.

"I'm sorry Michael once she's like this no one can stop her." Principal Lee said reluctantly.

Amy charged in for the kill and as she stood over Michael she noticed Kelly.

"oh Hey sister Kelly." Amy said in her sweet like voice. Skipping over to Kelly to hug and hold her. Kelly's presents always changed Amy's emotions. No matter how she felt.

Michael and principal Lee were shocked to the core at the sight of this.

"oh so you're Michael and you must be Amy. I've heard so much about you from Kelly." Mrs Paige smile at Michael as if she was giving him hints about Kelly.

"uhm..nice to meet you and don't worry the three of us are going to that college." Michael said proudly with the happiest smile. Mrs Paige felt that she could believe his words in her heart.

"Alright Children now that we're all here…" while principal Lee is speaking a voice came from behind him.

"aren't you forgetting someone?" they all looked behind them and saw Drake. Looking more dashing than usual while approaching them.

"Master you came." Amy said with surprise on her face and so is Michael.

"I am your Master and you are my disciples. I have to be here." Drake said

"you must be Mrs Page, Kelly's mother. "Drake takes her hand. Bows and kisses it. Mrs Page flashing when he did.

" yes I am. I see you look loke a capable Master." Mrs Page began to flirt with her eyes.

" Mr Page is a Lucky man…because I have to call you Mrs Paige" Drake gave her that devilish smile of his that made her blush even more.

'my God he almost made me forget my marriage. I better keep my guard up around him.' Mrs Page though to herself as she try's to look away.

"ahme.. Shall we go inside. All the parents and participants are waiting." Principally Lee said trying to break up the awkwardness

As they walked Drake over heard a couple of girls gossiping.

"have you heard? Another girl from this school disappeared."

"yes that's the 7th one this past month"

They continue to walk but at the entrance they where stopped but a group of men in suits. The man leading them is Enzo Kai. Donzo's father.

"You baster Child how dare you hurt my son! "Mr Kai shouted, pointing his finger at Michael.

"You think a lowly piece of shit like you can get away with what you did?" Mr Kai in a rage tired to strike Michael but Drake's fast movement made him appear in Mr. Kai's face. Mr. Kia is surprised by took a step back. The men behind him wanted to intervene but Mr. Kai stopped them.

"who the hell are you?" he asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Who the hell are you to try to attack my discipline in front of his Master." Drake said, giving him a death stare. Mr Kai felt that be was fear from this but ignored it.

"so you're the Master of the trash of this school. If I was principal I would have thrown him out long ago!" Mr. Kai shouted

"Mr Kai I will tell that it was your son that was the cause of all this. "principle Lee stated.

" you shut up! My Son can do whatever he wants and there is nothing you can do about?"

" hahahahaha" Drake laughs outrageously attracting everyone attention.

"I know you are Enzo Kai of the kai family. They do such shady business by bullying the weak." Drake said with Devilish smile on his face.

"you dare slashed the Kai family!" one of Mr Kai's Men shouted in a rage.

"hahahaha…then why don't we make a bet? "Drake steps forward. Mr Kai smiled in a greedy way.

"what's the bet?" he asked

"I bet that Michael and Amy will not lose to anyone hands down." Drake said confidently.

Mr. Kai laughed at what he said.

"you think that these weak trash can beat this schools top cultivators. I already know that your discipline has no cultivation. They are just letting him participate to fill in empty slots." Mr. Kai stated

"So then your not afraid?" Drake said and Mr. kai took this an insult but wants to take this opportunity to teach them all a lesson.

"how about I bet 5 million NS credits." Mr. Kai said. Drake laughed yet again and opens his arm as if his basking in this moment.

"is that all you got. I want you to give me your all. I'm will to bet 10 million NS credits and this entire school. Drake shout that the entire school had heard. Everyone began to chat to each other.


" what's going on?"

" who is that stranger and how can you bet the school"

"how can they bet the entire on that trash Michael?"

"it's over. The kai family will truly take over now."

Drake looked at Mr. Kai with his arms open as of he was inviting Mr Kai to cam at him. This make Mr kai laughed.

"Alright then I'll call your bet. 10 million it is." Mr kai said confidently. As Mr Kai turned to walk away Drake spoke.

"it's still not enough. I just bet an entire school and 10 million how is that fair?" Drake said with a disappointed look on his face.

"fine what more do you want?" Mr Kai asked.

"if I win then I want that 10 million and that right arm of your that pointed at my disciple. "Drake said with an evil look on his face. Mr Kai began to sweat to think that with his family status he dared to ask such a thing. This only enraged Mr Kai even more.

" fine! You have such confidence in your disciples then so be it. Just don't run away if when you lose." Mr Kai said and turned around and walked away.

"Master Drake is it okay that you can make such a bet with the kai family. They are very dangerous. "Mrs Paige stated as she feared the most.

" have no fear auntie Paige." Michael said with a smile on his face to give confidence to her.

" yes me and Michael won't lose to these guys." Amy said with a bright smile on her face while still holding Kelly. Mrs Paige closed her eyes and felt the belief in their words. Looking at Drake's back and remembering the words he said only reinsured her feelings.

The principle stops on of the female students with books in her hand.

"little girl can you do this old man a favour and find Miss Chu and tell her everyone is here. She agreed and ran into the school.

The little had known Miss Chu was still in the class. Miss Chu was in the class dealing with paper work.

" these kids better win or I'm going to have a thing or two to say to that bastard." Miss Chu said while thinking about Drake her knees became weak and had to sit down.

'oh my God I have to get rid of those thoughts.'

She the has flashbacks of what happened. Her face turned red by the thought of this.

" that bastard will pay for what he did." Miss Chu said frustrated, while holding her fist tightly.

The little girl came to Miss Chu door and was about to knock. Then a strange figure grab her by the mouth and she disappeared with nothing but her books lying on the floor. Miss Chu had heard a noise and opened the door. Only to find books lying on the floor.

'that's strange. I swear I had felt someone was here' Miss Chu thought.

As Drake walked along with the rest. He stopped walking and looked at the opposite direction. A dark aura was coming from the passage. Drake smiled and took deep breath thought his nose.

"hahaha I know that smell all too well."

"the smell of Death"