
CHAPTER 4;Cultivating again

'Who would've thought that my soul was weakened to this extent that I cannot bear fifty strokes of a whip,'Xu Feng said with ridicule in his heart. He sat down with legged on his bed thinking about which cultivationmethod he wanted to cultivate.The cultivation technique he chose was known as the Nirvanic Phoenix body in which he would refine his body alongside his increase in cultivation base and if he successfully cultivate the technique to its peak then I would be able to acquire the Legendary Phoenix body and would be able to achieve nirvana and after achieving 9 Nirvana I would be able to create an Immortal body that will transcend the chaos .Listening to the benefits he would receive from cultivating it he decided to try it out and besides he had a rare Phoenix bloodline running in his vein so if quiet his bloodline resonating with the technique so he chose it.

Xu Feng was shocked by the fact that this body had the Phoenix bloodline and it was extremely pure. He first read the mantra before he started cultivating based on the scripture in his memory . After reading through the whole scripture he started cultivating . The first step to cultivation was to open a dantian world to store spiritual energy.Xu Feng had abolished the cultivation of the previous Xu Feng so he started from scratch. He slowly absorbed yuan-qi from the surrounding to create his dantian world according to the nirvanic Phoenix body scripture .He did not need any guidance from the Elders on how to cultivate as he hqd previously almost reached the peak of the cultivation world so the process went smoothly for him.He soon created a world within his dantian and a drop of liquified yuan-qi was drilled onto the surface of his dantian world. This was the first stage of the spirit cultivation realm.

Xu Feng did not stop at that and refined his body according to the body refinement technique . Impurities started oozing out of his skin pores. After cultivating for a day and night Xu Feng woke up from his cultivation before he stretched his body and went for a shower. He then left his manor for the enforcement grounds for his punishment. He found the two shadow guards waiting for him and left with them.' How can I address you two,'Xu Feng asked the two guards" Young master address us as number 13 end 14 ,"number 13 replied.Xu Feng went for his punishment as always but he intended to usethe whip strike to temper his soul .The foundation for martial artist was always appreciated with the spirit.

Since she sounded minutes a day's punishment the punishment was harsha then the previous once but he did not there to release any sound even after 50 week after another 10 more weeks he was on the verge of collapsing but he persisted end tried operating the near by Nick Phoenix technique to temper his soul. After the punishment his soul started showing some red specks. Although not visible but Xu Feng felt his body feeling lighter and he almost lost consciousness but he had to get back to his conferment room so he slowly stood up and walked to his home . One could see blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Well well well ,what do we have here? The famous young master of our Xu clan. What is wrong with you," someone appeared outside the law enforcement hall and blocked Xu Feng's path.Xu Feng recognised him as Xu Ning,his cousin. He did not even bother to look at him and only left him standing with a dazed expression with his friend. "Even a trash like you dares to ignore me . What do you take me for?" Xu Ning appeared before Xu Feng and stopped him again. 'Hahaha you're just a dog who only knows how to bark so you better behave yourself or else I'll deal with you after my punishment is over, now get out of my way ,'Xu Feng roared in anger and unintentionally leaked his killing Intent but immediately recalled it when he realised but in that simple moment his cousin was scared by hiss killing Intent that he subconciously took a step back.

Elsewhere in the Xu clan at the Patriach's manor....

"Wife do you think I was too harsh on him ?"Xu Qing asked is wife." I know that you mean well for him and you were just protecting him so Fenger will not be angry besides he seems to have changed a lot since that incident. Husband why don't you just let him go he has already learnt his lesson." lan Li said with a pleading tone." I think you are right I will let him free tomorrow but he should go back to the heavenly Sword sect,"Xu Qing said with the soft sigh before hugging his wife .Xu Feng did not know about the father's decision but even if he knew he would not care as he was now unconscious in his room . Number 14 had rescued him after he left the law enforcement hall and used his last bit of strength to repel an attack from his cousin and ended up fainting. Luckily 14 was there and took him to his room after he was injured so that he could recuperate and even used her spiritual qi to heal him.