
Chapter 1:The second chance

Damn,I'm really going to die.I looked down at my wounds they were deep. My left arm was blown into the abyss."Is this all that the 5th generation king can muster?I'm disappointed" said the giant humanoid creature standing over me. I really was outclassed before this I was the strongest guardian around no monster could even leave a scratch on me,but this guy was different he didnt look like the other monsters that poured out of the portals this one was actually conscious and smart unlike the other mindless beast he was tall with obsidian Crystals growing out of it's back,its dark body with glowing teeth forced into a smile. "Any last words?" The creature said mockingly. I looked up into its glowing white eyes and grinned "yeah GO TO-" But before I could even give this monster my final fuck you he had beheaded me in an instant.

I felt a weirdly warm fuzzy feeling what happened? Is this what the afterlife feels like?

"Wake up Jasper you're going to be late for class" A familiar voice said to me, I opened my eyes and there she was..Mom..was I dreaming what happened Mom died 5 years ago. Her warm smile made me tear up I just sat up from my bed and hugged her tightly." I missed you so much" I said to her."Jasper? What are you talking about" she laughed at me "stop cracking jokes and get ready for school." She got up and left my room. As soon as she left I glanced at the mirror and i was shocked at what i saw. It was me but younger with my short curly hair and my braces(yeah I was a pretty ugly kid) I was 14 again?! I immediately poked the palm of my hand to see if I was dreaming, everything felt so real. After 5 minutes I concluded that I had somehow went back about 10 years into the past. This was crazy but I didnt have time to be in awe of this phenomenon. If I didnt make a plan everyone was going to die. See before I "died" I was the strongest guardian. Guardians are people with special abilities that go out and find portals and shut them down before any monster can come out of them. I was the best of the best I could obliterate any monster that I came across. Well until I met that one. Because I was so strong other guardians began to slack off since they thought they would never surpass me either way. That was probably the reason why that leviathan guy was able to kill us so easily. But now with my second chance I wont be the 5th generation king I'll make sure that every guardian becomes the strongest. This time I'll be the side character.