
Chapter 1.Xu Feng

A figure is seated on the throne of the Heavenly Palace while wearing a white robe. Is black hair swaying with the Wind has it surrounded with a noble aura.The heavenly bell rings out twice and soldiers wearing golden armour rush towards the palace and surrounds the white robed man." Your Highness it is wise for you to step down and welcome the new king the commander of the Soldiers Yang Jian said.' Impudence!How dare you? are you trying to rebel ?'the white robed man bed with an imposing aura but got no answer from his soldiers.

" Royal brother you don't have to call anymore, they won't hear you. It is either you pick your sword and fight or you should kill yourself as I might consider living in your body intact for the fact that we were once brothers,"A man in green clothes arrived inside and his voice was imposing and authoritative. You look more like a scholar who had long transcended the heavens and was at the peak and his every move filled with elegance and he spoke in a tone that no one dared to disobey.He was called Xu Ling and was the brother to Xu Feng,who is the current heavenly king.

Hahaha! I once traveled the world and dominated an era. I have long given up everything for my sword and have treaded down the path of no emotions but I know that I cannot completely servere my emotions. It seems like you have already taken that path and reachedthat realm before me.I am happy for you.I only have one regret left in this life but we were never meant to be.Jin Mi ,if we meet again I'll pick for you flowers at the yellow springs.Brother show me your true strength,'Xu Feng said as a sword appeared in his hands.A terrifying sword intent gushed out causing the soldiers to take a step back.He casually swung his sword and attacked his brother.

" as you wish brother should instead with a smile as he casually where did fun and instantly dispelled the oncoming soul strike sing this true friends word Intent and battle Intent rose as he flew into the air and attacked his brother.They both moved at a terrifying speed that the soldiers could not notice. After exchanging hundred moves, a figure retreated in a sorry state.Xu Feng's body was riddled with wounds and his left hand was gone but nonetheless his battle intent was still rising but he knew he had already lost.

Xu ling also retreated but he was in a much better state than Xu Feng and his aura showed no signs of diminishing.Xu Feng finally decided to unleash his killing move. A red image of phoenix appeared on his back as a fire lotus condensed in his palms. Just as he was about to launch his attack a phoenix cry was heard and his aurar started to diminish.His killing move slowly disintegrated .He turned around and saw a figure clad in purple robes and he could not help but smile has he raised his hand to carress the hair of beautiful lady in front of him.

" why ?why Jin Mi? I know that I have failed you and not worthy of your love but I am contented that you came.Xu Feng said before he spotted out mouth full of blood and then removed the sword that had stabbed him ."Brother Feng am I more beautiful than the sword ?"the lady asked as she looked at him as if hearing that he would not answer

' Silly ,of course you are more beautiful than the sword but we were not meant to be .Ruthless heavens will offers no smooth and flat path. In this hopeful mundane world I would like to get lost in my own madness .I regret that I could never make you smile if there is a next life I will accompany you to travel the world. Xu Feng said before he used the last bit of his strength and shattered his on core before closing his eyes with a smile as he fell into Jin Mi's arms.

The shattering of his own core means the death of every god .On this day, the once famous God of War of Heaven fell at the hands of his beloved and his brother .This news shocked the whole heavenly realm and those who loved this God of War were saddened by this news .Ever since then no one mentioned the name Xu Fenge in the Heavenly realm and his name became a taboo in the whole heavenly realm

His lover also disappeared from the Heavenly realm and his sword Excalibur was sealed by his brother.Xu Ling stabilized his position as the heavenly King and led the heavens but chose never to marry but after being forced by his officials he gave birth to a son with a maid and then raised the son as his heir.The child had good aptitude and talent.