
Chapter 2 Immediately Vanish_1

The receptionist had been eavesdropping for a while and knew that this guy was Designer Jiang's legendary trash husband. She rolled her eyes without a trace of politeness, "Without an appointment, you can't..."

"I have important information about your old chairman."

Xiao Ming leaned forward slightly, looking down into the receptionist's eyes, his voice low, "It concerns the safety of your president and the company. If you don't report this, you will bear all the responsibilities for the consequences!"

In his previous life, Xiao Ming had killed, been imprisoned, and been a business tycoon, a VIP among the upper echelons of many national organizations, and the sense of authority he had long cultivated was not something a receptionist could withstand.

She felt like a lamb being eyed by a lion, her legs involuntarily clamping together, fearing she might inadvertently wet herself.

After making a phone call, she stood up and tried to squeeze out a beautiful smile, "Mr. Xiao, please come in. Our president is waiting for you in the office."

This was a design company named Maohe, not large in scale but somewhat famous in the industry, maintaining good relationships with many real estate enterprises and making tens of millions in annual profits.

The moment she heard someone mention her father, Yang Hanqing couldn't sit still.

Two months ago, the chairman of Maohe Architecture, Yang Maohe, suddenly died at home. Although the police investigation concluded it was a heart attack, Yang Hanqing always harbored doubts.

She knew very well how much her father valued his life; he always carried at least two bottles of emergency heart pills in his pockets. Plus, the house's surveillance just happened to be broken at the time of the incident, which was strangely coincidental.

But these were just her personal suspicions, without any evidence to support them.

Now, someone had suddenly brought important news about her father. Despite being a man she had never heard of before, she had to take it seriously.

The office door was knocked, and immediately after, the secretary led a young man in.

"Mr. Yang, this is Xiao Ming, Mr. Xiao."

Yang Hanqing looked closely, her brow furrowing immediately.

The visitor had messy hair, a scruffy beard, heavy dark circles, his clothes were wrinkled, and his shirt collar was yellowed; he looked both cheap and dirty.

With her experience, she assessed that this man was a typical low-level street person, probably without even a steady job.

How could such a person have crossed paths with her father?

However, his eyes were bright and sharp, filled with a confident and powerful presence.

Perhaps... appearances can be deceiving.

While Yang Hanqing observed Xiao Ming, he was likewise observing her.

Undoubtedly, she was a beautiful woman.

Willow-leaf shaped eyebrows, peach blossom eyes, fair skin, a voluptuous figure, radiant and lustrous. As a corporate executive nearing thirty, she exuded a contradictory mix of dominance and charm.

And precisely because of this contradiction, her demeanor was extremely unique, making her hard to forget at a glance.

According to Xiao Ming's experience from his previous life, such women typically had high self-regard; the only way to control them was to always suppress them, not give them any chance to catch their breath and fight back.

To put it simply, PUA her!

Thoughts in mind, Xiao Ming turned to the secretary, "Thank you! You can leave now. Unless it's important, don't let anyone in to disturb us."

The secretary, stunned, instinctively agreed and turned to leave, causing Yang Hanqing to narrow her eyes involuntarily.

"Mr. Xiao, you knew my father?"

"Never even met him."

"Then how could you have important news about my father?"

"To have is to have. Whether I speak or not is up to me; whether you believe or not is up to you."

Such a response naturally infuriated Yang Hanqing.

She took pride in her wealth and intelligence, and even her husband was beneath her; outside of business negotiations, when had she ever been slighted like this?

Especially since the other party seemed to be a nondescript ordinary man.

Wait, nondescript?

Yang Hanqing calmed herself: "Since that's the case, I suppose this news isn't going to be free.

Mr. Xiao, why don't you start by discussing your terms?"

"It's really easy to talk to a smart person."

Xiao Ming sat down comfortably on the sofa and lit a cigarette, "Three conditions: First, I want you to order Jiang Xue to stop participating in client dinners and social engagements. Designers should focus on designing, schmoozing is the job of sales and PR departments.

Second, after this is done, I want 37.5% of your company's shares. Naturally, I will purchase them with cash at market value.

Lastly, ten thousand yuan, consider it a loan, I'll pay you back tomorrow."

The three unrelated conditions surprised Yang Hanqing, and she asked with a frown, "Do you have a grudge against Designer Jiang?"

"On the contrary, I'm her husband."

Yang Hanqing blinked and a surge of rage filled her chest instantly.

Jiang Xue, as one of the top beauties in the company, had many colleagues "concerned" about her life.

The fact that she had married a despicable trash husband was no secret, and Yang Hanqing had naturally heard about it.

Now, this good-for-nothing gambler who relied on his wife's support had the audacity to come to her office, even boasting about acquiring company shares.

Clearly, the real purpose of this scoundrel was the last ten thousand yuan.

Did he think she was as easily fooled as a market hag?

"You have two seconds to disappear from my sight.

Otherwise, I'll have the security break your legs before throwing you out!"

Yang Hanqing's voice was as her name suggested, cold as ice.