

Kade Northwood, once a powerful and wealthy businessman, now driven to commit heinous crimes including murder in a fit of rage and revenge, and being ultimately killed for his actions. Upon his death, he forced himself unto another world, where he would have to confront the consequences of his past life and work to make amends. Though, this wouldn't be the case... -------------------------- Chapter lengths: 1000 - 1600 - 2000+ words. This MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. Don't waste your time and comment on this story if this isn't your cup of tea. The same goes for those who want an MC who's already overpowered from the start. The MC's power is sort of slow and progressive.

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39 Chs

V1 - C3 - P3: Entrance Preparation Pt1.

As the rain pours relentlessly down, both men adopt prepared fighting stances, initiating a protracted standoff where their increased breathing blends with the sound of the rain, creating a tense atmosphere.

Both men charged at each other, exchanging a flurry of punches, kicks, and blocks. Kade attempted a front kick, but Markin countered by grabbing his leg, lifting him, and slamming him to the ground. Undeterred, Kade swiftly retreated, crawling backward before executing a kip-up to rapidly regain his footing.

Kade jumps on an off a well, executing a deceptive Superman punch.

Markin Razzio(INT):

"A superman punch?"

The punch turns out to be a feint when Markin expertly blocks, only for Kade to counter mid-air with a surprising jump cutter.

Markin Razzio(INT):


Pulling Markin's head and sending him sprawling backward.

Both men seamlessly execute kip-ups, exchanging hits and blocks. Kade deftly evades a punch, hooks Markin's face, and follows up with a push kick, slamming him against a wall. Markin retaliates with a swift hook to Kade's face.

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Stone Closure!"

Emerging earth encases Kade's feet, rendering him momentarily stuck. Despite this setback, he adeptly blocks Markin's incoming punches, setting the stage for a relentless exchange.

In a swift exchange, Markin attempted another punch at Kade, who quickly grabbed Markin's arm and retaliated with an uppercut to the chin. Amid the struggle, Kade freed one leg from the earth's encasement, delivering a powerful kick to distance himself. As his other foot emerged from the rocky confines, Kade hurled a basket of trash, then improvised by shattering a glass bottle against the wall, transforming it into a lethal weapon.

Kade closes in on Markin, swinging the shattered bottle with precision; he skillfully throws the bottle, causing it to spin mid-air and effortlessly catching it in a reverse grip before lunging forward in an attempt to stab him.

Markin grabs Kade's arm, both entwining in a fierce grapple/hold. Markin fights to fend off the sharp, shattered bottle, Kade swiftly maneuvers, forcing Markin's arm down and closing in on Markin's neck. In a nimble move, Markin evades, redirecting the bottle to collide with the wall.

As the struggle between the two continued, Markin bashed Kade's hand with brute force, causing him to let go of the shattered bottle. However, swiftly in retaliation, Kade delivered a resounding kick to Markin's chest, sending him flying back. Then, with lightning sparking from his hand, Kade shaped the energy into a spear and extended his arm, ready to strike.

Kade Northwood:

"Thunder Magic, Lightning Javelin."

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Earthen Barrier!"

A formidable barricade of concrete and earth rises before Markin, shielding him from Kade's lightning javelin. However, Kade grabs a nearby silver plate, hurls it above and almost over the wall, and directs the lightning javelin toward the airborne target, resulting in a thunderous explosion that grievously wounds and forces Markin face-planted on the ground.

Amidst the intensifying rain and storm, thunderous lightning strikes illuminate the background, creating a dramatic atmosphere. Kade, determined, runs around the wall, attempting to lunge at Markin.

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Stone Closure!"

Kade Northwood(INT):


However, Markin's unexpected defense unfolds as his body becomes encased in earth.

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Subterrain!"

He emerges from the ground at a certain distance and swiftly flees from Kade.

Kade relentlessly pursues Markin through the bustling streets and narrow alleyways, their chase escalating as they vault over carriages, push through crowds, and engage in dynamic maneuvers.

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Rising Pillar!"

A tall pillar emerges beneath Markin, aiding his leap over a fence, while Kade opts for a forceful punch to propel a parked carriage into the obstacle, cleverly using it as a platform to continue the pursuit.

The System:


In the midst of their pursuit, Kade seizes nearby trash, flinging it at Markin in an attempt to impede his escape. Markin effortlessly evades the makeshift projectiles, executing a nimble mid-air twist.

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Rokugani!"

Swiftly retaliating, a barrage of rocks hurtles towards Kade, who shields himself, absorbing the onslaught.

Kade Northwood:


Markin Razzio(INT):

"So that's his true magic, Absorption..."

"...This is going to be annoying."

Markin rolls backward and resumes his fleeing.

Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Rising Pillar."

Markin conjures a stone pillar to vault over a fence, but Kade takes hold of a carriage wheel and throws it at him as he almost leaps over the fence, the wheel rebounds off the wall and strikes him squarely in the chin. Kade, fueled by adrenaline, leapt onto a wall, using it as a springboard to effortlessly vault over a fence.

Kade Northwood:



His excitement evident, tongue out and eyes displaying fully black sclera, he moved with an animalistic intensity, claws digging into the ground as he swiftly pursued his target.

Markin Razzio(INT):

"What the hell is wrong with him?!"

"F##k this! He's going to kill me!"

Markin's growing unease towards Lade's animalistic behavior intensified as he attempted to escape, only to find himself caught off guard when Kade suddenly lunged forward, landing a powerful uppercut to his side. Stumbling backward, Markin was further ensnared as Kade swiftly followed up with a palm strike and a hook to his chin.

Kade Northwood:


Markin Razzio:

"Earth Magic, Subterrain!"

Markin melds with the wall, seamlessly transitioning into the building; his body fortified in stone and earth, he charges through houses, shattering walls to access more rooms. Meanwhile, Kade smashes through a window, relentlessly pursuing Markin, clearing a path through the chaos left in their wake.

Kade Northwood:

"Out of my way, idiots!"

A convoy of five carriages, carrying the authorities, swiftly race through the streets in pursuit of Kade and Markin, who are causing chaos.

Panic erupts as residents spill out of buildings breached by Kade and Markin's chase, sending terror through the streets; authorities' convoys narrowly avoid colliding with the fleeing crowd, causing three carriages veered off course, crashing into shops and buildings.

Markin Razzio:

"Out of the way, people!"

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.

(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.

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