
Revelation of the Orcs

Struck by lightning, his soul miraculously traversed to the continent of Sauron, becoming an orc youth named Barok. This world, where strength reigns supreme, is both cruel and unfamiliar. Among all the races on the continent of Sauron, the orcs lack the power to protect themselves; they are the weakest. Enslaved and slaughtered by powerful humans, despised by other races, they live in the most barren and desolate regions of the continent, constantly facing life-threatening monstrous beasts, harsh natural environments, hunger, and chaos. What path lies ahead for the orcs? Barok roared in defiance: "Follow me, let us orcs change the rules!" This is a world of mythical beasts and monsters, of battle energy and magic. The orcs will rise under Barok's leadership!

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88 Chs

The Conversation Between the Orc and the Duke

Chapter 81: The Conversation Between the Orc and the Duke

The Crescent Oasis is the largest oasis in the Gravel Wasteland, occupied by the powerful white lizardmen. Around a thousand white lizardmen dominate a lush lake spanning several hundred acres, surrounded by thickets of tamarisk and cycad trees. This oasis attracts yellow sheep, sand rabbits, numerous small sand lizards, plump sandworms, and crispy, roastable beetles, providing an abundant food source.

White lizardmen are particularly strong, almost as tall as ordinary humans. Their grayish-white scales are difficult to pierce with ordinary swords, their claws are very sharp, and they can burrow into the sand, making them elusive. They have ruled this area for a long time without encountering any challenge to their dominance.

The meeting between Barok and Lind was uneventful. Both are pragmatic individuals willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. If it benefits his schemes, Lind has no qualms about meeting with a lowly orc like Barok. So when Torea brought Lind's invitation to the orcs' watering place, Barok readily agreed to bring his people to the Crescent Oasis. As for his good friend Lulusa… Barok reassured him, promising to plead with the white lizardmen chief to allow them to return to their original small oasis. Whether he would remember this promise halfway through was beyond Barok's control.

Even though Lind had been briefed by Torea, he was still amazed by the orcs' strength upon seeing them. Not to mention the impressive frost wolf mount, even the seven sturdy orcs wielding massive battle axes radiated a faint aura of fighting spirit. The young orc leader, Barok, had already earned a reputation for his strength in Paderia City and was known to be a shaman. His formidable power warranted a warmer reception from Lind.

Suddenly, General Schomberg, who had been silently standing behind Lind, narrowed his eyes and whispered in Lind's ear, "My lord, this orc shaman is very dangerous. My intuition tells me that if he attacks, I might not have time to protect you. Even for me, defeating him is not guaranteed."

Lind immediately became serious. General Schomberg is a powerful sky knight, and in the secular world, only the pinnacle-level saint warriors or elite soldiers in formation could rival him. How could this seemingly eighteen-year-old orc be so formidable? Even in the northern tundra, such strong orcs are rare.

Lind quickly changed his demeanor, his face beaming with enthusiasm as he opened his arms to Barok. "Oh, Chieftain Barok of the Grey Wolf Tribe, great orc warrior and esteemed shaman. Please forgive old Lind's negligence. Welcome, welcome...!"

Barok, equally 'enthusiastic,' opened his arms and hugged the short, stout Duke Lind. "Dear Duke Lind, sorry for the intrusion. You are an upright and honest elder, and you have my respect." The two acted like old friends, complimenting each other and speaking familiarly. Behind them, both the orcs and Lind's subordinates wore strange expressions. It's normal for Lind, a seasoned politician, to act this way. But for a young, handsome, supposedly fearless orc shaman to be so familiar with human hypocrisy was indeed unusual.

Perhaps this is why Barok is a shaman and chieftain while we can only follow him—Barotan and Angray exchanged glances, seeing the same thought in each other's eyes.

As honored guests, the white lizardmen chief designated a specific area in the Crescent Oasis for Lind's caravan. Other orcs were arranged elsewhere. Lind invited Barok into a luxurious tent, furnished as splendidly as any noble's castle.

Being a noble, Lind never skimps on himself. He seated Barok on the expensive wool carpet, with a roast yellow sheep emitting a tantalizing aroma on the central campfire. Lind carved off a juicy leg of lamb for Barok and filled Barok's crystal glass with wine. The only regret was the lack of beautiful human women or equally attractive female orcs as attendants. The ugly female lizardmen were too unappetizing, so Lind had to serve himself.

Barok raised his glass to Lind, then drank it all in one go. Lind's face immediately showed satisfaction. Barok's unhesitating acceptance of the wine signaled sincerity and trust, paving the way for a straightforward discussion.

General Schomberg stood outside the tent, acting as a guard, which also pleased Barok. Clearly, Duke Lind took their meeting seriously, and both felt that their alliance or agreement would be easily achieved.

"Barok, oh... I should call you Chieftain Barok. Let's be frank. You should know my situation, and you surely harbor hatred for King Korek of Padington. See, we share a common enemy. So tell me why you wanted to meet. If it helps me, I'll consider it seriously. You can name your terms, and if I can meet them, I will." Lind said directly.

"I think it's time for King Korek to abdicate, and it suits our Grey Wolf Tribe's interests for you to become King of Padington. Now... it's said that an Odrian Empire legion is stationed at the border of their vassal, the Darintan Principality, and Padington. Their intentions are unclear but clearly threatening." Barok stated bluntly. These were insights shared by Wold, making Barok smug. Killing Prince Alvin undoubtedly caused big trouble for the human kingdoms. If the Samoan Empire and the Odrian Empire fought to the death, it would be great. At the very least, Padington, caught in the middle, would have no say in its fate.

Lind frowned. "I think so too, but I don't believe that cripple Korek would willingly abdicate. Even if the elite Suareis legion is preoccupied by the border crisis, stationed at the Darintan Principality's border and unable to act rashly, my forces have been severely weakened. I can't stage a coup in the capital now."

"Dear Duke Lind, let's look at your advantages from a different perspective." Padington's royal history was well-known, and Barok had heard it from others, confidently analyzing for Lind. "You are the first prince of Padington, with an indisputable right of succession. Even if old King Padington decreed the throne to Korek, his edict itself violates the kingdom's laws. Just because the powerful Duke Gene supports Korek, and they exploited your impulsiveness to create a false assassination attempt, forcing you into rebellion and exile for over a decade, doesn't mean they won. Have you noticed that many just and loyal nobles and people still sympathize with you? This is evident from the numerous nobles Korek has demoted. Many in Padington still support you."

"Yes, you're right. Many nobles supported me in my coup. If not for that idiot Delta's actions giving the magic academy an excuse to interfere in royal affairs, I might already be on Padington's throne." Lind said through gritted teeth, then looked puzzled at Barok. "But all that is in the past and meaningless now. I don't see how this helps me."

"You have a very legitimate reason." Barok continued, "Korek is overwhelmed by the Odrian threat, and now is your golden opportunity. You can't always hide behind the scenes to stage coups, which makes people see you as a rebel. It's time for you to step forward and openly declare your claim to the throne and everything that should be yours, while rallying those nobles oppressed by Korek to openly support you, creating a massive public momentum. Even if Korek is desperate enough to mobilize elite troops to crush you, you can ally with the Odrian Empire. If the empire declares its support for you, Padington's citizens, to avoid an invasion, will know what to do."

Lind fell silent, deeply moved but also aware that to gain the Odrian Emperor's support, he would need to pay a significant price. Padington has long maintained a neutral stance between Samoa and Odrian. Breaking this balance could bring unknown consequences. If Samoa, feeling humiliated, launched a mad invasion, Padington would be doomed.

This orc was clear-headed and methodical, a stark contrast to his kin. Lind instinctively voiced his concerns, seeking Barok's solution.

Barok smirked inwardly. This chubby old man wanted power without sacrifice—impossible. It depended on Lind's desire for the throne. If it outweighed everything, even treason would not be a problem, as long as he had a decent excuse as a fig leaf.

"Duke Lind, fence-sitters are the most despised. Since Prince Alvin's death in Padington, your neutral stance is no longer tenable. You must either side with Odrian or submit to Samoa. Padington has no other options now. Don't wait until Korek realizes his plight and acts before you do, or you'll never have another chance at the throne. Remember... you are doing this for Padington's survival, and for nothing else."

Lind trembled, a strange flush creeping up his face, his eyes gleaming with a hint of madness.

Barok smiled, knowing that chaos in Padington was now inevitable.