

Cammy, after being betrayed by river, is expelled from the pack and forced to live alone in the human city. Years later, she becomes a successful investigative journalist. When river tries to reach out, Cammy assumes he seeks revenge and avoids him until he sends a baby that resembles him. Cammy, still grieving her deceased daughter, misunderstands his intentions. As Cammy investigates a case, she unintentionally encounters river and is kidnapped, strengthening her belief that he seeks retaliation. Meanwhile, Cammy’s work faces challenges, and her relationship with river becomes complicated. In a twist, Cammy discovers Nathan’s true identity and becomes entangled in a heated argument. As Cammy investigates further, she stumbles upon evidence that unveils the truth about her own child.

DaoistR5mSQS · perkotaan
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17 Chs


River sat in his office again as he listened to Jackson babble over the phone. He couldn't help but smile as he heard him talk about his time in the big city.

"Dad, uncle Sam is the best. We went to the park and he let me eat all of the ice cream and all of the junk food that i want. We should do this more." he said and he couldn't help but smile.

"Of Course he does. You want to get away from your boring and strict dad don't you. That is why you want to be with uncle sam". He said to him in a chuckle.

"Sorry dad but you are just always working and we have the most fun. You should come and join us. Or we can come back some time." He said to him suggestively and he couldn't help but humm at him in response.

He was glad to see that he was having a good time. And that he wasn't too bummed out by the fact that Cammy had rejected him. He still wasn't entirely sure why she had done that but he hoped to find out more soon.

"So how is she? Did you talk to her today?" He asked him. "Yes dad. I have been going there every day. She said I am very stubborn but she is nice. She makes me a sandwich and lets me watch cartoons. But she seems sad". He said to him in a mutter.

River felt his heart ache at his son's words. When he had first been told that she had allowed Jackson into her home he had been shocked and he hadn't expected that to happen.

"Well that is great buddy i am happy for you." He said to him and he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.

He cleared his throat for him to come in and he watched as Roxan walked in with a folder in his hand. "I have to go, I will talk to you later." He said to Jackson as he was quick to hang up the phone.

He gulped as he stared towards the folder and he ushered for Rozan to come in. "This is everything that I have found out About her and what she has been upto in the last seven years". He said to him as he slid the file over to him.

He looked it over for a moment before staring up at him and taking in his expression. "I need you to tell me how bad it is?" He said.

"It is…. Just take it easy on her. She has been through a lot and I don't see why she wouldn't hate you and would prefer to stay away from you." He said to him in a mutter.

He gulped as she knew that this could only mean the worst. "Tell me what happened." He demanded.

"When she left the pack she was pregnant." River had heard a lot of words and a lot of things had shattered him In his short life but none as badly as this. She was pregnant with his child.

"And…" was all he managed to say. It was all his fault. He had done this. They could have had a family together. The thought alone made him feel sick.

"She struggled for the first few months and she considered an abortion but she had a friend who helped her get through all of it and eventually she gave birth to a healthy baby girl." He said to him with a grimace. He could feel his heart drumming against his chest at his words.

He had a daughter out there.

"Where is she now? Where is she now." He said as he tried to stand up from his seat. He watched as he raised up his hands in an attempt to calm him down.

"She had a daughter. She doesn't have one anymore". And that was the first time that he allowed for the tears to roll down his cheeks. He didn't want to believe that his words were true.

It made him feel sick to his stomach. "What happened to her? Where is she now?" He asked in a frantic tome. He wasn't sure if he was ready or willing to hear it.

"She died when she was two years old. She was ill and no one knew how that had happened. It was too late for them to be able to save her. For years Cammy had blamed herself for what had happened. She fell into a depression and the only comfort that she was able to get was from her job." He said to him.

He didn't know what to say at that moment as his mind and his body felt numb. He felt tears well up in his eyes at the thought.

That was why she had been so hostile towards Jackson. It brought back memories of her own daughter. He did that to her. He had hurt her beyond repair and unconsciously he had ruined her.

He couldn't take that back and there was mo fixing it. In fact he didn't deserve to have her return to the pack. She was much better off without him and he would be doing all of them a favor by keeping his distance.

But she was in trouble. She had garnered a lot of enemies and how would he live with himself if something happened.

Without warning he shot out of his seat as he looked at him intently. "I am going to get her back myself."