

Syn is just your normal DJ at a night club enjoying life until she lands herself in another world with no idea why or how. Even if the new world is magical and the supernaturals are beyond hot... She needs to find a way to return and fast! PLEASE NOTE: The first installment/book is free. The second installment/book will take place and can be read as a stand-alone or a continuation. YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ BOTH BOOKS BUT YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED IF YOU DO ^^ The second book starts at Chapter 131 Willow is comfortable in her life and in her world but when her familiar demands an adventure and runs off, she can't just turn a blind eye and leave him. She follows him and demands they go back but what happens when the portal is gone!? Does this mean she's stuck in this new world!? This new world is unlike her old world, they have power but it's different from her magic! They call it cultivating and gradually they become stronger but when they call her trash, she decides to unleash her Magic to set them all straight! Only... by her doing that, she attracts the attention of very powerful people and dangerous men who wish to claim her and tame her as their own. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? paypal.me/Blissfullrage Cash App $Blissfullrage

Blissfullrage · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
162 Chs


I quickly sit up and try to see past the blinding white flash of lightning. She was gone.. the only thing left was a burnt spot and the torn piece of the dress I tightly held in my hand. "Dammit!" I yell and push myself up. When had she learned that? How had she gotten so strong so quickly? "Ren," I say and he shifts next to me. "What happened?" He asked taking everything in. "She's a lot stronger than I initially thought.. and a quick learner. Cover this up and meet me back in my office." Ren nodded as I shifted to my room.

I caught my reflection and frowned. I was burnt here and there. I use my magic and quickly clean up before moving to my closet. I put the torn piece of dress next to the clear crystal necklace I had planned to give Syn. I sigh and lean against the wall trying to think. No woman has ever treated me like this.. let alone actually running away from me. I rub my chest at the uncomfortable feeling that was growing. This woman was getting under my skin in all the right ways.

The more she runs the more I want her. The beast in me paces.. eager to give chase. I push him back fighting for control and shake my head. She has no idea what she has done... I put my blood mark on her. She can run but she can't hide. She will grow tired and when she does.. I will be there. The silly woman has no idea the dangers she has after her. Ryder will send his men and there are other fae in her world that will be eager to taste her and the power she now carries. She's not safe and the thought makes my chest tighten.

I took a deep breath realizing what this meant.. She was more than just a chase to me. She was different and the thought terrified me. I grab the necklace, turn to leave and shift to my office finding Ren already there and waiting. He could tell I was upset but was smart enough not to say anything. "Put everything on hold. We're going to the human world." I say looking out the window. "What will you do when you find her? She.. won't be willing to come back." Ren says uncertain.

I grit my teeth and say "Oh she'll come back.. and she will think it was her idea." I say watching the suns go down. "Quickly pack and get things arranged. Time travels faster there and we have no time to waste." Ren nods and shifts out. I have many identities and resources in the human world for occasions like this so going there won't be a problem at all. She was smart and crafty. I won't make this mistake again and even if it took years... she will be mine and mine alone. If anyone tries to take her I will kill them.. plain and simple.


We make it to the human world and set up. We track her down and all the places she's been. I stand outside a club and I instantly shift inside. Vampire. No sooner I think that the leader himself walks up to me. "Leon.." I say with distaste. "Rune.. why am I not surprised to find you here in my club.. looking for a certain young lady I suppose?" Leon says with a grin. "Oh, I know exactly where she is I'm just here to let you know she belongs to me vampire." I say and watch his smile fade.

"Syn is my employee and as such, she is also one of my people.. She's off limits, dark prince." Leon says all serious. I smile and say "How unfortunate.. I've marked her as one of mine with a blood mark and gave her my word that I will keep her safe. You know what that means right?" Leon smirks at me and says "If she chooses to seek shelter from you and your people I will do just that." My smile falls away as I step closer to the vampire "You try and keep her from me and you and your kind will have a war on your hands vampire." I say with a growl. "So be it," Leon growls back.

I want to rip the vampire into pieces and judging by the look on his face he was having similar thoughts about me. I smirk and step back saying "Luckily that won't be a problem." He glares at me as I wave and walk away. The second my back is turned the grin fades away. If she truly seeks shelter with him I will tear this place down with my bare hands. I stalk out of the club and shift to the street where Syn lives. I walk down the street and stop in front of her house and look around.

She likes plants.. If this is what she likes I can make a million of them for her. I quickly shift around her house and make a protection ring and shift back to the front. I pull out my small blade and cut my palm open to draw my blood. I speak in my ancient language and place my hand down. I watch as the protection ring lights up and fades away. I stand up and say a few more words causing my hand to close up and heal completely without leaving a scar. "Let's go say hi to the pretty lady," I say grinning and shift into her house.