

Cammy, after being betrayed by river, is expelled from the pack and forced to live alone in the human city. Years later, she becomes a successful investigative journalist. When river tries to reach out, Cammy assumes he seeks revenge and avoids him until he sends a baby that resembles him. Cammy, still grieving her deceased daughter, misunderstands his intentions. As Cammy investigates a case, she unintentionally encounters river and is kidnapped, strengthening her belief that he seeks retaliation. Meanwhile, Cammy’s work faces challenges, and her relationship with river becomes complicated. In a twist, Cammy discovers Nathan’s true identity and becomes entangled in a heated argument. As Cammy investigates further, she stumbles upon evidence that unveils the truth about her own child.

DaoistR5mSQS · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


Cammy took in a deep breath as she made her way towards her office building. She knew that there were a lot of strange things that were going on and a lot of it was stuff that she couldn't quite explain but she wanted to believe that Nathan had her having a bad feeling in her heart.

And yet her thoughts drifted back towards the conversation that they had the night before and how he had known about Jackson. It didn't make sense that he would know. He was a werewolf from one of their neighboring packs but they had never had much of an interaction with river.

It just left her feeling strange and she couldn't help the cold feeling that came over her when she thought about him. She wanted to tell herself that there was in fact a perfectly good explanation for it all but the truth was that there really wasn't.

She didn't know what happened and then to make things even stranger she couldn't help but remember the conversation that she had eased dropped on this morning. They were talking cryptically and she didn't miss how close they were with each other. She knew that they were siblings and there were times when siblings were thought to be close but it still left her feeling strange at the sight of them being that close to one another.

Aje sighed as she decided to focus on her work instead. As she made her way inside the building she was greeted by the doorman John who gave her a bright smile and he tipped his hat to her.

She felt good about herself and some might have even said that she felt great. She wanted to move on from River and must be held down by him. And the only place that she knew that she could be free from him was at her work.

It allowed her to have an escape from it all and she loved that fact. As she was slipping into her office she passed by Suzzy was one of her work friends. She could feel her eyes on her as well as the eyes of several others in the room. She couldn't help but feel slightly unxomfortable nt the thought of them watching her but she tried to tell herself that it was normal.

As she slipped inside she couldn't help but groan when she saw a stack of papers that were waiting for her on her desk. She couldn't help but pout slightly as she stared at them. The last thing that he wanted to do was to deal with a large heap of paper work.

She was only half way through them when she heard the sound of a loud knock against her door. She sighed as she sucked in a deep breath before clearing her throat as a sign for them to come in. She groaned even more when to her dismay she watched as Suzzy walked in. She had a mischievous look on her face.

"So how are you?" She asked. And she looked towards her in confusion at first as she couldn't help but wonder where she was going with this. She only shrugged her shoulders at her in response, not quite sure of how to respond.

"I am quite okay and you? But before that, why are you acting so weird? She asked her and she saw a train of mischief pass through her eyes and she couldn't help but groan slightly as she knew that she was most likely going to regret this.

"Well the other day you came in here looking all fine as hell. And then that smoking hot man came in here with the child. And after that you disappeared without any form of explanation, not even to me, your best work friend. And I thought that was a bit rude." She said to her and Cammt couldn't help but blush lightly as she shook her head.

She blew out a breath from her lips. "Oh that was nothing. Just some sort of clientele that he wanted me to report on". Cammy said to her in a mutter unser her breath as she avoided looking at her in the eye. The last thing that she wanted was for her to catch onto her lie. She watched as she hummed slightly as though she was in thought over what she had said.

She wasn't sure if she believed her but she didn't want to have to start explaining to her the situation. Plus she doubted that she would take it lightly or even understand when she told her that she was in fact a werewolf. Something that wasn't meant to exist.

"Oh really. But then how come you ran out of here so fast after words. I mean the man was so fine and I don't know what it was but I could tell that he was almost completely into you." She went on. But for Cammy the thought of him only brought a bitter taste in her mouth.

She could feel bile rise up in her throat at the very thought of it as she found herself steufgling ro come to terms with it all. "Well that wasn't whaT it looked like and not everything is what it seems ." She said to her in a mutter under her breath.

She didn't know why she was being so defensive suddenly but the thought of it all made her angry. The fact that River had sent his son to her and he had thought that he could make up a lie about her grandfather in order to get her home.

She didn't know how to feel about it all and she wasn't sure if she could deal with it much longer. She let out a sigh from her lips at the very thought as she took a moment for her to mtry and compose herself.

"Well i didn't mean for you to get offended or anything but i am just saying what all of us here have been thinking and it is as though this is a good thing and this is the first time we have seen you with anyone. I am glad to see that you are finally moving on from your past". She said to her and she couldn't help but plaster on a fake smile.

So this is what everyone in her life thought of her. They thought that she was probably doing nothing but over reacting and that she just needed to get over it and move on.

She wanted to move on and she knew that it was something that she needed to do eventually though she didn't know how she was going to go about doing that.

"Well I will do it on my own time". She muttered and she was glad when Suzy took the hint and made Her way out of the door. She was relieved that she was gone and it felt as though she could finally breathe properly again.

She spent the next few hours going through her work and it was a welcomed distraction as she meant that she didn't have to worry about the real things that troubled her.

She was pulled out of her thoughts after a while when she heard the sound of her phone vibrating on the table beside her. She picked it up and saw that it was Rachel.

"You need to get over here right now."