
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Komik
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37 Chs


"Master Xeng, i have to ask. Now that you have the payment for the little girl. What are you going to do?." Chun Xi said while Lee Xeng's face has the look of shocked. Soon Lee Xeng gains his composer and says.

"it does not matter. Just because he gave us a king level pill. Doesn't mean i must take his orders."

Everyone around the table are still stunned by what they have witnessed. Queen Tillie heard what Lee Xeng said and looked at him with disappointment.

"Master Xeng, the boy has already given you a Pill worth over a 100 Million for a little girl." She said with a tone of a proper royal.

Lee Xeng seem angary as he looked Michael. Then turned his attention to Queen Tillie.

"Master Tillie, with all due respect. This matter does not concern any one of you. Just know that i will handle a Mere Child." he said respectfully.

Chun Xi placed his elbows on the round table and put his fingers slightly together. Is a decisive and serious manner he said.

" Master Xeng, i can tell you know that this boy and his sister have done nothing but take first or second place in all there tests and made it look easy..."

Every Master in the room thought carefully and just realized that it's true. Chun Xi continued to talk.

"Not only that but someone with no cultivation is able to do Alchemy and Make a large bet with a huge sum of money with confidence and ease...."

As Chun Xi kept talking a tens feeling filled the room making the Sect Master couriers and a little bit of anxiety for Chun Xi words.

"These two Children have no back ground or influence in the cultivation world and as soon as the well respected Miss Chu comes back with them. She quits her positions..."

Halsey Mo thought about how Miss Chu gave a her letter of resignation and could see in Miss Chu's eyes that she was not being forced nor did she seem unhappy. So Hasley Mo did not question her reason's why.

"... And most of all what make me more worried about most is that. There has to be a powerful figure that is backing them... There Master."

Hearing these words resonated in the minds of the Sect Masters. Questions kept popping in there minds like.

'what kind of Master has the power to awaken someone with no cultivation?'

'How strong could this Master be?'

'could this cause trouble for the Sects?'

One person was not bothered by this, Xou Meng. For his arrogance in power made him feel as if he could not be fazed by this and come up with a plan.

"Master Xi, since you have such suspicions about the two students. Why don't we test the boy to see weather or not we should worry about him?" Xou Meng suggested

As much as the rest of the Masters know that Xou Meng can not be trusted but he made their curiosity stronger. Chun Xi looked at Xou Meng with caution in his eyes but didn't show it and gave it some thought.

" Master Meng, as much as i don't agree with tampering with the students test but you have a point." Queen Tillie Said although she did not seem to like it.

The rest felt uneasy about this but couldn't not disagree. Chun Xi looked at each of them and sighed.

" Well it seems that each of you want to see how strong he is and how well their Master thought them. I'll agree just this once." Chun Xi said, calling one of his subordinate over and whisper to him to sent a message to his instructor. Witch is in charge of the test.

After hearing this Xou Meng could not help but hid his evil Smile.

(Test area)

The testing area is located in an open field. In the middle is a circular concrete stage. The concrete stage has a magic crest, covered in the floor. In the middle of this stage is a 10 foot tall pillar.

Walking through the crowed is Michael and Shounen-Chen. As they talked to each other Michael noticed Sou Mo talking to Elizabeth Lou.

"Hey Sou, is this your friend?" Michael said, appearing behind Sou Mo giving her a blushing shock.

"Michael!" she shouted with anger.

Michael backed off a little to ease her anger.

"I'm sorry.. Now calm down". He pleaded.

Sou Mo folded her arms and looked away from him in a upset manner.

"Michael, i heard you cased trouble again." Sou Mo said while turning around and poking her finger on his chest repeatedly.

Michael with worried look on his face explained the situation. After, Sou Mo pondered about this.

Michael, with a awkward look on his face tries to change the subject and tells her about the altercation he had with the Alchemy Sect.

"So you're friend here, sister in being held by the Alchemy Sect and you're trying to help?" Sue Mo says with an angary look on her face.

Shounen-Chen bows down to Sue Mo in a fanatic way.

"I am deeply sorry i dragged Michael into all this, because all of this is my fault."

Shounen-Chen apology surprises Sue Mo as she did not expect it. She tries to lift him in a kind way.

"it's.. It's okay...you don't have to apologize. I understand the situation and I'm pretty sure Michael won't do something he knows he can't win."

Michael is surprised by what Sue Mo says and how she treats Shounen-Chen. He steps Closer into her Personal space and she blush as she stairs in his eyes.

"why Lady Mo. It sounds as if you Know me well." he says in a flirtatious manner."

She trys to hold her composure and say.

" Well.. It's to expect from a hooligan like you."

Michael smiles and laughs. While Elizabeth and Shounen-Chen can't help but feel award as the watch Michael flirt in public.

'Wow... This guy is a 100% fuck boy..'

Elizabeth thought in her head as she has grown up as a knight and was always surrounded by men. Who would ravage the towns women.

Shounen-Chen in the other hand was thinking about something completely different.

'My God... His totally not afraid of women nor their status. I can definitely learn from him.'

He began to look at Michael as a role model.

Dail Xou Stood at the front of the steps of the Stage and made an announcement for the next test.

"Now Students. We will test weather your will is strong. On this platform is in enhanced with a strong array. With each step you take within this platform the weight on your body will increase. Your objective is to make it to the centre and punch the pillar as hard as you can. To record your strength as well."

Everyone began chatting and amongst each other and someone arrogantly tried to step up.

" i got this." he says.

As he takes his first steps. The weight on his body is at least a 100kg. He stops for a little then smiles

" this weight is nothing." he thought.

He takes another step and another. As he gets half way the weight becomes 500Kg. He stood still for a moment while sweating and gasping for air.

"Dame... This is so heavy.. I have to take another step." he though but as he took another step he collapsed on the ground. The test was called and he failed. A medical team came up and took the boy. While everyone was chatting to how worried they became after seeing what happened.

" What a shame. Did these idiots think it would be that easy.. Hahhahaha" Helen Dax laughed as she enjoys watching them try.

Helen Dax comes form far south and is part of a great warrior tribe that specializes in strength and battle. Watching weak people fail is all the entertainment they had. She may have barbaric ways but one thing all the Sect Master have in common. The strong respects the strong.

"I... I... I don't know if i can do this.." Shounen-Chen stutters in shock after seen what happens. Michael looks back at him and places both his hands on his shoulder.

"Chen, look at me"

As he looks up and sees the determination in Michael's eyes surprised him.

"I know you can pass this test." Michael says and Shounen-Chen put up a straight face and thought to himself.

'his right. I need to get my sister back so i can't show any weakness.'

Michael looks at the rest of them and says.

"Listen to me I have a trick that you can learn to pass this test."

Sue Mo and Elizabeth are intrigued by this.

"So What do we do?" Elizabeth asked in a curious manner.

He first made them sit on the grassy ground with their legs crossed and shows them a hand sigh. USHI (OX)

"Close your eyes while hold this hand singe and focus on your eternal energy and try to expand it outward to cover your body."

Sue Mo was a bit sceptical as she has never heard of this form of training.

"Michael are you sure this will work?" she asked.

"you're just going to have to trust me." he said with a smile. She blushed a little and did as he said.

"what is that bastered teaching them. "Lee Xeng quietly Said out of curiosity

"He seems to be teaching them so form of meditation but that hand sign their using is a bit strange" Chun Xi said

"why is my Sue Mo fraternizing with that trouble maker?" Hasley Mo said with a concerned look on her face.

Queen Tillie giggled softly to tease Hasley Mo

"Come on Hasley. The girls at an age where she can spend her time with who ever she wants. Besides, Don't all beautiful women fall for the unknown bad boy" she said while covering her mouth with hrr fingertips in a mischievous way.

Hasley Pouted at Queen Tillie's words.

"i don't care how old she is... She still my little girl."

Hasley Mo began to reminisce the time she had with Sue Mo as a child and it made Queen Tillie a bit worried about her.

'Hasley is still a lolicon as ever' Queen Tillie embarrassingly thought.

After few more students stood up and failed one man stood that captivated the crowd,

Zou Xi.

(Crowd chatter)

"Look it's him"

"his definitely going to pass with flying colours."

"when you're part a the main family you gain a lot of cultivation resources. So a test like this is nothing."

He took a step on the platform and effortlessly began to walk. He gradually walked slower as the weight added on but made it look easy. His one the first students to make it to the pillar.

'all of you are weak trash. This test is too easy.' he thought as he took his stance to through a punch.

As he threw the punch and the pillar. The force is so strong that he shakes the ground and some students fall to the ground.

Zou Xi gives an arrogant smile and walks off the stage confidently.

"Wow it's a new record. He withstood 1000kg of weight and his punch is as strong a 859kg" one of the monitors said.

The crowed is shocked to see the level of power that one of the main family can produce.

"hahaha that's the Xi Family for you. These commoner are light years away for ever reaching the strength of one of the main families." Xou Meng Said arrogantly but Head Sect Master Chun Xi was watching Michael's reaction and noticed that Michael was not even taking note.

" You're going to have to hold your applause for now." Chun Xi said, interrupting Xou Meng. The rest were curious as to why.

"look at Michael's facial expression. It's as if he could not be bothered." he said. The rest took a look to see and noticed that Michael looked board.

"So what if he can't be bother. As soon as it's his turn. He will be tested harder than the rest. And surely fail." Xeng Meng said angrily.

Soon after a few student failed and passed but none could reach Zou Xi score.

He is sitting at the back of the crowed with a smile that could tell you he was gloating. He took a glance at Michael and saw him with the rest. He decided to walk up to him. Michael saw him approaching and could see he has bad intentions.

'Fuck me. Are most of the people in rich family's know nothing but how to make trouble?' Michael thought to himself but instead gave an evil grin.

'if that's how you want to play. Believe you me as much as i love to make friends. I find making enemy's much more easier.'

Michael looked back at the rest and said.

"listen up, Zou Xi is coming here. If you guys trust me enough. Then listen to my orders. Don't take not of him not matter what He says and does."

They look at Michael and although his not looking back at them. They could feel how serious he was and kept on meditating.

Zou Xi Walks up to them but walks right past Michael as if he did not exist and stand in front of Sue Mo.

" Miss Mo, my Name is Zou Xi of the Xi Family. It's an honour to meet such an honouree member of the Mo family. I would Like to Ask Miss Mo if she would like to accompany me throughout the last test." Zou Xi Said honourably, bowing as well but Miss Mo said nothing nor has she opened one of her eyes.

He Found this disrespectful but knows that Sue Mo is not someone you can just retaliate because she doesn't want to respond.

" I'm sorry to say but Miss Mo is busy with an exercise that I'm giving her. So I suggest you find someone else to accompany to the final test." Michael said.

These words angered him. He turns around to face Michael. Zou Xi Is a very tall man and largely built. He stood in front of Michael and gave off an murderous intent. It was as if he casted a mountain like shadow over Michael. Everyone around looked and could feel the intent coming from him But Michael just looked him as if he was nothing more than an transparent mountain. This annoyed him Even more.

"Well, you're giving off such weak intent. The girl scouts in my neighbour hood could do better." Michael sarcastically said while picking his ear with his Pinkie.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Zou Xi began to increase his murderous intent. It spreads through the test area and the new students began to shake with fear. Some where even brought to their knees but Michael looked as if he could not care less.

'What the fuck is with this little shit. His not even fazed at all. Not only that but it seem like Miss Mo and the other two are not fazed as well. Even though their sitting so close by.' Zou Xi Thought to himself

"YOU MUST REALLY WANT TO DIE!!".he said in an evil manner.

" idiot..." Michael said sarcastically

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Zou Xi shouted in an evil manner.

"are you deaf too... I said you're an idiot....if you can't even focus your killing intent on a single individual. The what's the point of having it." Michael said.

Then Michael opened his eyes. An evil glair pieced Zou Xi to his core and jumped back 10 feet away from Michael. While holding the hilt of his sword. He is sweating and breathing heavily as if his been through a battle.

'What the fuck was that. My body jumped on it's own with out me even noticing. When i looked into his eyes, i pictured how he kills me. What exactly is he?' Zou Xi Thought to himself.

Zou Xi Gains his composer and lets go on the hilt of his sword.

"I'm heading to the last test. Which is a Mock battle to see who is the strongest. Miss Mo i hope that you can choose those who are with more wisely because he has made an enemy of different nobal family members." Zou Xi Said and turned around but before he left he said one last thing.

" Michael, you better not come to the last test because if you do. I'm going to kill you." he said with a serious voice and the look in his eyes.

Michael did nothing but smile in a way that you can only tell that it's "Evil Excitement"

"will the last few contests please make your way." Dail Xou announced.

"guys, it's time" Michael said.

They opened there eyes and stood up but They looked confused. They could not feel any difference in their cultivation.

"uhm... Brother Michael.. Uhm.. I don't think we can feel any difference in strength.

" That's because this technique doesn't strengthen your body but your Chakra" Michael explained but it they still seemed confused. Michael had forgotten that Master Drake explained that most people do not know what Chakra is.

"look we don't have much time to explain all this but i just need you guys to believe in not only me but in your own power."

Shounen-Chen gripped his fist tightly and proceeded to the stage with a determined look in his eyes.

As he too his first step it was as if he felt no weight at all. Shounen-Chen was amazed as he has not been yet trained to handle such weight.

'it's strange. It's as if there is a energy protecting me.' he thought.

He proceeded further and as he made it half way, he then began to feel weight but it did not bother him as much.

(crowed chatter)

"what's going on?"

"I'm sure my cultivation is stronger than his"

"he must be cheating"

As Shounen-Chen came to the pillar. He is breathing heavily but hold his composer. He punches the pillar and his record show 768kg.

Everyone is astonished including the monitors of the test.

"What in the world is going on?"Xou Meng Said in shock.

"hahahah... Just goes to show how us country bumpkin can step up when it matters." Helen Dax Said, laughing at the look on Xou Meng's Face.

'what in the world did that kid do to make Shounen-Chen so strong' Lee Xeng Angery said breaking his glass of wine in his hand.

As Shounen-Chen came down with a happy look on his face. He stood in front of Michael and bow humbly.

"thank you so much for the help Bother Michael."

Elizabeth Lou and Sue Mo were surprised themselves. After seeing Shounen-Chen succeed. They too felt confident in Michael's teachings.

Elizabeth Lou step onto the stage. She may have struggle along the way but made her way to the pillar. She punched a recorded of 850kg.

Everyone is even more stunned than before.

(Crowd chatter)

"How is this possible?"

"Does the Lou Family finally have genies?"

"I think if might have to do that arrogant guy"

"Holy shit. The world record was broken twice today."

Sue Mo then stepped up. She makes it to the centre and punches the pillar. Her punch recorded 1000kg.

"WHAT THE RECORD WAS BROKEN AGAIN!!!!!" everyone said at the same time.

As Sue Mo made her way back to Michael gave him a hug in joy and appreciation. Michael was taken by surprise by this and as soon as she noticed what she was doing. She quickly pushed him away. Red in the face of embarrassment, leaving Michael confused as always.

"hahahaha.....that's my nieces for you. Our Mo family has a geniuses like no other." Hasley Mo brag to attentional bother the rest of the Sect Masters.

"none the less. It's time for that arrogant bastered to step up."Xou Meng Said with and evil look in his eye and the rest of the Sect Masters waiting in anticipation to see what happens.

Xou Meng Informs the monitor that is controlling the array to set it on it strongest level. The monitor looked worried as this could kill a person if not carful but knows that he can not defy a Sect Master orders

As Michael approaches, everyone watch close to. Most hope he fail and some knew he'd pass.

Before Michael took a step he looked at the array's change of colour to indicate a power change.

'So that's how it is.' he. Thought but grinned at the sight of this.

Michael looks at Dail Xou And see's him smiling.

"hahahahahahahahaha" Michael laughs loudly in an evil manner.

Everyone around him could Not understand what he was laughing about. The crowd thought Michael had either lost his mind and had given up.

"Tampering with the Array. Setting it on maximum out up." Michael said while he pushed his hair back from his forehead.

Dail Xou and the monitors were stunned by this they could not believe he found out just by a glance.

"what are you talking about boy? This is a fair test for all new students. So stop spouting nonsense." Dail Xou argued.

Michael takes out a knife and tosses into the array. As soon as the knife enters the array. It Instantly drops into the ground so hard a small dust cloud emerged. When the dust cleared the knife is broken into pieces and in bended into the concrete.

Everyone around saw this and could not believe the strength of the array.

(Crowd chatter)

"what is going on?"

"There is just no way that array was that strong."

"i know the guy is arrogant but that can kill someone."

"he must have angered the higher ups."

"Fuck!...how did he found so just a by a glance!" Xou Meng shouted and he threw his glass of wine to the ground in anger.

"Sect Master Xou Meng Hold your composure." Chen Xi ordered, so he tried and sat down.

"It looks like we underestimated him." Queen Tillie said.

Michael looked in the air but it was as if he was looking at someone. What Michael was actually looking at was the viewing device the Sect Master's are using.

"is it just me or is he looking at us." Helen Dax Said nervously.

Suddenly Michael began to laugh loudly again and said.

"it seems like i have pissed off powerful people. So they ordered the monitors to adjust the difficulty of the is test. All of this just for me?..."

Suddenly Michael's facial expressions change to a dull look as if he felt disappointed.

"is this really all you've got?" Michael said in a disappointed manner.

Michael held the hand sign USHI (OX).

"since you have troubled yourself for I'll show you something"


Suddenly the aura of the test site changed. Everyone felt it was hard to breath. Although Michael may not look like he got stronger but you could feel that it would be impossible to defeat him.

As Michael took his first step into the array. The weight Michael took was 500kg. Although this would difficult so most students but Michael was not fazed at all. Michael then began to walk with ease, although the weight kept increasing.

As the Sect Master watch they could not help but to drop the jaws in shock .

"this is Impossible!" Lee Xeng Shouted

"how... How... Just how is it possible for him to use Natural Law." Hellen Dax stuttered to say.

"it's not possible. You all know that, only if you have reached a higher level Emperor realm and with luck can you truly use natural law. What makes this even more baffling is that he has no cultivation." Chun Xi said.

" if i may have an input in this. Remember not long ago the two practitioners that were injured by the Akuma Trio." Queen Tillie stated as she took a sip of her tea.

"why is this important now!" Xou Memg Shouted abruptly.

" Sect Master Xou Meng Hold your anger and let Sect Master Tillie explain" Chun Xi said putting Xou Meng in his place.

"please continue" he said respectfully.

"thank you Sect Master Chun Xi What i was trying to say is. While they we in a coma i used my Magical artefact. Witch allowed me to see their memories and what i saw is indeed troubling." she said nervously.

"not only was the Male of the Akuma Trio powerfully enough to defeat a practitioners with a cultivation of Supreme king realm. But he also used natural law." she said

This brought dead silence within the room. Everyone stared in shock that someone was able to use such a technique and even more know that Michael could br the male Akuma.

" What I'm trying to say is that. No one has ever been able to find out who they truly are and they are undefeated. No one is able to measure there strength and no one is able to get close."

"So what are you trying to say? "Helen Dax Said quietly in anger. Queen Tillie stood much in attention and said.

"Look at what you've witnessed so far. The talent test, The Alchemy test, test of strength and just now with you not even noticing Miss Amy Lee had just passed the Forging test while setting a new world record with a spoon."

"so what you're trying to say is..." Helen Dax Tried to say but couldn't.

"Those two are part of the Akuma Trio and their mission is to most probably to infiltrate Heavenly Deity College." Chun Xi said.

Michael now walks past the halfway point in and the weight is now 1ton(1000kg). Yet Michael continues with ease. As he took another step the weight is so strong. Michael foot prints could be seen leaving cracks behind. Even with all this weight Michael still walked with ease. As Michael approached the pillar the weight is now 2Tons(2000kg) and said.

"I made a promise to myself the moment i met my Master. For the people i want to protect and for the sake of my Master's vengeance. I Michael Lee WILL DESTROY ALL THOSE WHO APPOSE ME!!..."

With that Michael lifted one Arm and flicked the pillar with one finger. His one finger destroyed the pillar in the most explosive way. Leaving nothing but rubble at his feet.

Everyone including the Sect Master were in awe as they saw a mere boy with no cultivation to be this strong. The Sect Master have no idea what is to come nor can they stop it.

Michael look up at the monitored and gave the most Sinister Smile he could.

"Hahahahahahahahahah...." worthy of being my disciple. Show them, punish them. Make them fear you as you strampel every test that they give you. They can try everything they can but In the end, it won't even Matter.. Hahhahahahahahahah....


(Sorry for not updating in a late time. You know have a life is not easy. So I'll give you re preview of the next chapter and hope you enjoy. Love it or hate it, I'm one of those humans that don't care... But would still appreciate it.)

The next chapter: CHAPTER 31


"Right now we can't do anything without evidence. All we have is speculation. Right now not only have two Sect practitioners not only trashed the name of Heavenly Deity College reputation on nation tv but Michael has basically challenged us in front of a crowd. Witch makes it impossible for to do anything right now." Chun Xi explained.

"Would you just shut the fuck up and fight already." Michael said while cleaning out his ear with his pinkie.

The twin felt very disrespected and in raged. They used their lighting speed again.

"Yes although you may not see but the boy is actually moving at a high speed while making it look like his standing still." Hasley Mo said.

"Mr. Zou Xi... You seem to have forgotten that you're standing in the life and death ring. No one can save you and you promised to kill me. SO DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND I WILL NOT KILL YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE FROM THE XI FAMILY...."