The management staff hired by my son not only speak crudely but also lack manners, and now they're acting foolishly. Duan Hongqing felt deeply embarrassed in front of his old friend and was naturally very angry.
The voice reached Duan Zhengde who was drinking tea inside the pavilion. He shuddered, hurriedly got up, and rushed out, jogging to his father's side.
"Uncle Zhou, hello!"
He bowed to Zhou Jicang before asking his father, "Dad, what happened?"
"What happened? I asked you to book a private room at a restaurant, and you've stirred up so much trouble. You're asking me what happened?"
Seeing his father's anger and then looking at the foolishly standing Wan Xingping, Duan Zhengde thought it was because of the disruptive person, so he explained, "Dad, please calm down, it's not Xingping's fault.
He didn't expect his old classmate would chase him here to cause trouble. We've already called security to handle it."