
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Rainy day

On the rainy day, a peson was wondering on the tenth realm. She was wearing a simple and thin robe with a hood, that hid her face. She was running in the rain through the woods. No beast was approaching her because of the terrifying black hands surrounding her almost like a shield.

Her speed was not fast, even if the muscles on her feet were refined. She soon arrived at an old wooden building with smoke coming from the chimney. The woman walked towards the door and knocked on it three times.

Her hood was already soaking wet but she didn't care one bit, soon she could hear steps coming and someone opened the door. It was a man in his thirties. As he looked at the woman who had come to his home, he started shaking.

He saw the pure black hands around her and those red eyes, that seemed to observe his very soul.

"How c c can I he help you today?"

The woman took something from her pocket and handed it to the man.

"Here's a hundred Onyx, please sell this house to me."

The man was shocked, he had built this house with only forty Onyx, but he was going to make a double to that. He immediately agree and just took some of his belongings. jacket and vanished to the rainy night.

The woman quickly closed the door, opened every room to find what she was looking for. Finally the door closest to the bedroom revealed a bathroom. She took a large wooden bucket and filled it with water.

It was not very hot but warm enough. After the bucket was full, she took something from inside her robe and jacket. It was wrapped in a beautiful white cloth, she opened it revealing a black haired baby deep in sleep.

She took the rest of the cloth off and soaked her baby in water. The baby wasn't that cold but the woman was too worried for him, after a quick bath she went to the bedroom and wrapped herself and the baby in a thick blanket and they both quickly fell asleep.

It had been a year since the woman arrived at the old wooden house with her baby and they lived pretty normally. The baby had learn to crawl and the woman had made some money with what she does the best. A mercenary, it was a job that she knew the best but because of her past, she did not use her past powers but some improvised ones.

When she was fighting, she had her powers take care of the baby, like check that he doesn't fall on his head or hurt himself, no one bothers to visit them, so that isn't a problem. She only fought and fought until she arrived home to her baby.

There was nothing else for her in this world, her baby was the only thing. She would do anything to make him live a happy life. As the baby grow she couldn't go fighting as much because she didn't want him to live a sad babyhood with no mom.

So when he said his first words, which were "mama". She shed a tear and on the same week, moved to a nearby city. She had luckily made enough money to survive until he went to an academy. And even if they were not as great on the tenth realm, as soon as he learnt the basics, it was okay.

The rest she would teach him and if that wasn't enough they could climb realm together and stop on one, that had the best schools, the fifth realm, realm of challenged.


Leo woke up again, it was the same dream, the one with those pure black hands. He knew them, the ones that the sleeping demon used.

When he saw them, he couldn't do anything but neither did the hands to him. He could walk normally in his dreams but when he was going sit down or do anything else than walk they would appear and stop him.

He had gotten that dream many times during this year in this realm. He had gone to many battle fields and gotten the same dream over and over again. Selina was next to him laying down and also woke up from Leo's sudden awakening.

"The same dream?"


"Don't worry, today's the last battle, I hope they will stop then."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

Leo gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked outside to get some food. Leo and Selina knew it in their bones, that today would be the last day here. They had already been here for a year and killed multiple people on their level or lower.

Today, they would need to defeat one sect elder together and then they could leave. Today would be the final battle, it was between the second and third most strongest sect, against the most powerful one.

Because the second strongest fell because of the war where Leo and Selina were in, fifth because of Kagura and third because of their own internal conflicts, they were now going to fight the strongest sect and advance.

This would be the last one.



Selina launched water bullets towards the old man with a golden robe. As the man chanted an earth shield to protect himself, Leon was running towards him with his sword ready to strike. The elder could only summon spikes to stop him, but Leo only dodged them and was still running max speed.

The elder could not stop the shield because of the bullets, so he tried to surround himself with dirt, but he was a second later as Leo slashed his hand off and his shield disappeared and his back was hit with dozens of bullets, making him bleed from everywhere.

Leo and Selina both stared as the man fell down with blood gushing from everywhere. Leo's portal appeared right in front of him and he looked at Selina, and she too was smiling at him. Leo took her in his arms and hugged tightly. Finally, this could be their last fight.

The war ended soon after, they collected their reward, which was about five thousand Onyx, with that amount. They headed towards a market, bought two eggs that were the most suitable for them.

They started to supply them with mana and walked towards a quiet place, which was where the battle field had just ended. In front of the portal, Leo was glancing the beast he had gotten. He had named it Alex, and it was a griffin.

Selina had gotten and snake looking monster. It could probably grow huge, so she was very happy. They both even got tattoos, on them but they were faint.

"Are you ready?"


"I see you in a year,"


Leo gave her another kiss and then went thought the portal. Now the most challenging part would start. When he stepped though, he started to feel hunger. There was a book in the middle of the room and he started to read through it.

For the next 52 weeks he would spend here.

1st week, hunger,

2nd, thirst,

3rd, deaf,

4th, blind,

5th, flat affect,

6th, paralyzed,

7th, drowning,

8th tiredness


52nd, all combined.

Of course all of these would not be their max power, that's why on the last page of the book, you could choose, how long these effects would take place and Leo chose four.

He would rest for three days, because of his past life, he felt like he could handle four. He knew, that more he chose days, the more would his strengths increase. With no pain, there would be no gain and he was ready to grow stronger.

And as Leo was mentally getting ready to stay one year here, another peson was stepping out. She was wearing all white with a blindfold on and she hid her aura perfectly. No one even noticed when she walked past them and when she walked to an empty alleyway.

She stared laughing like a maniac, took her blindfold off and tears were falling down her cheek.

"Just wait a bit Leo, I'll find you."

1 year time skip and btw flat effect is when you can't feel touch or pain I think.

parch_Seekercreators' thoughts