
Everyone at the banquet is shocked!

The crowd in the hall was silent.One could hear the sound of a pin drop in the hall.Xu Feng's mother,LanLi,smiled with a gentle smile as tears started flowing down her eyes." Fenger, you've really given us a huge surprise. Since you have won ,take this sword as a gift from me for being able to cultivate again. This is the young master's token,with it you can now access the training pavilion and library and you are free to interact with the others. Hope you will be able to surprise me again at the coming Zhengyuan city sword banquet which will be held in an year," Xu Qing broke the terrible silence in the whole leaving the guests dumbfounded.

" Father, since you've given me a sword allow me to perform a sword dance for the both of you,"Xu Feng said.

"Oh!Go ahead "Xu Qing said. Xu Feng started his sword dance. The zither was playing as he danced to its tune. Everyone's attention was fixed on him as they stared intently at him. The sword dance was exquisite and elegant filled with an inborn pride and a sense of naturalism that made many people change their opinions about Xu Feng. All the clan leaders who had attended the banquet were now staring at each other and the look in their eyes was evident as their guards left the hall quietly. Xu Hong's face at this point was dark to the extreme that even an abyss would blush . When the dance ended ,everyone in the hall applauded. "Hahaha! Young master Feng is indeed a dragon among men. Clan leader Xu,you really hid your roots so deeply." "Indeed,possessing the cultivation of four spirits at such a young age is truly rare."

"Thank you everyone for your compliments. Fenger ,why don't you take a seat," Xu Qing said with a sigh. Xu Feng went and sat next to 14 before helping himself to a cup of wine." Sixth brother,why are you pouring the wine yourself when you have your servant to help you or is he incompetent?" The man who spoke to Xu Feng was his second brother Xu Long. "Second brother,you don't have to worry about me or my servant. As for how I handle him it is not up to you," Xu Feng replied before keeping quiet.Feeling the dampening atmosphere in the hall Xu Qing finally decided to speak up." Everyone thank you for attending this banquet today. This Xu is honoured by your noble presence. I held this banquet today to celebrate Xu Chen for ranking 500 in the dragon ranking list and has now been promoted to a core disciple of the Heavenlh sword sect and also to discuss the upcoming challenge."


As everyone was busy congratulating Xu Qing, Xu Feng decided to sneak out of the hall and did not forget to drag 14 with him.Who would've thought that he wanted to sneak into his grandfathers place and steal some wine from his wine cellar. If 14 knew she would have not agreed to be dragged by him anyway the milk was already spilt so there was no turning back. It was already late in the night and Xu Feng knew or thought that his grandfather was attending the banquet. He stole two jars of wine and filled two jars with water to replace the two jars he had stolen. He was about to leave when a figure appeared before him. Xu Feng saw the figure and was shocked as he turned to stare at 14.14 rolled her eyes when she saw Xu Feng staring at her. Seeing this Xu Feng knew that he had to look for a solution.

"Eeh! Old man ,how come you are here?" Xu Feng asked with a fawning smile.

"Where am I supposed to be if not here?" The old man asked. The old man turned out to be his grandfather.

"I should be the one asking such a question. You've just come out of your punishment yet you are already here stealing my wine."

"What are you saying grandfather? You can eat anything but you can't say anything you want. I was here to visit you after missing you for so long yet here you are accusing me of stealing from you. This is unfair," Xu Feng said while sounding aggrieved.

"Oh! Waiting for me in my wine cellar? Then what are you carrying behind you?"

"On reaching this place I remembered that you have the best wine in the whole world so I wanted to have a taste of some of them," Xu Feng said with a sheepish smile.

"Oh! Why drag her with you then and what did you specifically want from me?" The old man asked.

"Eeh...that.....I...I.....I wanted to buy.....Ah...I mean borrow a sword technique from you,right?" Xu Feng said as he signalled for 14 to agree." As for her she is now mine," Xu Feng said.

"Yours. You got yourself a mistress. At least you've finally proven yourself useful," the old man said.

"Oh! father you are here," Xu Feng said. His grandfather turned around only to see no one behind him while Xu Feng had already escaped from that place with 14. The old man knew that he had been tricked by Xu Feng. The old man smiled but did not give chase .

"Fenger,where did you go?" Xu Qing asked after Xu Feng returned to the hall." Father it was hot in here so I decided to go out for a walk for sometime,"Xu Feng replied. His mother looked at him suspiciously but he avoided her eyes. "Clan leader Xu since the young clan leader is here I hope you remember that your son and my daughter have been engaged since young so why don't we agree on a date for their marriage? The clan leader of the Ji clan said with a smile.

"Clan leader Xu, before you forget,my father and yours have known each other for long and it was them who decided on the engagement between our two families," the clan leader of the Li clan interjected. Xu Qing stared at the patriarchs with anger written all over his face." You old farts,you always used to hide your daughters when my son and I visited your place yet now you have the guts to talk about my son's marriage,how despicable," Xy Qing said." Clan leader Xu ,rice can be eaten but words cannot be said carelessly," Clan leader Li said. Xu Qing tried convincing the clan leader but none of them were willing to listen to him. They all left their daughters under the pretext of them training in the Xu clan for a while.