
CHAPTER 7;Fighting Xu Ning

Xu Feng was still sparring with 14. For the past 2 days he had tried to remove her mask but was still an able to do so. He could not even touch a corner of her clothes let alone trying to remove her mask which was more like a dream . Someone suddenly knocked on the door." Young master, the patriarch is hosting a banquet and he has asked for your presence," the soldier informed them. Xu Feng dismissed the soldier before looking at 14 . "Don't look at me like that I'm not coming ,"number 14 said when she saw Xu Feng's fiery gaze.'14 you are supposed to protect me right,'" yes but .....!!!'how can you protect me when you are not next to me. If something happens father will blame you ,'Xu Feng said with a sheepish smile as he went to his room and brought out a set of his clothes and give them to 14 before he went to prepare himself.

Xu Feng came out of its room clad in a white robe. His hair was held in position by a jade hairpin . He had a smile on his face and his handsome features were evident. After he started cultivating his body had undergone great changes . He now had a well-built and strong body and his aura had completely changed .'14 where are you ? It is time to leave ,'he called out in a loud voice as he opened the door of his manor. It was already evening and the sun was already setting. The beautiful site of the setting sun made Xu Feng nostalgic as he remembered his past life experiences .In his past life he had put his heart into comprehending the heartless sword but in this life he decided to cultivate the true way of the sword filled with emotions and not heartless sword.

Number 14 found him outside the Manor and left together with him .although she had change into men's clothes and still retained her mask. Xu Feng was still amazed as her features and curves were almost evident. The arrival of Xu Feng had shocked many people as everyone knew of the famous trash of the Cu clan. There was a saying that the cultivation materials given to Xu Feng was enough to make a pig a top-level martial artist even if it had no aptitude so although everyone looked at him they did not hide the disdain in their eyes .Xu Feng did not care about any of this and directly walked to where his parents were seated.' Mother,father I wish both of you longevity so that you may continue gracing our Clan with your presence for many years. I did not know about this this banquets hence I was not able to prepare a proper gift to give to you so I decided to settle on one of my paintings so I hope you will not laugh at me ,'Xu Feng said ."Hahaha Fenger, since you're so thoughtful I appreciate your kind gesture and view your painting with your mother," his father replied.

You may bring it in. Xu Feng said and 14 appeared with a large scroll on her hand .Xu Feng used his yuan qi and took the scroll from 14's hands and lifted it high in the air. The painting contained mountains and Rivers so Xu Feng named it the myriad rivers and mountains. Everyone in the whole world was shocked as most of them had sensed his aura and cultivation level that was at the fourth level of the spirit cultivation realm which is unbelievable to many.' Mother ,father hope you won't laugh at me .Mountain signify wealth while rivers signify health. I wish you both a long life and prosperity for our clan,' Xu Feng said as the painting landed on his father's table." Hahaha!Fenger your gift is indeed the best for me,"Xu Qing said.

"Uncle I see that cousin has advanced in his cultivation so I would like to spar with him . Hope you will allow it ,"Xu Ning said.Xu Qing looked at his son and hesitated for a while . 'Father since cousin wants to spar I will be more than happy to do so and entertain our guest ,'Xu Feng said with a smile and went to the small stage that was prepared . The dancers had already been dismissed. Xu Ning smiled at this and went to the stage that was prepared . 'Cousin, please,' Xu Feng said with a small bow. Xu Ning made the first move anddisappeared from where he was and was about to land a hit but found that Xu Feng had already dodged. Just after dodging Xu Feng instinctively placed his hands on his chest and blocked an attack but he was pushed six steps back. He soon counteracted and he sent a palm strike pushing himself many steps back.

After stabilizing Xu Ning attacked again and started to use his techniques .Xu Feng was easily suppressed at first and everyone thought that the outcome of the fight was already evident and Xu Ning had already won. Xu Qing took a closer look and could not help but smile mysteriously. There were black footprints left on the ground of the stage.While everyone thought that Xu Feng was suppressed he instead deflected the attacks to the ground." Hey, why are there black footprints on the ground!" someone exclaimed loudly attracting everyone's attention .After seeing that he had been discovered Xu Feng disappeared from the spot where he previously stood and appeared next to his cousin before landing an attack on him .'mountain punch' Xu Feng said as his punch landed on his cousin's chest sending him flying.Xu Ning spatted out a mouthful of blood.His face was now pale as he continuously kept on retreating.Xu Feng did not say anything and only smiled as he bowed to Xu Ning for a brief moment.'You let me win,cousin,'Xu Feng said as he left the stage.