

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
86 Chs


I woke up very early on a drizzling morning. I left the bed where I laid, heading to the curtains. I opened them so wide, looking outside the window. I loved the early morning view.

They were just pleasing to watch, and nature was one thing I always considered to be very beautiful.

While I was still watching nature's beautiful doings, I heard a twist at the knob of the door of the room I was in. I turned towards the door, staring at the feet that were walking into my room. I looked up, catching a glimpse of mum and dad. I was very surprised and at the same time, happy to see mum and dad. I hurriedly ran towards them, breathing so fast due to my extreme happiness.

"Dad, Mum!." I called out to them, trying to hug mum, after hugging father. She stopped me from doing so by drifting away.

"My daughter. It has been two days you arrived, and we haven't even had a proper conversation with you." Father said to me.

I nodded my head, feeling sad because of mother's cold shoulders to me. I returned to my bed, taking a seat. Father joined me on the bed, sitting close to me. Mum refused to sit down and instead, she preferred to stand. Her face wasn't looking happy at all and I could clearly understand the reason for her unhappiness.

"First of all, you got married without telling anyone, not even your family." Dad said to me disappointedly.

"Oh about this, it's all a sham." I revealed to him, pulling out the ring from my finger.

"You call your marriage a sham? You're really too much." Mum shook her head angrily.

"I never got married. I wore this on a purpose. If I didn't, the Kurtz would think they can still have access to me and I don't want that." I said to them.

Mother felt a bit happy after hearing that. She hid her happiness but I could see it written on her face. Father was surprised hearing that and he really wanted to hear all that had happened these past years. I was ready to tell them everything, though I was scared to reveal Zoey's identity to them yet.

"I would tell the both of you everything, if that would make mum to forgive me." I said in tears.

"On the day I ran away, I was abused by Sebastian and I couldn't take it anymore. I went faraway, where I picked up myself again. I'm a wealthy banker now." I added.

My words got my mum emotional and she didn't realize when tears started flowing down from her eyes. She embraced herself, while I stood up from the bed, walking up to where she stood. I crossed over my hand to her shoulders, joining in her to cry. Father tried his best to man up, because he wouldn't want to be seen as a weak man in front of his family.

"I'm glad you have a job now. I blame myself for everything. Although your silliness sold of our only home, I still never had a regret about you running away." He said to me.

"I'm very sorry. I apologize again to you and mother. I wish she can forgive me dearly from her heart." I cried out.

"It's fine, I'll just pack my bags and leave later in the day." I added.

I drifted away from mum, heading over to a dressing wardrobe inside the bed room. I opened it, unhanging all my clothes that were hanged in there. I couldn't stand my mum being mad at me, and countlessly giving me cold shoulders. Her silent treatment kills me every time and it was too much on me. While I was trying to pack my clothes inside my bag, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned backwards, seeing mum standing infront of me.

"If you want to go like last time, I won't stop you. Before you go, I just want to make things right." She said to me with a low voice.

"What do you mean mum?". I asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry too." She weepingly said.

Mum please don't do this right now." I said to her, dragging her into my arms.

I consoled mother and made sure she was okay before I left her alone.

After calming her down, we all went back to the bed. This time, she agreed to sit her butt down. I was glad she finally reconciled with me and our differences were finally settled in a jiffy.

"What more happened?". Mum asked.

"I really wish I can tell you everything right now, but I will wait till the right time comes." I replied her.

"Were you able to confront the Kurtz?". Father asked me.

"Yeah I did and I'll sue them for forcefully snatching our home from us." I revealed.

Both of them were okay with my courageousness and they promised to join hands with me, in finding a way to get back our auctioned home. Aunt Susan and Abram later joined us at the room and they were surprised seeing I and mother talking in good terms. They were so eager to find out how I did the magic. Mum was feeling so shy and bursted. She could clearly remember how she had told Aunt Susan she would never forgive me in the past and for aunt experiencing all these now, made mum look like a liar and a clown.

"Junnneee." Aunt purposely dragged her name, while mum shyly looked away.

"Ain't you gon' look at me?". Aunt asked her teasingly.

"Aunt please stop teasing mum. She has forgiven me. I don't know how the magic worked." I saved mum from Aunt's tease.

"Cousin, you will teach me those magic tricks of yours." Sebastian jokingly said to me.

We all laughed out at his joke, while Aunt requested to find out about what we were talking about earlier, in their absence. It was nothing to hide, because she have also wanted to help my parents in fighting for the same case to revive back our auctioned home. I told her everything, and she also agreed with my idea. She promised to join hands with me in finding a good attorney here in London, that would make us win the case over the Kurtz family.

I would be fighting against Sebastian's family, and I really didn't care if it would affect his relationship with our daughter.

**Two hours later**

My bags were already packed, and I was already about leaving for Manchester. Everyone gathered at the living room, to say one or two to me before my departure.

"We'll miss you so much my child. Always remember that you've a family here, that have your back." Dad assured me.

"Obviously. I will always remember that." I responded.

"You'll also fight back to revive back our auctioned home right?". Mum asked me, while I nodded my head.

"Aside that, I'll miss you a lot Bianca. I don't want to let you go, but I can't even stop you." Mum cried out.

I embraced everyone at the living room before stepping out to board a bus to Manchester. Abram decided to help me out and act like an escort to me. I appreciated him for his effort and kindness. Abram was really a nice person and a very supportive cousin to me.

He saw me off at the bus stand, while I got into a bus I boarded. I felt a peace within me, because I had somehow set everything right somehow.