
Chapter 10: Harem Completion, Harem Haven Awaits

Hearing the two voices I turned with a grin on my face as I knew who these were and I was about to collect them for my universe that I shall create.

I turn to face a beautiful Neko and Dragon. Kuroka and Ophis. I wanted Kuroka for many reasons. One being she practically begs to be fucked, Two she looks amazing especially with those cat ears and tail 'I just wanna nibble on it' and she is beyond perfect. Ophis I wanted because it's bad-ass to have a dragon mate, plus she wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't agree.

"Now ladies... I shall obviously be taking you, however please wait 10 minutes for me to fetch some more of your soon to be sisters" I said with a smirk which sent butterflies into all their stomachs.

I had to telepathically show Koneko that her sister wasn't as bad as she thought so she would stop with the death glare, even though it was pretty cute.

And with that I walked out of the room with a hand up as I thought it had looked cool in the movies... Anyways I was sucked into a wormhole which teleported me directly to Sona and she was doing something... *Cough*

<Sonas P.O.V>

I was sat on my bed thinking about how handsome Dante is. I couldn't believe these thoughts that were rushing through my head, I began to heat up just thinking about him as one of my hands unconsciously grabbed my breast causing me to moan.

My fingers slipped down my body as they reached my already wet entrance and I began to play with myself, moaning louder and louder knowing no one was near until a massive gust of wind blew throughout my room and a light appeared. I instantly looked in daze without removing my hands, as I had forgot they were even there for a brief moment.

A stunning figure was revealed after the light vanished and he looked at me with his head cocked sideways and grinning... It was Dante....


I looked at her whilst smiling and she instantly screeched whilst blushing and covered herself in her blankets.

I walked to her bed and threw them off causing her to look up embarrassed until I said...

"I'm putting together a team" (Anyone get that reference? <--)

*Cough* "I wish for you to be one of many lovely ladies that will live on your very own universe full of your soon to be sisters with everything you could ever wish for."

She was smart, and blushed instantly at the thought, however after giving it some time she reluctantly agreed and as she did her phone buzzed and a notification from one 'Saji' read

'Hey Sona... I kinda like you' I saw Sona read this and disgust emerged on her face.

"Go to the OCR that's where the rest will be waiting for our journey, in the mean time I need to gather the rest!" I said whilst smiling causing her a puddle on her bed as she looked away and nodded unable to speak.

With that I teleported, but not to get the rest of the girls... No I teleported to Saji's room.

Saji: "W-W-what arr--are y--y-" He got cut-off suddenly?

Before he could finish I backhanded him causing blood too splatter against the walls as he instantly vanished. (Imagine Saitama hitting the mosquito women)

'Well time to get the rest'

I teleported to the dimensional gap as it suddenly burst open causing a massive dragon to fly through, It looked down and snorted.

"What do you want puny human, how are you even alive in this gap? LEAVE OR DIE!"

I waited for a good 10 seconds whilst smirking until it yet again shouted.

"VERY WELL! I GAVE YOU A CHOICE SO NOW YOU MUST PAY" It shouted whilst throwing it's ginormous claw towards me.

The look on it's face was pride as it thought it had annihilated me but he looked closely and saw that I blocked his skyscraper tall claw with my finger... Without any other warning I applied the tiniest bit of pressure to the finger causing a sonic boom to echo throughout causing cracks in the gap as Great Red was sent flying.


I looked towards the floating Red too see it was knocked out cold. I healed it and it transformed into a luscious girl as it said "You - you how can you be so powerful?"

"Simple.... I cheated the fuck out!"...

Red: ...

Dante: ...


Dante: Anyways, If you're willing BECOME MY MATE! Oh and travel to a universe specific for my harem...

She looked up and blushed as she just now noticed my amazing features, as well as the overwhelming power and she of course agreed. I informed her to go towards the OCR and explain everything that occurred. I sensed her presence at the OCR and the sweat of all those other weak people and I laughed.

(I Never really explained about Kiba if he/she is a dude or girl did I? Or did I? I can't remember... Anyways if she is a girl she'll come along and if he's a guy then 'If he isn't gay' He can live on another universe with his harem, but if he is gay he can hang on Harem Haven with the girls. FYI)

Yet again I teleported towards the cutest Milky Devils location and in front of me stood the 4 Great Satan's in fighting stances.

<Serafalls P.O.V>

Me and the other satans were gathered around a table discussing matters in the underworld and the signs of an extremely large power that spike every now and again. Then suddenly the room began to shake and a bright light engulfed it. As the light disappeared we all looked at each other in confusion and got ready to fight, It was then I saw the most handsome male ever. I could detect that he had human energy but he seemed to be overwhelmingly power that just drew me towards him.

<Back to Le Dante Meister>

I looked at the four as they looked back seriously and I began to laugh. They somewhat let their guard down as they saw my non-caring attitude.


At that instant I grew a tick on my forehead as I shouted


Causing the building to collapse and Beelzebub to become mute as his mouth was sewed shut.

The other devils seeing this grew fearful expressions at my devastation.

Sirzechs: We are sorry for his impoliteness, How may we help you Mr?

Dante: Just call me Dante. You know I've always liked your easygoingness (Is that a word? If not MC says it is cause he's god) Sirzechs, I kinda respect you in a way.

Falbium Asmodeus: ?

'Who the fucks that Falbium dude? *Cough* nevermind'

Serafall: Mou your cute.

Dante: Ah the lovely Serfall, I have a proposal for you. The same one I've made for your sister and Sirzechs sister


Dante: Jesus I know your both siscons, but I just offered them something which I would like to offer you Serafall. *Smirks*

Serafall: *Blushes* *Cough* What's this proposal?

Sirzechs: Why do I not get this proposal?

Dante: Well Sirzechs, I don't fly that way...

Sirzechs: *Confused*

Dante: And Serafall, Come with me. Marry me and I'll give you and the rest of your sisters a universe and everything else you all desire just for you... Oh and others in the future.

Sirzechs: *Realisation* *Laughs until he realizes I also made this proposal to Rias* NO NOT MY SISTER!

Dante: Firstly, Y'all can't do shit about this, even Great Red has joined so I mean good for you Sirzechs you get some peace n shit. Secondly nothing can happen to any of them.

Sirzechs: I accept *Anything for my wittle bittle sissy wissy* *SIS-CON ALERT!*

Dante: *Sweat drops as he hears his thoughts*

Serafall: *Blushes at proposal* I accept UwU

Dante: Great *OMG YES!?!* Go towards the OCR and tell them I have one final stop, actually two but I doubt the second will work...

With that I disappeared and they all looked at each other in awkwardness until Serafall began to walk off to the surprise of the other devils that she was actually telling the truth.

I appeared in the familiar forest and saw the familiar master with his pokemon *Cough* Familiars...

Anyways I heard a loud roar and began to walk over... When I said that with one step I was in front of a Hydra, which looked bad-ass!

Tiamat: What do you want puny human!

Dante: ...*Fuck me this is getting old... better hurry up and go to another universe already.*

Dante: Let's skip the formalities, Kneel to me, Follow me...

Tiamat: And why would I do that?

Dante: Well, I'm making a universe for my harem... Great Red and Ddraig are already in it so LESBO action?

Tiamat: Aha don't joke with me! Fight me and if you win I shall join

Dante: Ok but first Ddraig come out, you can spectate on the side lines.

With that a pretty figure with long red hair appeared and Tiamat starred in disbelief before the launched a surprise attack at me figuring that she roasted me she looked back to Ddraig to see her smirk.

I began to eat her flames and said

Dante: Woah those are some nice flames, Also attacking with a surprise attack is kinda low...

Tiamat: *Blushes from the compliment or the embarrassment?*

Dante: Anyways, Flamethrower..

As soon as I said that a massive flame blast shot out from my pinky destroying basically the whole forest....

Dante: Aha whoops *Sweat drops*

Seeing the destruction I reversed time for the forest restoring it to it's normal state. Tiamat witnessed this and pledged her loyalty.

I then told both Ddraig and Tiamat to wait at the OCR and tell the girls 1 more stop... probably?

With that I yet again vanished, only to appear in heaven... In front of Michael and Gabriel.

Now Gabriel was sort of like a side-quest for me because she is pretty fit and cute sooooo.


Dante: Die

Angel1: *dead*

After I displayed this power the rest sweat dropped and Michael began to shiver as he slowly walked up and bowed to me. The other angels began to wonder what he was doing until he spoke./..

Michael: To what do we owe the pleasure God of All?

After he said that everyone instantly turned pale, however Gabriel looked in awe.

Dante: Revive

Angel1 *Comes back alive* W-w-w-w-w-wwww *Collapses*

Dante: *Cough* Anyways I have an important message. I'm leaving for awhile though It won't be that long here. I was just wondering if Gabriel would come with me?

Michael looked back at Gabriel with a hopeful expression as she immediately jumped with joy and agreed... Probably because I'm better than god so she'll follow me or some shit I don't know...

Dante: ... Erm okay. See ya later!

With that I waved and teleported me and Gabriel back to the OCR to view all the stunning women that were all mine. I saw some silver hair out of the corner of my eye and became shocked to locate Vali (Fem) And Albion(Fem). They looked at me with the same lustful expression as the other girls and I just sighed. Ophis, or Kuroka probably informed them... Not too bad she is pretty decent as a girl anyways...

Dante: So who's ready to see your new home?


'Calm down little fella... Maybe later?' I thought at the voices of all these women calling me Master.

I clicked my fingers causing us all to be teleported in space and they all looked shocked yet filled with awe at the beautiful site. With another click a planet appeared in front of us.

Dante: Harem Haven awaits my PRECIOUS (Anyone get that one as well?)

As we all were on the ground of this new freshly made planet I made everything these girls needed. A village filled with mansions each designated for each women (There were 1,000 spare which can only mean one thing ;) )

And at the center was the biggest of them all, but this wasn't a mansion... This was a bedroom that could house a few hundred people on the bed... (We all know where the next chapters going don't we :P )

As the girls were sent to each house they all made their reports at how amazing this was and they were all awestruck. I then called them all to the center of the town and they all said in unison

All: What is your wish master?

They all said this whilst cocking their heads slightly, and 'water' dripping down their legs.

I can't hold it any longer!


All: *Screech in excitement*

Next Chapter more than likely Lemon with them all...

After that will be the start of Marvel. Now a few questions, What should he do in marvel? A. Join X-Men and get Jean as first , (Mystique, Rogue, Jean etc...) then Avengers and get Gwen as first, (Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk?, Spider Women (Gwen) Enchantress maybe? Add more)

Or do Avengers first. Aka join shield go to school meet Gwen n get her as the first girl then the same thing as above but swapped around.

Comment more Harem members If you want will be hard to get em all in so some may be discluded...

A: X-men Jean Then Avengers

B: Avengers (S.H.I.E.L.D) Gwen Then X-Men

Also fuck my fingers hurt from this. I won't post another cause Auntie, Uncle spending night and they're in my room where my PC is so shittttttt xD But I'll try do 2/3 of the MCU Tomorrow....


Review what you think (Don't put 1* for petty reason *Cough someone* *Cough*

Thanks for reading...

JakeWJElliottcreators' thoughts