

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · perkotaan
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86 Chs


Everyone had already woken up the next morning, while my lazy ass was still fast asleep on bed. Zoey decided to go to Jasmine's room and stay with her, since she was the only one up.

Jasmine had no idea about last night and she wondered why I was still sleeping.

Zoey on the other hand, was also confused about last night and decided to tell Jasmine all about it. She thought Jasmine might have answers to her undying questions.

Zoey climbed Jasmine's bed, sitting next to her on the bed. She gave Jasmine some morning kisses on her cheeks as a sign of greeting. Jasmine was getting herself busy, by watching her favorite movie series on her pink ipad.

"Zoey you're up already." Zoey said surprisedly.

"Yeah. I went to bed very early last night. Early to bed, early to rise." Zoey replied.

"Brilliant." Jasmine praised her.

Zoey was still curious about answers to her plenty questions. She was still looking for a suitable way, to get into the conversation with Jasmine. Jasmine's eyes were still fixed on her iPad. Zoey dragged it from her, pausing the movie she was watching. Jasmine was surprised at her bold move. Zoey smirked at her, gently rubbing her silky hair.

"I'm sorry aunt. Please I just need something from you." Zoey said with a meek voice.

"Which is?." Jasmine asked reluctantly.

"What relationship does my mum have with my new friend?". Zoey asked her.

Jasmine was totally confused by the question Zoey asked. She didn't understand what she was talking about. Zoey finally revealed all that happened last night to Jasmine, while Jasmine jaw was left down. She was surprised after finding out that Zoey's friend was none other than Sebastian. She just couldn't stop imagining lots of things in her mind. She was thinking about how I managed to handle all of that last night.

Jasmine knew that Zoey wouldn't leave her alone, unless she satisfies her curiosity.

"Fine, fine. Both of them used to be very good friends. One day, they had a big fight and their friendship ended." Jasmine sugar coated the truth.

"Huh? For how long? Why would both of them break off their friendship bond just like that?". Zoey asked curiously.

"I don't know, but it happens atimes. I feel like, you shouldn't bring up this topic infront of your mum again." Jasmine advised her.

Zoey nodded her head, staring at Jasmine's face. I was already up from bed, standing infront of Jasmine's bed room all these while. I overheard all that she said to Zoey and I was happy, she was able to lie about the real truth. Zoey is a very smark kid, and she can easily detect lies. The lie seemed so true to look like a lie, and that was the reason she easily believed it. I knocked on Jasmine's door to get their attention, and I successfully did.

"Can I come in?." I asked them.

"Oh best friend, you're here." Jasmine said to me, standing up from her bed.

Jasmine walked up to me at the entrance door, cupping my face. She could see how swollen my eyes were. She felt so bad, that she wasn't there for me last night when I was in sober. She really needed me to give her a better explanation of everything that happened last night.

Jasmine dragged me along with her, to the living room. She sat me down on a couch, while I stared at her puzzlingly.

"Zoey already told me about last night." Jasmine revealed.

"I feel like a fool. I was drunk, while my best friend needed my help last night." She added.

"Stop! don't say such words. I found away to conceal the truth anyways." I shunned her.

"Oh really?" She asked.

I nodded my head at Jasmine, while she gave me a warm hug. I really needed the hug and it meant so much to me. Jasmine decided to take me out for a swim, where I would forget about everything.

On the other hand, was Zoey with Sebastian at a resort, where they went for sight seeing later in the day. Sebastian was still wearing a long sad face, and it got Zoey really worried.

Zoey tried her best to make him happy, but none of her tricks were working out for her.

She dragged him to a wodden bench sit out, where she sat him down, sitting next to him.

"I'm not happy either. My mum is sad and on the other hand, is my cute uncle." Zoey said to him.

"Why is your mother sad? She should be happy she got what she wanted." Sebastian said nonchalantly.

"She used to be your good friend. What happened Uncle?". Zoey asked him unexpectedly.

Sebastian burst out in laughter, wondering the lies I had fed poor Zoey. He was surprised that Zoey was lied to, about I and him sharing a friendship bond in the past. He pitied poor Zoey but on the other hand, he didn't want to break a mother and a daughter's bond. Sebastian stared at the clouds, before giving a reply to Zoey's naive question. He knew he was at fault in the past and he didn't want Zoey to hate him, for treating her mother so bad.

"I guess some people are not really meant to be friends." Sebastian said.

"What I saw last night was more than friendship though. Maybe mommy really trusted your friendship with her, but I don't know who wronged the other." Zoey said.

"All those are in the past and we were just friends and nothing more. No strings attached." Sebastian replied her.

Zoey found it so hard to believe, and wondered how to friends of the opposite gender, could easily be friends for so long, without the other having any feelings for the other person. From the tone of Sebastian's words, she kind of believed him because he sounded so unconcerned about me. Sebastian was never in love with me and neither was I. I have always been in love with his closet friend Liam which those feelings were forced to be killed, after I was forced to be Sebastian's fiancee.

"Uncle, I will never forgive you, if you were the one that wronged my mum in the past." Zoey revealed her intentions to him.

"...and our friendship?" He asked.

"Mum's happiness is more important than that." She replied.

Sebastian's fears heightened, after hearing her future intentions. All he could see, was a little girl that loved her mother so much and would climb hills just to make her happy. Sebastian thanked himself, for never saying the truth to Zoey or he would have lost the little girl he has bonded with, on the first day of his arrival at Manchester. Zoey also informed him about the upcoming father's day in her school, and how much she wished her real father would make it this time for her at school. She was tired of hearing those bullies at school, insulting her for being a fatherless kid.

Zoey really misses her father so much, even without knowing who he was.

Merry Christmas to all my readers. I wish everyone a prosperous new year in advance.

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