
CHAPTER 2:800 years later

Eight hundred years later in a small domain of the lower realm in a secluded mountain of the Xu Clan, a boy of about 15 years of age was seen lying unconscious and a red Phoenix was floating around his body while trying to heal his internal injury." Who'd have thought that I would reincarnate in such a useless body.There is barely any bone that has not been broken in this body and his meridians are actually very weak that I have to use my last soul power in order to heal such a useless body.I wonder what I did wrong in my past life."The boy turned out to be Xu Feng who had just passed through the cycle of reincarnation and successfully reincarnated into the body of a boy that had a pitiful cultivation.What suprised him was that the owner of the body was also called Xu Feng and in this life he was the young master of the Xu clan.The owner of the body that Xu Feng reincarnated in had a conflict with his family members and had been killed hence Xu Feng could have easily taken over the body but he had to use the last ounce of his soul power in order to heal his newly found body.

After a week he had barely recovered and was no longer in any danger.Apart from that his soul power was depleted and he was able to finally feel that his new body was under his control so he tried to open his eyes.He tried moving his hands but found that he could not move his right hand as someone was holding them tightly. He tilted his head to take a look at the figure holding his hand and found an elderly woman of about thirty to forty years holding his hands. After merging with this new body he had absorbed the memories of the owner of this body so it was not strange that he felt his heart palpilating when looking at this figure."M....o.......m,'Xu Feng said with much difficulty.The woman was truly the mother of the previous 'Xu Feng'.She was known as Lan li and was from the Lin clan.

When she heard Xu Feng calling her,she quickly woke up and was suprised to see thqt the wounds on Xu Feng's body had all disappeared and he was smiling at her. She hurriedly checked if you was alright and could not help but gasp in amazement when she's saw that almost all his bones had recovered and was just in a weakened state .She could not help but hug her son out of joy as tears stained her cheeks."Ouch!mom you are hurting me,"Xu Feng said with a pained expression.'Oh am sorry.I was just overjoyed over the fact that you have recovered even though...,' his mother said and she wiped the tears that had stained her beautiful face

Xu Feng hardly ever experienced maternal care simce he was born and path was always filled with blood and cruelty that he never got to know about his real parents or about his birth .Everything was always a mystery to him so he could not help but feel warm inside when he saw someone who truly care for him.

His mother left for a while to get him a meal so that he could at least recover habit of his strength."After 800 years I am finally back to set things right again," Xu Feng said as a figure in purple robe appeared on his mind and he could not help but smile." I once promised to pick flowers for you at the yellow Springs hope you will wait for me ,Xu Feng said as a smile appeared on his face .He did not think about his cultivation for the time being as he knew that it would take a lot of time beside he saw that although he had recovered some parts of it Dantian had cracked and he had to repair them before he started cultivating again.

He decided to try and take a walk to familiarise himself with his new body but he felt that is body was too heavy and easily fell down but rose again and again .After a few trials he could easily walk around the room .His mother was obviously happy when she saw him taking a walk around the room." Son you should eat and then we will leave this place we have stayed away from the clan for a month so we should probably go back now. Your father has sent us a carriage," his mother said after bringing food to him. He did not say anything and only nodded his head. His Mother sighed before she left and went to pack her things.

Xu Feng's first was still pale he had not fully recovered although he knew that his soul power had healed him but there was still many injuries hidden on his body that could pose a threat to him in the future so he knew that he had to take things one at a time and heal himself completely before embarking on his cultivation journey as soon as possible .The carriage it arrived in no time and they both got into the carriage. Xu Feng kept observing the scenery along the way trying to memorize all the details along the way. The journey continues for the whole day and night before they arrived in the city after arriving at the city gate .Xu Feng closed the windows of the carriage before he laid his head on his mother's lap and close his eyes .His mother only carressed his hair with a smile on her face.Xu Feng had merged with the previous memories of Xu Feng so he knew what was awaiting him in the clan.He knew that after today be will be treading on thin ice so he chose to spend his time with his mother.